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The PhpDebugToolbar (formerly known as Qos-Filter) is a tool, to help debugging and maintaining agavi applications. The little 100% javascript toolbar displays profiling information, which is necessary to find bottlenecks in the application.


Current features contain:

  • show a toolbar with memory usage, database usage and logging information
  • doctrine/propel database queries and query groups + count + time + memory
  • show sections (action+view) + db, memory usage and consumed time.
  • logging window with warning, error and debug messages
  • logging shows warnings and notices raised by php
  • logging integrates with agavi's logging system
  • stores the settings in a cookie
  • refreshs the log+actions+database popup as soon as the main page refreshs
  • shows whether an action was simple or not
  • theming can be done by using jquery ui css framework
  • remembers the position of the popups
  • shows code coverage information over multiple requests
  • can handle mysql_query-calls (if apd-extension is enabled)


  • add information about fragement cache
  • highlight slots on mouseover
  • expand/collapse sections


Put PhpDebugToolbar into the folder libs/PhpDebugToolbar (next to your agavi app folder). The folder looks like this then:



Now initialize the PhpDebugToolbar in your index.php file. Therefor edit pub/index.php and add (at the very beginning):

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/PhpDebugToolbar.class.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/extensions/DoctrineDatabaseToolbarExtension.class.php';
    'extensions' => array(
    'js_location' => '../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/pub/PhpDebugToolbar.js',
    'css_location' => '../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/pub/PhpDebugToolbar.css'

This example enables also the DoctrineDatabase Extension.

Embedding agavi

To work great with all of agavi's features, you need to adjust some files.

Edit app/config/factories.xml and add:

<ae:configuration environment="development.*">
    <execution_filter class="PhpDebugToolbarAgaviExecutionFilter" />

Edit app/config/autoload.xml and add:

<xi:include href="%core.app_dir%/../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/lib/agavi/autoload.xml" xpointer="xmlns(ae= xpointer(/ae:configurations/*)">

(You may need to add xmlns:xi="", if not available in your autoload, yet.)

If you are running agavi > 1.0.3, you need to apply this patch:

That's it.


The PhpDebugToolbar::start method takes an array with options as first argument.

Available options are:

Option: extensions[]

Add the possible PhpDebugToolbar extensions by name.

Example (enable Doctrine Database):

PhpDebugToolbar::start(array('extensions' => 'DoctrineDatabaseToolbarExtension'))

Option: js_location + css_location

Even though PhpDebugToolbar is able to directly render the entire js and css parts of the Toolbar with embedded javascript, you may want to load the files from external resources (for performance reasons!).

Just configure:

    'js_location' => '../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/pub/PhpDebugToolbar.js',
    'css_location' => '../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/pub/PhpDebugToolbar.css'

and PhpDebugToolbar will include <script-tags instead.

Option: log_strict_errors + log_deprecated_errors

By default PhpDebugToolbar also logs deprecated and strict errors. If you don't want to do so, disable this feature.

    'log_strict_errors' => false,
    'log_deprecated_errors' => false

Option: cookie

If you want to choose a custom cookie name to store the sessions (default is php_debug_toolbar), specify the cookie option.

    'cookie' => 'php_debug_toolbar'

Option: ui_css_location

If you want to load a custom theme (default is the cupertino theme), you can specify the theme url here.


    'ui_css_location' => ''

Enables the dark-hive theme.

Code Coverage

If you want to see what code is executed, you may use the code coverage feature by the PhpDebugToolbar. It requires the xdebug php extension to be installed.

Activate the CodeCoverageToolbarExtension by adding it to the extensions array as soon as you PhpDebugToolbar::start the toolbar.

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/extensions/CodeCoverageToolbarExtension.class.php';
    'extensions' => array(
    'code_coverage' => array(
        'password' => 'mymagicpassword',
        'filename' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../cache/code_coverage.txt',
        'include' => array(
            dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/',
            dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/models/',
            dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/modules/' 
        'exclude' => array(
            dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib/orm/',

This example will only start the code coverage if the password mymagicpassword´ was given. The folders lib, models, moduleswill be added to code coverage, butlib/orm` is excluded.

This feature works by checking if the file at $options['code_coverage']['filename'] exists. Thus it's created when you press the 'Start' button for the code coverage. It will be removed as soon as you press the 'Stop' button. While the code coverage is running, you may see the contents of the current code coverage session by pressing the 'Report' button.

This feature makes the page approx. 10 times slower and collects a lot of data, so you should only use that feature for testing and not on production nor while normal development.

Support for old mysql_query-method

If you have an old project with lots of mysql_query calls, you can use PhpDebugToolbar + apd extension (from to track the resource usage of your mysql_query calls.

Just add this before you do a call against mysql_query and it should work:

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libs/PhpDebugToolbar/extensions/ApdMysqlDatabaseToolbarExtension.class.php';
    'extensions' => array(


The PhpDebugToolbar (formerly known as Qos-Filter) was created by and with feedback from:


  • 1.6.1 (2016/08/02)
    • fixed typehint for AgaviMessage
  • 1.6.0 (2013/02/11)
    • allow multiple database connections and summarize the values
    • added agavi pdo database extension (requires PhpDebugToolbarPdoDatabaseConnection in databases.xml)
  • 1.5.0 (2012/04/26)
    • code coverage extensions
    • added tests folder with simple code coverage test
    • added support for tracking mysql_query-method (if apd-extension is installed!)
  • 1.4.0 (2011/05/09)
    • added support for multiple requests (can be filled with a call to #addRequest)
  • 1.3.0 (2011/01/04)
    • fixed issue with already initialized propel connection
    • fixed that sometimes loading the database query tab crashed
    • fixed that sometimes the overall db/memory/time sum was incorrect
    • display rows, time and memory in database tab
    • added rows, affected_rows, time and memory for db queries in propel
    • added rows, time and memory for doctrine statements
    • added # if query is executed multiple times
  • 1.2.0 (2010/11/18)
    • added propel database extension
  • 1.1.2 (2010/11/18)
    • fixed execution filter when cached actions get re-run
  • 1.1.1 (2010/10/21)
    • removed dependency to JSON.encode/decode, using JSON.stringify/parse now
    • fixed list style, in case of usage without a reset stylesheet
    • link+style tags are injected into the head, html validation passes now
  • 1.1.0 (2010/10/19)
    • remember the position of the popups
    • hiding the popup, even if closed with [x]
    • using the default-state-active instead of default-state-focus
    • merged action|time|memory into one button
    • fixed issue with prepared statements in doctrine
  • 1.0.0 (2010/10/13)
    • initial version


PhpDebugToolbar is licensed under the terms of MIT. See LICENSE for more information.