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GitHub-Buttons for MooTools, jQuery and PHP

GitHubButtons is a fork of the famous github-buttons plugin using the original styles with a complete new javascript part based on MooTools/jQuery without the need of iframes. It's targeted on MooTools/jQuery/PHP-Users which are already using various framework related scripts on their pages. Demo Page



  • Stargazer Button
  • Follower Button
  • Watcher/Subscriber Button
  • Fork Button
  • Up-to-date counts using the GitHub v3 API via JSONP
  • Integrated client-side (jQuery, MooTools) and server-side (PHP) caching to avoid GitHub API rate limitation
  • Two sizes available (small/large)
  • Use it directly on your page without the security risk of iframes/cross domain issues!
  • Ultra lightweight (2kB JS + 6kB CSS)
  • Custom button text supported
  • You can set the "count" manually
  • jQuery as well as MooTools and PHP are supported by native code - use the framework/library of your choice

How to use

Just add the JS+CSS files to your page and use the following code to inject a button into a given container

MooTools Setup

<!-- Include GitHub-Buttons Styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Build/GitHubButtons.yui.css" />

<!-- Include MooTools Framework -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="Resources/mootools-core-1.5.0-full-nocompat-yc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Resources/mootools-more-1.5.0.yui.js"></script>

<!-- Include GitHub-Buttons -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="Build/GitHubButtons.yui.js"></script>
<div id="container1"></div>

MooTools Initialization

window.addEvent('domready', function(){
	// create a new button
	var btn = new GitHubButton({
		owner : 'AndiDittrich',
		repo : 'EnlighterJS',
		large : true,
		type : 'star',
		text : 'Starring:'

	// inject the button into the container (magic toElement() method is called by MooTools)'container1').grab(btn);		

jQuery Setup

<!-- Include GitHub-Buttons Styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Build/GitHubButtons.yui.css" />

<!-- Include jQuery Library Framework -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="Resources/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>

<!-- Include GitHub-Buttons -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="Source/GitHubButtons.jQuery.js"></script>
<div id="container1"></div>

jQuery Initialization

	// create first button into "container1"
		owner : 'AndiDittrich',
		repo : 'EnlighterJS',
		large : true,
		type : 'star',
		text : 'Starring:'

PHP Setup

// include GitHubButtons

// create new instance of GitHubButtons using current directory as cache
$ghb = new GitHubButtons(__DIR__);		

PHP Usage

// Stargazers
echo $ghb->button(array(
	'owner' => 'AndiDittrich',
	'repo' => 'EnlighterJS',
	'large' => true,
	'type' => 'star',
	'text' => 'Starring:'



A GitHubButton instance can be directly handled as an Element (implements the toElement() method)

Instance Style

var el = new GitHubButton(options);

Element Style;	


The jQuery part only supports the commonly used element-style-syntax

Element Style



Instance Style

// create new instance of GitHubButtons using current directory as cache
$ghb = new GitHubButtons(__DIR__);	

// create a new button
echo $ghb->button(options);	

Singleton Style

// initialize GitHubButtons singleton using current directory as cache

// create a new button


The following options can be passed to the constructor/function - used by the MooTools and jQuery verison

  • owner (String) - The owner of the GitHUb repository (required)
  • repo (String) - The repository to observe (not required for type:follower)
  • large (Boolean) - Display the large button version (default: false)
  • type (String) - The button type: star for stargazers, fork for forks, watch for watchers and *follow for follower (default: star)
  • text (String) - An optional button text to displa instead of the default one (default: null)
  • count (Boolean/Number - Enable/Disable (Boolean) the count or set it to a static value (Number) (default: true)
  • cache (Boolean) - Enable/Disable response caching (LocalStorage for Javascript, File-based for PHP)
  • cacheLifetime (Number) - The cache-lifetime in seconds (7200s -> 2hours default)
  • errorText (String) - Text to display as count if the GitHub API Request failed (default: "NA")



GitHub-Buttons for MooTools, jQuery and PHP is released under the Apache 2.0 License