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Releases: florinxfl/florin-core


18 Jul 12:26
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Change software licensing to LGPLv3.
RPC: New commands verifyproofoffunds, generateproofoffunds
UI: Add functionality to export transaction history
UI: Add a basic about dialog displaying licensing information


29 Nov 21:12
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CORE - Implement several important fixes to the (previously disabled) fast path of the "index based" portion of the coin cache, with these fixes in place we also turn the fast path on allowing for faster coin cache computations
RPC - Improve "getrawtransaction" output to also show a hash for index based outpoints when "txindex" is enabled
UI - Add ability co change currency display between Euro and other major currencies
UI - Add an optimise button/dialog to help optimise holding accounts
UI - Integrate with, allowing holders to link/unlink their accounts with from within the software
UI - Introduce a new peers tab to the debug dialog
UI - Improve the way wallet lock/unlock is handled
UI - Add a "max" button to the send dialog
UI - Add ability to delete accounts when they are empty
UI - Variety of other minor UI improvements


06 May 11:04
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Introduce arm64/M1 macOS builds
Add buy/sell functionality to header at top of app
Introduce ability to change the address a mining account pays rewards into
Introduce a "max" button to the send dialog, as well as automatic toggling to max when amount exceeds balance (subtract fee from amount in such instances)
Allow holding account compounding to be adjusted as a percentage instead of just on/off behaviour (e.g. compound 50% of reward pay out the rest)
Display a tooltip with more detailed balance when hovering mouse over wallet/account balances
Persist window size/position across app runs
Improve the way wallet unlock/lock is handled
Flag peers sending blocks with future timestamps for DoS so that rogue miners can't DoS the network as much as they have been doing


12 Mar 13:17
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CORE: Fix a crash when mining on macOS (caused by a change in memory management limits in latest electron)
UI: Fix transaction display of recent holding rewards
UI: Minor improvement to transaction list display


11 Mar 07:03
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UI: Introduce ability to create additional accounts
UI: Introduce "holding key" dialog to get key for holding via gdash cloud or other apps/services
UI: Introduce ability to override platform locale in settings
UI: Display approximate euro conversion value of account balances based on exchange/market value
UI: Various fixes/improvements to info/statistics display of holding accounts; most notably fix the "earnings" display to correctly display earnings
UI: Introduce an "activity indicator" that displays when backend is stuck in a long task instead of allowing UI to freeze
UI: Improve overall look/feel and consistency
UI: Fix/improve stability of loading screen and synchronisation, as well as general app stability
UI: Large quantity of small fixes/improvements
UI: Improve mining view
UI: Configurable decimal place display
UI: Show transactions for mining/holding accounts
UI: Improve send dialog behaviour for mining/holding accounts
RPC: Improve/correct verifyholdingaddress RPC behaviour
RPC: Enable RPC functionality for electron clients; needs to be turned on via florin.conf not enabled by default
RPC: Improve checkwalletagainstutxo and removeallorphans commands
RPC: Fix a bug in 'getwitnessinfo' RPC command when using ranges
CORE: Remove some lock contention in core library, this should lead to smoother performance in some instances


17 Jan 17:05
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Massively reduce transaction fees
Fix a crash when performing a reindex (e.g. if enabling -txindex in florin.conf)


21 Aug 21:19
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Introduce a discount on relay fees for transactions that contain mining/witness rewards


22 Jul 14:54
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CORE - Major load time performance increase on large wallets, especially on machines with slower disks
CORE - Fix an issue that was causing unnecessarily frequent flushing to disk; this should bring large performance improvements for machines with slow disks
CORE - Fix a sync issue that would sometimes cause new installs to get stuck when syncing the first few blocks
CORE - Apply some optimisations to ConnectBlock calls that should improve performance quite substantially on some machines
CORE/UI - Introduce a separate mining parameter for number of threads to use for "arena setup" when mining so that this can be set independently of "mining threads"
RPC - "setgenerate" gains an extra parameter for the above, all miners should be aware of this as previous setgenerate syntax may fail
RPC - Add "selected_shavite_implementation", "selected_echo_implementation" and "selected_argon_implementation" to "getmininginfo" output
RPC - Add arena setup time to "gethashps" output
CORE - Introduce some code that makes it easier for users that missed the fork to update with any manual intervention
CORE - Introduce some performance improvements to the code
CONSENSUS - Fix a rare issue with index based utxo getting corrupted (memory only, disk data remained valid)

Various other minor improvements from upstream codebase


30 Jun 21:54
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CONSENSUS: Improve holding account earning curve, activates at block 114000
UI: Fix an issue with debug menu sometimes being disabled on macOS
UI: Fix earnings calculation for holding accounts
CORE: Fix an issue that was leading to occasional client freezes and drop in hashrate as a result


19 May 16:31
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Official build v2.0.1