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Clojars Project


Examinant is a lightweight library that wraps the RemoteWebDriver class from the Selenium Java API so that it can be used to run parallel tests against a remote testing service such as SauceLabs. Unlike clj-webdriver, very little attempt has been made to wrap the Java methods exposed by the API with Clojure functions. The remote support in that library doesn't expose the capabilities required to fully utilise remote testing services, though.

Examinant requires the use of clojure.test, but in an extremely uninstrusive way that means it can easily be used with Midje-based projects.


Add the dependency in the Clojars badge above to your project.clj.


Neither clojure.test nor Midje currently supports parallel testing. As Examinant runs tests in parallel in their own threads (using Clojure futures), remote tests cannot be split up using deftest or fact; they must all be executed as a single test; for that we use clojure.test, but Midje will happily execute that test for us when we run a lein midje.

(ns example.test
  (:import [org.openqa.selenium By WebElement]
           [org.openqa.selenium.remote RemoteWebDriver])
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
            [examinant.core :refer [remote-tests wait-until]]))

;; The url of the remote provider (with credentials)
(def url "")

;;Our browser specifications (using Sauce Labs platform names), as a vector of maps
(def browser-specs [{:browserName "chrome" :version "38" :platform "Windows 8.1"}
                    {:browserName "safari" :version "8" :platform "OS X 10.10"}
                    {:browserName "android" :version "4.4" :platform "LINUX"
                     :device-orientation "portrait" :deviceName "Google Nexus 7 HD Emulator"}
                    {:browserName "iPhone" :version "8.1" :platform "OS X 10.9"
                     :device-orientation "portrait"}])

;; Each test is just a function taking the RemoteWebDriver as an argument; 
;; note the use of the clojure.test/is macro
(defn google-logo
  "Checks whether the google logo has the correct title"
  [^RemoteWebDriver driver]
  (.get driver "")
  (let [^WebElement logo-div (.findElementById driver "hplogo")
        title (.getAttribute logo-div "title")]
    (is (= title "Google"))))

;; Add all the tests to a vector
(def tests [google-logo])

;; Run the tests in parallel against the remote provider using Examinant
(deftest remote-google-tests
  (remote-tests url browser-specs tests))

Examinant will output any failures in the usual clojure.test format, and will count and aggregate them too; the output may be a bit annoying to read because parallel tests may interleave their logging, but Examinant will include the capabilities that were in use in each test alongside the output.

Limitations & Improvements

  • Only tested with Sauce Labs; probably works with BrowserStack too.
  • Tests may dump all their output in an interleaved fashion; that's the price we pay for parallel test execution.
  • The remote-tests function should probably be refactored into something that can be used in a clojure.test use-fixtures or a Midje with-state-changes block, for more idiomatic test expression.


Copyright © 2014 Bright North Limited

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.