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Data Streaming module of the NavUP system


Peter Boxall - Linkedin

Claude Greeff - Linkedin

Hristian Vitrychenko - Linkedin

Ritesh Doolabh - Linkedin

Lucian Sargeant - Linkedin

Harris Leshaba - Linkedin


The data module concerns itself with two primary agents: the system server and the generic user access channel which can be 1 of 3 possibilities who all behave in the same way/support the same behaviour. The data module concerns itself primarily with the act of moving information between the two entities. The exact format of this and the exact specifics are not contained in this; rather, the messages and their formats and contents must be independent of the actual carriage medium.

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There are few fully open source data streaming technologies available. However, Apache Flink is a fully open source stream processing framework with a full DataStreaming API. Furthermore, Apache Flink can support a variety of origin languages for programs like Java,Python and can optimise the stream transfers. It also provides a high-throughput, lowlatency streaming engine as well as support for event-time processing and state management. Flink applications are fault-tolerant in the event of machine failure and support exactly-once semantics. It does not provide its own data store but comes with capacity to extend connectors into a variety of data stores.