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TechDraw: SVG export refactoring - All XML modifications via DOM
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pavltom authored and WandererFan committed Jun 11, 2019
1 parent a1ac85b commit f4ca09f
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Showing 10 changed files with 622 additions and 173 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/Mod/TechDraw/App/CMakeLists.txt
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ include_directories(

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +100,8 @@ SET(Draw_SRCS

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +180,7 @@ endif(FREECAD_USE_PCH)

add_library(TechDraw SHARED ${TechDraw_SRCS} ${Draw_SRCS} ${TechDrawAlgos_SRCS}
${Geometry_SRCS} ${Python_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(TechDraw ${TechDrawLIBS};${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY};${TechDraw})
target_link_libraries(TechDraw ${TechDrawLIBS};${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY};${QT_QTXMLPATTERNS_LIBRARY};${TechDraw})

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245 changes: 114 additions & 131 deletions src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawSVGTemplate.cpp
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
#include <QFile>

#include <QXmlQuery>
#include <QXmlResultItems>
#include "QDomNodeModel.h"

#include <Base/Exception.h>
#include <Base/Console.h>
#include <Base/Interpreter.h>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,18 +129,18 @@ void DrawSVGTemplate::onChanged(const App::Property* prop)

App::DocumentObjectExecReturn * DrawSVGTemplate::execute(void)
std::string templValue = Template.getValue();
if (templValue.empty())
std::string templateFilename = Template.getValue();
if (templateFilename.empty())
return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn;

Base::FileInfo fi(templValue);
Base::FileInfo fi(templateFilename);
if (!fi.isReadable()) {
// non-empty template value, but can't read file
// if there is a old absolute template file set use a redirect
fi.setFile(App::Application::getResourceDir() + "Mod/Drawing/Templates/" + fi.fileName());
// try the redirect
if (!fi.isReadable()) {
Base::Console().Log("DrawPage::execute() not able to open %s!\n",Template.getValue());
Base::Console().Log("DrawPage::execute() not able to open %s!\n", Template.getValue());
std::string error = std::string("Cannot open file ") + Template.getValue();
return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(error);
Expand All @@ -145,99 +149,81 @@ App::DocumentObjectExecReturn * DrawSVGTemplate::execute(void)
if (std::string(PageResult.getValue()).empty()) //first time through?

// open Template file
string line;
ifstream inTemplate (fi.filePath().c_str());
QFile templateFile(QString::fromUtf8(fi.filePath().c_str()));
if (! {
Base::Console().Log("DrawPage::execute() can't read template %s!\n", Template.getValue());
std::string error = std::string("Cannot read file ") + Template.getValue();
return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(error);

QDomDocument templateDocument;
if (!templateDocument.setContent(&templateFile)) {
Base::Console().Message("DrawPage::execute() - failed to parse file: %s\n",
std::string error = std::string("Cannot parse file ") + Template.getValue();
return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(error);

QXmlQuery query(QXmlQuery::XQuery10);
QDomNodeModel model(query.namePool(), templateDocument);

ostringstream copyTemplate;
string tempendl = "--endOfLine--";
// XPath query to select all <tspan> nodes whose <text> parent
// has "freecad:editable" attribute
"declare default element namespace \"" SVG_NS_URI "\"; "
"declare namespace freecad=\"" FREECAD_SVG_NS_URI "\"; "

//inTemplate to copyTemplate
//remove DrawingContent comment line
//change line endings
//capture TitleBlock dimensions
while (getline(inTemplate,line))
QXmlResultItems queryResult;

std::map<std::string, std::string> substitutions = EditableTexts.getValues();
while (!
// copy every line except the DrawingContent comment?
if(line.find("<!-- DrawingContent -->") == string::npos) {
// if not - write through
copyTemplate << line << tempendl;
QDomElement tspanTempl = model.toDomNode(queryResult.current().toNodeModelIndex()).toElement();

