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Releases: moby/moby


29 May 17:27
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestone:

There is no corresponding docker/cli v23.0.12 release as no changes have been made since v23.0.10.


16 May 13:28
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fix a regression that prevented the use of DNS servers within a --internal network. moby/moby#47832
  • When the internal DNS server's own address is supplied as an external server address, ignore it to avoid unproductive recursion. moby/moby#47833

Packaging updates

  • Allow runc to kill containers when confined to the runc profile in AppArmor version 4.0.0 and later. moby/moby#47829


09 May 10:53
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fix issue where the CLI process would sometimes hang when a container failed to start. docker/cli#5062

Packaging updates


06 May 15:08
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestone:

There is no corresponding docker/cli v23.0.11 release as no changes have been made since v23.0.10.


30 Apr 16:03
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fix docker run -d printing an context canceled spurious error when OTEL is configured. docker/cli#5044
  • Experimental environment variable DOCKER_BRIDGE_PRESERVE_KERNEL_LL=1 will prevent the daemon from removing the kernel-assigned link local address on a Linux bridge. moby/moby#47775
  • Resolve an issue preventing container creation on hosts with a read-only /proc/sys/net filesystem. If IPv6 cannot be disabled on an interface due to this, either disable IPv6 by default on the host or ensure /proc/sys/net is read-write. Otherwise, start dockerd with DOCKER_ALLOW_IPV6_ON_IPV4_INTERFACE=1 to bypass the error. moby/moby#47769


The DOCKER_ALLOW_IPV6_ON_IPV4_INTERFACE is added as a temporary fix and will be phased out in a future major release after simplifying the IPv6 enablement process.

Packaging updates


22 Apr 21:11
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:


Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Native Windows containers are configured with an internal DNS server for container name resolution, and external DNS servers for other lookups. Not all resolvers, including nslookup, fall back to the external resolvers when they get a SERVFAIL answer from the internal server. So, the internal DNS server can now be configured to forward requests to the external resolvers, by setting "features": {"windows-dns-proxy": true } in the daemon.json file. moby/moby#47584


This will be the new default behavior in Docker Engine 27.0.


The windows-dns-proxy feature flag will be removed in a future release.

  • Swarm: Fix Subpath not being passed to the container config. moby/moby#47711
  • Classic builder: Fix cache miss on WORKDIR <directory>/ build step (directory with a trailing slash). moby/moby#47723
  • containerd image store: Fix docker images failing when any image in the store has unexpected target. moby/moby#47738


18 Apr 20:35
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:


This release contains a security fix for CVE-2024-32473, an unexpected configuration of IPv6 on IPv4-only interfaces.

Bug fixes and enhancements


11 Apr 14:54
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • Fix a regression that meant network interface specific --sysctl options prevented container startup. moby/moby#47646
  • Remove erroneous platform from image config OCI descriptor in docker save output. moby/moby#47694
  • containerd image store: OCI archives produced by docker save will now have a non-empty mediaType field in index.json moby/moby#47701
  • Fix a regression that prevented the internal resolver from forwarding requests from IPvlan L3 networks to external resolvers. moby/moby#47705
  • Prevent the use of external resolvers in IPvlan and Macvlan networks created with no parent interface specified. moby/moby#47705

Packaging updates


21 Mar 17:04
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:


20 Mar 19:03
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For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:


This release contains a security fix for CVE-2024-29018, a potential data exfiltration from 'internal' networks via authoritative DNS servers.


  • Add Subpath field to the VolumeOptions making it possible to mount a subpath of a volume. moby/moby#45687
  • Add volume-subpath support to the mount flag (--mount type=volume,...,volume-subpath=<subpath>). docker/cli#4331
  • Accept = separators and [ipv6] in compose files for docker stack deploy. docker/cli#4860
  • rootless: Add support for enabling host loopback by setting the DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_ROOTLESSKIT_DISABLE_HOST_LOOPBACK environment variable to false (defaults to true). This lets containers connect to the host by using IP address moby/moby#47352
  • containerd image store: docker image ls no longer creates duplicates entries for multi-platform images. moby/moby#45967
  • containerd image store: Send Prometheus metrics. moby/moby#47555

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • CVE-2024-29018: Do not forward requests to external DNS servers for a container that is only connected to an 'internal' network. Previously, requests were forwarded if the host's DNS server was running on a loopback address, like systemd's moby/moby#47589
  • Ensure that a generated MAC address is not restored when a container is restarted, but a configured MAC address is preserved. moby/moby#47233


Containers created using Docker Engine 25.0.0 may have duplicate MAC addresses, they must be re-created.
Containers created using version 25.0.0 or 25.0.1 with user-defined MAC addresses will get generated MAC addresses when they are started using 25.0.2. They must also be re-created.

