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FlooD's admin scriPt

latest version on github

quick guide:

  1. download a zip, extract, and move the FaP directory into <cs2d folder>/sys/lua.

  2. edit the admins file in notepad or something to make yourself a superadmin. example:

     12345	4	your_name	green

    the first entry is your usgn id, the second is your admin level, and the third and fourth are your @say name and color, respectively. separate the entries with tabs, not multiple spaces.

  3. admin levels description:

    • 1 and above have @say
    • 2 and above have @lock, @swap, @specall, @make<spec|t|ct>, and @whois
    • 3 and above have all rcon commands e.g. @kick, @banip, @equip, etc...
    • 4 has everything, including @userlist, @useradd, @userdel
  4. you can edit the admins file and restart the server to update the edits, or you can use the in-game system if you're a level 4 admin. the in-game system works like this:

    • @userlist
      • lists all the admins, online (in the server) and offline
    • @useradd [usgn],[level],[name],[color]
      • adds a new admin. if there is already an admin with the usgn, then that admin is modified.
    • @userdel [usgn]
      • deletes an admin

    all changes are immediately written to the admins file

  5. make server.lua something like:

     f_dir = "sys/lua/FaP/" --the location to all the lua files
     f_admfile = "sys/lua/FaP/admins"
  6. to see usgn names in @whois, run from the usdelist/ directory. you can run it periodically to keep the list updated.

     cd usdelist/

    note: the script is for use on linux servers. for windows users, right click [this] ( and save it as the usdelist.raw file in the usdelist/ directory. (make sure to select Save as type: All files (*.*))


  • server setting presets, files?
  • voting system for kicking players, changing map, restarting
  • password based login system for times when usgn is offline


  • email: vomitme at gggmail
  • xfire: apersonn