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cf Demos: Buffers

Buffers (demo/buffer-demo.js)

  • The demo file is pretty well commented.
  • This is all about creating a buffer out of a string and just messing with it
  • Demonstrate looping, getting char codes, changing chars
  • Demonstrate using the readUInt16LE functions from node to traverse and pull

##Buffers --buffers 3 names written in ASCII --fs.appendFile() creates a file in files directory --fs.appendFile() then adds entire array 'something' to the newly created file called loop.js --the file contents run the program for the 3 names into the code, converting them back into strings --fs.readFile() reads contents of file pair-programmin.txt --iterates through the read contents --puts entire contents between

tags --puts all section titles between

tags --puts all numbered section titles between

tags --puts all sentences in paragraphs in
  • tags

    ##Technologies used: --Node.js --npm --eslint --jest --fs --os

    ##Commands --After installing dependencies with ~$ npm i --run tests with ~$ npm test --run create-loop.js function ~$ node files/create-loop.js

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