  • Always attempt to enable IPv6 on a container's loopback interface, and only include IPv6 in /etc/hosts if successful. moby/moby#47062


By default, IPv6 will remain enabled on a container's loopback interface when the container is not connected to an IPv6-enabled network.
For example, containers that are only connected to an IPv4-only network now have the ::1 address on their loopback interface.

To disable IPv6 in a container,
use option --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 in the create or run command,
or the equivalent sysctls option in the service configuration section of a Compose file.

If IPv6 is not available in a container because it has been explicitly disabled for the container,
or the host's networking stack does not have IPv6 enabled (or for any other reason)
the container's /etc/hosts file will not include IPv6 entries.

  • Fix ADD Dockerfile instruction failing with lsetxattr <file>: operation not supported when unpacking archive with xattrs onto a filesystem that doesn't support them. moby/moby#47175
  • Fix docker container start failing when used with --checkpoint. moby/moby#47456
  • Restore IP connectivity between the host and containers on an internal bridge network. moby/moby#47356
  • Do not enforce new validation rules for existing swarm networks. moby/moby#47361
  • Restore DNS names for containers in the default "nat" network on Windows. moby/moby#47375
  • Print hint when invoking docker image ls with ambiguous argument. docker/cli#4849
  • Cleanup @docker_cli_[UUID] files on OpenBSD. docker/cli#4862
  • Add explicit deprecation notice message when using remote TCP connections without TLS. docker/cli#4928, moby/moby#47556
  • Use IPv6 nameservers from the host's resolv.conf as upstream resolvers for Docker Engine's internal DNS, rather than listing them in the container's resolv.conf. moby/moby#47512
  • containerd image store: Isolate images with different containerd namespaces when --userns-remap option is used. moby/moby#46786
  • containerd image store: Fix image pull not emitting Pulling fs layer status. moby/moby#47432


  • To preserve backwards compatibility, read-only mounts are not recursive by default when using older clients (API version < v1.44). moby/moby#47391
  • GET /images/{id}/json omits the Created field (previously it was 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z) if the Created field is missing from the image config. moby/moby#47451
  • Populate a missing Created field in GET /images/{id}/json with 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z for API version <= 1.43. moby/moby#47387
  • The is_automated field in the POST /images/search endpoint results is always false now. Consequently, searching for is-automated=true will yield no results, while is-automated=false will be a no-op. moby/moby#47465
  • Remove Container and ContainerConfig fields from the GET /images/{name}/json response. moby/moby#47430

Packaging updates


  • Remove Container and ContainerConfig fields from the GET /images/{name}/json response. moby/moby#47430
  • Deprecate the ability to accept remote TCP connections without TLS. Deprecation notice docker/cli#4928 moby/moby#47556.
  • Remove deprecated API versions (API < v1.24) moby/moby#47155
  • Disable pulling of deprecated image formats by default. These image formats are deprecated, and support will be removed in a future version. moby/moby#47459
  • image: remove deprecated IDFromDigest moby/moby#47198
  • Remove the deprecated package. moby/moby#47128
  • pkg/system: remove deprecated ErrNotSupportedOperatingSystem, IsOSSupported moby/moby#47129
  • pkg/homedir: remove deprecated Key() and GetShortcutString() moby/moby#47130
  • pkg/containerfs: remove deprecated ResolveScopedPath moby/moby#47131
  • The daemon flag --oom-score-adjust was deprecated in v24.0 and is now removed. moby/moby#46113
  • Remove deprecated aliases from the api/types package. These types were deprecated in v25.0.0, which provided temporary aliases. moby/moby#47148
    These aliases are now removed: types.Info, types.Commit, types.PluginsInfo, types.NetworkAddressPool, types.Runtime, types.SecurityOpt, types.KeyValue, types.DecodeSecurityOptions, types.CheckpointCreateOptions, types.CheckpointListOptions, types.CheckpointDeleteOptions, types.Checkpoint, types.ImageDeleteResponseItem, types.ImageSummary, types.ImageMetadata, types.ServiceUpdateResponse, types.ServiceCreateResponse, `types.Resize...
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