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Generalize DrawSketchHandlerGenConstraint::releaseButton
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AjinkyaDahale authored and wwmayer committed Jan 31, 2017
1 parent 99f93f3 commit 4ad41e1
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 142 deletions.
246 changes: 104 additions & 142 deletions src/Mod/Sketcher/Gui/CommandConstraints.cpp
Expand Up @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ void SketcherGui::makeTangentToEllipseviaNewPoint(const Sketcher::SketchObject*
const Part::Geometry *geom2,
int geoId1,
int geoId2
const Part::GeomEllipse *ellipse = static_cast<const Part::GeomEllipse *>(geom1);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,6 +394,7 @@ void SketcherGui::makeTangentToEllipseviaNewPoint(const Sketcher::SketchObject*

/// Makes a simple tangency constraint using extra point + tangent via point
/// geom1 => an arc of ellipse
/// geom2 => any of an arc of ellipse, a circle, or an arc (of circle)
Expand All @@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ void SketcherGui::makeTangentToArcOfEllipseviaNewPoint(const Sketcher::SketchObj
const Part::Geometry *geom2,
int geoId1,
int geoId2
const Part::GeomArcOfEllipse *aoe = static_cast<const Part::GeomArcOfEllipse *>(geom1);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -840,16 +841,15 @@ class DrawSketchHandlerGenConstraint: public DrawSketchHandler

virtual void activated(ViewProviderSketch *)
ongoingSequences = new std::set<int>(); //TODO: make it contain more values
_tempOnSequences = new std::set<int>();
selFilterGate = new GenericConstraintSelection(sketchgui->getObject());

// Estimate allowed selections from the first types in allowedSelTypes
int allowedSelTypes = 0;
for (std::vector< std::vector< SelType > >::const_iterator it = cmd->allowedSelSequences.begin();
it != cmd->allowedSelSequences.end(); ++it) {
allowedSelTypes = allowedSelTypes | *((*it).begin());
GenericConstraintSelection* selFilterGate = new GenericConstraintSelection(sketchgui->getObject());

selSeq = *(new std::vector<SelIdPair>());


setCursor(QPixmap(constraintCursor), 7, 7);
Expand All @@ -864,64 +864,109 @@ class DrawSketchHandlerGenConstraint: public DrawSketchHandler

virtual bool releaseButton(Base::Vector2d /*onSketchPos*/)
// Sketcher::SketchObject* Obj = static_cast<Sketcher::SketchObject*>(sketchgui->getObject());

// const std::vector< Sketcher::Constraint * > &vals = Obj->Constraints.getValues();

std::vector<SelIdPair> selSeq;
SelIdPair selIdPair;
selIdPair.GeoId = sketchgui->getPreselectCurve();
selIdPair.GeoId = Constraint::GeoUndef;
selIdPair.PosId = Sketcher::none;
cmd->applyConstraint(selSeq, 0); // TODO: replace arg 2 by ongoingToken
// if (CrvId != -1) {
// const Part::Geometry *geo = Obj->getGeometry(CrvId);
// if (geo->getTypeId() != Part::GeomLineSegment::getClassTypeId()) {
// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Impossible constraint"),
// QObject::tr("The selected edge is not a line segment"));
// return false;
// }

// // check if the edge has already a Horizontal or Vertical constraint
// for (std::vector< Sketcher::Constraint * >::const_iterator it= vals.begin();
// it != vals.end(); ++it) {
// if ((*it)->Type == Sketcher::Horizontal && (*it)->First == CrvId){
// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Double constraint"),
// QObject::tr("The selected edge has already a horizontal constraint!"));
// return false;
// }
// if ((*it)->Type == Sketcher::Vertical && (*it)->First == CrvId) {
// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Impossible constraint"),
// QObject::tr("The selected edge has already a vertical constraint!"));
// return false;
// }
// }

// // undo command open
// Gui::Command::openCommand("add horizontal constraint");
// // issue the actual commands to create the constraint
// Gui::Command::doCommand(Gui::Command::Doc,"App.ActiveDocument.%s.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Horizontal',%d)) ",
// sketchgui->getObject()->getNameInDocument(),CrvId);
// // finish the transaction and update
// Gui::Command::commitCommand();

// ParameterGrp::handle hGrp = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Sketcher");
// bool autoRecompute = hGrp->GetBool("AutoRecompute",false);

// if(autoRecompute)
// Gui::Command::updateActive();
// }
SelType newSelType;

//For each SelType allowed, check if button is released there and assign it to selIdPair
int VtId = sketchgui->getPreselectPoint();
int CrvId = sketchgui->getPreselectCurve();
int CrsId = sketchgui->getPreselectCross();
if (allowedSelTypes & SketcherGui::SelRoot && CrsId == 0) {
selIdPair.GeoId = Sketcher::GeoEnum::RtPnt;
selIdPair.PosId = Sketcher::start;
newSelType = SelRoot;
else if (allowedSelTypes & SketcherGui::SelVertex && VtId != -1) {
newSelType = SelVertex;
else if (allowedSelTypes & SketcherGui::SelEdge && CrvId != -1) {
selIdPair.GeoId = CrvId;
newSelType = SelEdge;
else if (allowedSelTypes & SketcherGui::SelHAxis && CrsId == 1) {
selIdPair.GeoId = Sketcher::GeoEnum::HAxis;
newSelType = SelHAxis;
else if (allowedSelTypes & SketcherGui::SelVAxis && CrsId == 2) {
selIdPair.GeoId = Sketcher::GeoEnum::VAxis;
newSelType = SelVAxis;
else if (allowedSelTypes & SketcherGui::SelExternalEdge) {
//TODO: Figure out how this works
newSelType = SelExternalEdge;

if (selIdPair.GeoId == Constraint::GeoUndef) {
// If mouse is released on "blank" space, start over
else {
// TODO: If mouse is released on something allowed, select it and move forward

allowedSelTypes = 0;
for (std::set<int>::iterator token = ongoingSequences->begin();
token != ongoingSequences->end(); ++token) {
if ((cmd->allowedSelSequences).at(*token).at(seqIndex) == newSelType) {
if (seqIndex == (cmd->allowedSelSequences).at(*token).size()-1) {
// TODO: One of the sequences is completed. Pass to cmd->applyConstraint
cmd->applyConstraint(selSeq, *token); // TODO: replace arg 2 by ongoingToken


return false;
allowedSelTypes = allowedSelTypes | (cmd->allowedSelSequences).at(*token).at(seqIndex+1);