//double t0, t1,t2,t3;
float t0, t1,t2,t3;
if(line.find("<!-- Title block") != std::string::npos) {
(void) sscanf(line.c_str(), "%*s %*s %*s %f %f %f %f", &t0, &t1, &t2, &t3); //eg " <!-- Working space 10 10 410 287 -->"
//coverity 151677
blockDimensions = QRectF(t0, t1, t2 - t0, t3 - t1);
// Replace the editable text spans with new nodes holding actual values
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator item =
if (item != substitutions.end()) {
QDomElement tspanActual = templateDocument.createElement(QString::fromUtf8("tspan"));


string outfragment(copyTemplate.str());
std::string newfragment = outfragment;

// update EditableText SVG clauses with Property values
std::map<std::string, std::string> subs = EditableTexts.getValues();

if (subs.size() > 0) {
boost::regex e1 ("<text.*?freecad:editable=\"(.*?)\".*?<tspan.*?>(.*?)</tspan>");
string::const_iterator begin, end;
begin = outfragment.begin();
end = outfragment.end();
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;

// Find editable texts
while (boost::regex_search(begin, end, what, e1)) { //search in outfragment
// if we have a replacement value for the text we've found
if (subs.count(what[1].str())) {
// change it to specified value
boost::regex e2 ("(<text.*?freecad:editable=\"" + what[1].str() + "\".*?<tspan.*?)>(.*?)(</tspan>)");
newfragment = boost::regex_replace(newfragment, e2, "$1>" + subs[what[1].str()] + "$3"); //replace in newfragment
begin = what[0].second;
// Keep all spaces in the text node
tspanActual.setAttribute(QString::fromUtf8("xml:space"), QString::fromUtf8("preserve"));

tspanTempl.parentNode().replaceChild(tspanActual, tspanTempl);

// restoring linebreaks and saving the file
boost::regex e3 ("--endOfLine--");
string fmt = "\\n";
outfragment = boost::regex_replace(newfragment, e3, fmt);

const QString qsOut = QString::fromStdString(outfragment);
QDomDocument doc(QString::fromLatin1("mydocument"));

//if (!doc.setContent(&resultFile)) {
if (!doc.setContent(qsOut)) {
//setError(); //???? how/when does this get reset?
std::string errMsg = std::string("Invalid SVG syntax in ") + getNameInDocument() + std::string(" - Check EditableTexts");
return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(errMsg);
} else {
// make a temp file for FileIncluded Property
string tempName = PageResult.getExchangeTempFile();
ofstream outfinal(tempName.c_str());
outfinal << outfragment;
string pageResultFilename = PageResult.getExchangeTempFile();
QFile pageResult(QString::fromUtf8(pageResultFilename.c_str()));
if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
QTextStream stream(&pageResult);
stream << templateDocument.toString();
else {
Base::Console().Message("DrawPage::execute() - failed to open file for writing: %s\n",

// Calculate the dimensions of the page and store for retrieval
// Parse the document XML
QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();

// Obtain the size of the SVG document by reading the document attributes
QDomElement docElement = templateDocument.documentElement();
Base::Quantity quantity;

// Obtain the width
QString str = docElem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("width"));
QString str = docElement.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("width"));
quantity = Base::Quantity::parse(str);


str = docElem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("height"));
str = docElement.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("height"));
quantity = Base::Quantity::parse(str);

Expand All @@ -250,14 +236,6 @@ App::DocumentObjectExecReturn * DrawSVGTemplate::execute(void)
return TechDraw::DrawTemplate::execute();

void DrawSVGTemplate::getBlockDimensions(double &x, double &y, double &width, double &height) const
x = blockDimensions.left();
y = blockDimensions.bottom();
width = blockDimensions.width();
height = blockDimensions.height();

double DrawSVGTemplate::getWidth() const
return Width.getValue();
Expand All @@ -268,58 +246,63 @@ double DrawSVGTemplate::getHeight() const
return Height.getValue();

std::map<std::string, std::string> DrawSVGTemplate::getEditableTextsFromTemplate()
std::map<std::string, std::string> eds;
std::map<std::string, std::string> editables;

std::string temp = Template.getValue();
if (!temp.empty()) {
Base::FileInfo tfi(temp);
std::string templateFilename = Template.getValue();
if (templateFilename.empty()) {
return editables;

