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Geoportal Server v 1.2.4 What's New

zguo edited this page Jul 8, 2013 · 4 revisions

Geoportal Server 1.2.4 adds the following major features and improvements (see Release Notes for full details):

  • Support for DCAT and with the capability to customize DCAT output through a configuration file, see Customize DCAT output
  • Geoportal Facets customization: Initial sample integration of Apache solr to enable faceting a catalog and distributing an index. See Geoportal Facets.
  • JSON response enhancements: including optimization of json response structure and added support for geojson
  • ATOM feeds harvesting: Support harvesting of ATOM feeds (1.0). See How to Publish Resources.
  • AGP-TO-AGP harvesting: Support harvesting from one Portal for ArcGIS instance to another Portal for ArcGIS instance through the Geoportal Server, see AGP-TO-AGP Harvesting with the Geoportal.
  • Portal for ArcGIS Integration: Add geoportal metadata editing capability for Portal for ArcGIS, AGP-TO-AGP harvesting, Conduct federated search within ArcGIS Portal instances, etc.
  • ScripRunner scheduled task: Geoportal's task scheduling framework now includes a simple task with endless uses: run a script on your webserver at a scheduled time. Export to WAF? Generate catalog statistics? etc.
  • Map Viewer enhancements: Upgrade default map viewer configuration with ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.3 and Geoportal FindData Widget.
  • Searching by dataset dates: Ability to search ISO-19115, 19115-2, and FGDC records by time period of the dataset content. See Indexing and Searching the Time Period of the Content.
  • Predefined filter on search page through URL: Enables passing search terms as a search filter in the URL, Users can narrow the search further by entering additional search text and specify more search criteria. See Url filter customization.
  • Improved robustness of harvest engine to improve harvesting efficiency and better handle network and database connection issues during harvesting

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