// TODO: Progress to next seqIndex
std::swap(_tempOnSequences, ongoingSequences);

return false;

GenericConstraintSelection* selFilterGate;

const char** constraintCursor;
CmdSketcherConstraint* cmd;

std::vector<SelIdPair> selSeq;
int allowedSelTypes = 0;

/// indices of currently ongoing sequences in cmd->allowedSequences
std::set<int> ongoingTokens;
std::set<int> *ongoingSequences, *_tempOnSequences;
/// Index within the selection sequences active
int seqIndex;
unsigned int seqIndex;

void resetOngoingSequences() {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cmd->allowedSelSequences.size(); i++) {
seqIndex = 0;

// Estimate allowed selections from the first types in allowedSelTypes
allowedSelTypes = 0;
for (std::vector< std::vector< SelType > >::const_iterator it = cmd->allowedSelSequences.begin();
it != cmd->allowedSelSequences.end(); ++it) {
allowedSelTypes = allowedSelTypes | (*it).at(seqIndex);

void CmdSketcherConstraint::activated(int /*iMsg*/)
Expand All @@ -931,7 +976,7 @@ void CmdSketcherConstraint::activated(int /*iMsg*/)

// ======================================================================================
// ============================================================================

/* XPM */
static const char *cursor_createhoriconstraint[]={
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1079,83 +1124,6 @@ CmdSketcherConstrainHorizontal::CmdSketcherConstrainHorizontal()
constraintCursor = cursor_createhoriconstraint;

//void CmdSketcherConstrainHorizontal::activated(int /*iMsg*/)
// ActivateHandler(getActiveGuiDocument(), new DrawSketchHandlerGenConstraint(cursor_createhoriconstraint, this));

// // get the selection
// std::vector<Gui::SelectionObject> selection = getSelection().getSelectionEx();

// // only one sketch with its subelements are allowed to be selected
// if (selection.size() != 1) {
//// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Wrong selection"),
//// QObject::tr("Select an edge from the sketch."));
// return;
// }

// // get the needed lists and objects
// const std::vector<std::string> &SubNames = selection[0].getSubNames();
// Sketcher::SketchObject* Obj = static_cast<Sketcher::SketchObject*>(selection[0].getObject());
// const std::vector< Sketcher::Constraint * > &vals = Obj->Constraints.getValues();

// std::vector<int> ids;
// // go through the selected subelements
// for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it=SubNames.begin(); it != SubNames.end(); ++it) {
// // only handle edges
// if (it->size() > 4 && it->substr(0,4) == "Edge") {
// int GeoId = std::atoi(it->substr(4,4000).c_str()) - 1;

// const Part::Geometry *geo = Obj->getGeometry(GeoId);
// if (geo->getTypeId() != Part::GeomLineSegment::getClassTypeId()) {
// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Impossible constraint"),
// QObject::tr("The selected edge is not a line segment"));
// return;
// }

// // check if the edge has already a Horizontal or Vertical constraint
// for (std::vector< Sketcher::Constraint * >::const_iterator it= vals.begin();
// it != vals.end(); ++it) {
// if ((*it)->Type == Sketcher::Horizontal && (*it)->First == GeoId){
// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Double constraint"),
// QObject::tr("The selected edge has already a horizontal constraint!"));
// return;
// }
// if ((*it)->Type == Sketcher::Vertical && (*it)->First == GeoId) {
// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Impossible constraint"),
// QObject::tr("The selected edge has already a vertical constraint!"));
// return;
// }
// }
// ids.push_back(GeoId);
// }
// }

// if (ids.empty()) {
// QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Impossible constraint"),
// QObject::tr("The selected item(s) can't accept a horizontal constraint!"));
// return;
// }

// // undo command open
// openCommand("add horizontal constraint");
// for (std::vector<int>::iterator it=ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); it++) {
// // issue the actual commands to create the constraint
// doCommand(Doc,"App.ActiveDocument.%s.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Horizontal',%d)) "
// ,selection[0].getFeatName(),*it);
// }
// // finish the transaction and update
// commitCommand();

// ParameterGrp::handle hGrp = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Sketcher");
// bool autoRecompute = hGrp->GetBool("AutoRecompute",false);

// if(autoRecompute)
// Gui::Command::updateActive();

// // clear the selection (convenience)
// getSelection().clearSelection();

void CmdSketcherConstrainHorizontal::applyConstraint(std::vector<SelIdPair> &selSeq, int seqIndex)
switch (seqIndex) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1675,11 +1643,6 @@ void CmdSketcherConstrainLock::updateAction(int mode)

//bool CmdSketcherConstrainLock::isActive(void)
// return isCreateGeoActive( getActiveGuiDocument() );

// ======================================================================================

/* XPM */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1760,7 +1723,6 @@ class DrawSketchHandlerCoincident: public DrawSketchHandler
int GeoId_temp;
Sketcher::PointPos PosId_temp;

if (VtId != -1) {
ss << "Vertex" << VtId + 1;
Expand Down

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