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AddonManager: Better support of non-github addons
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yorikvanhavre committed Jul 12, 2019
1 parent ec00499 commit e5c823b
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Showing 2 changed files with 47 additions and 37 deletions.
55 changes: 32 additions & 23 deletions src/Mod/AddonManager/
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
import sys
import FreeCAD
import shutil
import re

# check for SSL support

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ def restartFreeCAD():

def getzipurl(baseurl):
def getZipUrl(baseurl):

"Returns the location of a zip file from a repo, if available"

Expand All @@ -246,45 +247,53 @@ def getzipurl(baseurl):
reponame = baseurl.strip("/").split("/")[-1]
return baseurl+"/-/archive/master/"+reponame+""
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getzipurl: Unknown git host:",url)
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getZipUrl: Unknown git host:",url)
return None

def getreadmeurl(baseurl):
def getReadmeUrl(url):

"Returns the location of a readme file"

url = getserver(baseurl).strip("/")
if url.endswith("") or url.endswith(""):
return baseurl+"/blob/master/"
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getreadmeurl: Unknown git host:",url)
return None
if ("github" in url) or ("framagit" in url):
return url+"/blob/master/"
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getReadmeUrl: Unknown git host:",url)
return None

def getreadmeregex(baseurl):
def getReadmeRegex(url):

"""Return a regex string that extracts the contents to be displayed in the description
panel of the Addon manager, from raw HTML data (the readme's html rendering usually)"""

url = getserver(baseurl).strip("/")
if url.endswith(""):
if ("github" in url):
return "<article.*?>(.*?)</article>"
elif url.endswith(""):
elif ("framagit" in url):
return None # the readme content on framagit is generated by javascript so unretrievable by urlopen
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getreadmeregex: Unknown git host:",url)
return None
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getReadmeRegex: Unknown git host:",url)
return None

def getdescregex(baseurl):
def getDescRegex(url):

"""Returns a regex string that extracts a WB description to be displayed in the description
panel of the Addon manager, if the README could not be found"""

url = getserver(baseurl).strip("/")
if url.endswith("") or url.endswith(""):

if ("github" in url):
return "<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"(.*?)\""
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getdescregex: Unknown git host:",url)
return None
elif ("framagit" in url):
return "<meta.*?content=\"(.*?)\".*?og\:description.*?>"
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getDescRegex: Unknown git host:",url)
return None

def getRepoUrl(text):

"finds an URL in a given piece of text extracted from github's HTML"

if ("github" in text) and ("href" in text):
return "" + re.findall("href=\"\/(.*?)\/tree",text)[0]
elif ("MOOC" in text):
# Bad hack for now... We need to do better
return ""
print("Debug: addonmanager_utilities.getRepoUrl: Unkable to find repo:",text)
return None
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions src/Mod/AddonManager/
Expand Up @@ -84,14 +84,15 @@ def run(self):
name = re.findall("title=\"(.*?) @",l)[0]
#url = re.findall("title=\"(.*?) @",l)[0]
url = "" + re.findall("href=\"\/(.*?)\/tree",l)[0]
addondir = moddir + os.sep + name
#print ("found:",name," at ",url)
if not os.path.exists(addondir):
state = 0
state = 1
url = utils.getRepoUrl(l)
if url:
addondir = moddir + os.sep + name
#print ("found:",name," at ",url)
if not os.path.exists(addondir):
state = 0
state = 1
# querying custom addons
customaddons = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Addons").GetString("CustomRepositories","").split("\n")
for url in customaddons:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ def run(self):
self.info_label.emit(translate("AddonsInstaller", "Retrieving info from") + ' ' + str(url))
desc = ""
# get the README if possible
readmeurl = utils.getreadmeurl(url)
readmeurl = utils.getReadmeUrl(url)
if not readmeurl:
print("Debug: README not found for",url)
u = utils.urlopen(readmeurl)
Expand All @@ -328,12 +329,12 @@ def run(self):
if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and isinstance(p, bytes):
p = p.decode("utf-8")
readmeregex = utils.getreadmeregex(url)
readmeregex = utils.getReadmeRegex(url)
if readmeregex:
readme = re.findall(readmeregex,p,flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
if readme:
desc += readme[0]
if not desc:
# fall back to the description text
u = utils.urlopen(url)
if not u:
Expand All @@ -344,11 +345,11 @@ def run(self):
if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and isinstance(p, bytes):
p = p.decode("utf-8")
descregex = utils.getdescregex(url)
descregex = utils.getDescRegex(url)
if descregex:
desc = re.findall(descregex,p)
if desc:
desc = desc[0]
desc = "<br/>"+desc[0]
if not desc:
desc = "Unable to retrieve addon description"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -676,7 +677,7 @@ def download(self,baseurl,clonedir):
zipurl = utils.getzipurl(baseurl)
zipurl = utils.getZipUrl(baseurl)
if not zipurl:
return translate("AddonsInstaller", "Error: Unable to locate zip from") + " " + baseurl
Expand Down

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