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wwmayer committed Mar 21, 2014
1 parent 72314b1 commit 1c9c0d2
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 30 deletions.
129 changes: 99 additions & 30 deletions src/Mod/TemplatePyMod/
@@ -1,32 +1,63 @@
# FreeCAD module provding base classes for document objects and view provider
# (c) 2011 Werner Mayer LGPL

import FreeCAD

class DocumentObject(object):
"""The Document object is the base class for all FreeCAD objects.
Example of use:
import FreeCAD
"""The Document object is the base class for all FreeCAD objects."""

myobj = doc.addObject("Mesh::FeaturePython","MyName")
myobj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkList","Layers","Base", "Layers")"""
def __init__(self):
#------------------------------Methods for the user to override :

def execute(self):
"this method is executed on object creation and whenever the document is recomputed"
raise Exception("Not yet implemented")
#def onChanged(self,prop):
# return None
#def __getattr__(self, attr):
# if hasattr(self.__object__,attr):
# return getattr(self.__object__,attr)
# else:
# return object.__getattribute__(self,attr)
def addProperty(self,type,name='',group='',doc='',attr=0,readonly=False,hidden=False):

def init(self):
#will be called just after object creation, you can use this for example to create properties
def propertyChanged(self,prop):
#will be called each time a property is changed

def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr !="__object__" and hasattr(self.__object__,attr):
return getattr(self.__object__,attr)
return object.__getattribute__(self,attr)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if attr !="__object__" and hasattr(self.__object__,attr):
def onChanged(self,prop):
if prop=="Proxy":
#recreate the functions in the __object__
d = self.__class__.__dict__
for key in d:
item = d[key]
#check if the function is valid
if hasattr(item, '__call__') and key!="onChanged" and key!="execute" and key!="init" and key[0]!="_":
#check if the function doesn't already exist in the object:
if not(hasattr(self.__object__,key)):
#add a link to the Proxy function in the __object__ :
self.addProperty("App::PropertyPythonObject", key, "", "",2)
FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning('!!! The function : "'+key+'" already exist in the object, cannot override. !!!\n')
#call the init function
if hasattr(self,'initialised'):
if self.initialised==False:
self.initialised = True
def addProperty(self,typ,name='',group='',doc='',attr=0,readonly=False,hidden=False):
"adds a new property to this object"
return self.__object__.addProperty(typ,name,group,doc,attr,readonly,hidden)
def supportedProperties(self):
"lists the property types supported by this object"
return self.__object__.supportedProperties()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,6 +143,9 @@ def OutList(self):
"lists the children of this object"
return self.__object__.OutList

class ViewProvider(object):
"""The ViewProvider is the counterpart of the DocumentObject in
the GUI space. It is only present when FreeCAD runs in GUI mode.
Expand All @@ -122,7 +156,7 @@ def __init__(self):
#def getIcon(self):
# return ""
#def claimChildren(self):
# return []
# return self.__vobject__.Object.OutList
#def setEdit(self,mode):
# return False
#def unsetEdit(self,mode):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,6 +228,13 @@ def getGroupOfProperty(self,attr):
def getDocumentationOfProperty(self,attr):
"returns the documentation string of a given property"
return self.__vobject__.getDocumentationOfProperty(attr)
def __setstate__(self,value):
"""allows to save custom attributes of this object as strings, so
they can be saved when saving the FreeCAD document"""
return None
def __getstate__(self):
"""reads values previously saved with __setstate__()"""
return None
def Annotation(self):
"returns the Annotation coin node of this object"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,18 +274,46 @@ def Object(self):
return self.__vobject__.Object

### Examples
#Example :
import Part

class Box(DocumentObject):
#type :
type = "Part::FeaturePython"

def init(self):
self.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Length","Box","Length of the box").Length=1.0
self.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Width","Box","Width of the box").Width=1.0
self.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Height","Box", "Height of the box").Height=1.0

def propertyChanged(self,prop):
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Box property changed : "+ prop+ "\n")
if prop == "Length" or prop == "Width" or prop == "Height":

class MyFeature(DocumentObject):
def execute(self):
print "Execute my feature"
def onChanged(self,prop):
print "Property %s has changed" % (prop)
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Recompute Python Box feature\n")

#---------------------------PUBLIC FUNCTIONS-------------------------------
#These functions will be present in the object
def customFunctionSetLength(self,attr):
self.Length = attr

#---------------------------PRIVATE FUNCTIONS------------------------------
#These function won't be present in the object (begin with '_')
def _privateFunctionExample(self,attr):
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("The lenght : "+str(attr)+"\n")

def _recomputeShape(self):
if hasattr(self,"Length") and hasattr(self,"Width") and hasattr(self,"Height"):
self.Shape = Part.makeBox(self.Length,self.Width,self.Height)

def testMethod():
import FreeCAD
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkList","Layers","Base", "Layers")
def makeBox():
box = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject(Box.type,"MyBox",Box(),None)

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