Base::FileInfo tfi(templateFilename);
if (!tfi.isReadable()) {
// if there is a old absolute template file set use a redirect
tfi.setFile(App::Application::getResourceDir() + "Mod/Drawing/Templates/" + tfi.fileName());
// try the redirect
if (!tfi.isReadable()) {
// if there is a old absolute template file set use a redirect
tfi.setFile(App::Application::getResourceDir() + "Mod/Drawing/Templates/" + tfi.fileName());
// try the redirect
if (!tfi.isReadable()) {
return eds;
string tline, tfrag;
ifstream tfile (tfi.filePath().c_str());
while (getline (tfile,tline)) {
tfrag += tline;
tfrag += "--endOfLine--";
//this catches all the tags: <text ... </tspan></text>
//keep tagRegex in sync with Gui/QGISVGTemplate.cpp
boost::regex tagRegex ("<text([^>]*freecad:editable=[^>]*)>[^<]*<tspan[^>]*>([^<]*)</tspan>");
boost::regex nameRegex("freecad:editable=\"(.*?)\"");
boost::regex valueRegex("<tspan.*?>(.*?)</tspan>");

string::const_iterator tbegin, tend;
tbegin = tfrag.begin();
tend = tfrag.end();
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> tagMatch;
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> nameMatch;
boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> valueMatch;
while (boost::regex_search(tbegin, tend, tagMatch, tagRegex)) {
if ( boost::regex_search(tagMatch[0].first, tagMatch[0].second, nameMatch, nameRegex) &&
boost::regex_search(tagMatch[0].first, tagMatch[0].second, valueMatch, valueRegex)) {
//found valid name/value pair
string name = nameMatch[1];
string value = valueMatch[1];
if (eds.count(name) > 0) {
//TODO: Throw or [better] change key
qDebug() << "Got duplicate value for key "<<name.c_str();
} else {
eds[name] = value;
tbegin = tagMatch[0].second;
Base::Console().Log("DrawPage::getEditableTextsFromTemplate() not able to open %s!\n", Template.getValue());
return editables;
return eds;

QFile templateFile(QString::fromUtf8(tfi.filePath().c_str()));
if (! {
Base::Console().Log("DrawPage::getEditableTextsFromTemplate() can't read template %s!\n", Template.getValue());
return editables;

QDomDocument templateDocument;
if (!templateDocument.setContent(&templateFile)) {
Base::Console().Message("DrawPage::getEditableTextsFromTemplate() - failed to parse file: %s\n",
return editables;

QXmlQuery query(QXmlQuery::XQuery10);
QDomNodeModel model(query.namePool(), templateDocument, true);

// XPath query to select all <tspan> nodes whose <text> parent
// has "freecad:editable" attribute
"declare default element namespace \"" SVG_NS_URI "\"; "
"declare namespace freecad=\"" FREECAD_SVG_NS_URI "\"; "

QXmlResultItems queryResult;

while (!
QDomElement tspan = model.toDomNode(queryResult.current().toNodeModelIndex()).toElement();

// Takeover the names stored as attributes and the values stored as text items
.toStdString()] = tspan.firstChild().nodeValue().toStdString();

return editables;

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawSVGTemplate.h
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
#include <QRectF>
#include "DrawTemplate.h"

#define SVG_NS_URI ""

namespace TechDraw

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +64,6 @@ class TechDrawExport DrawSVGTemplate: public TechDraw::DrawTemplate

double getWidth() const;
double getHeight() const;
void getBlockDimensions(double &x, double &y, double &width, double &height) const;

void onChanged(const App::Property* prop);
Expand All @@ -71,8 +73,6 @@ class TechDrawExport DrawSVGTemplate: public TechDraw::DrawTemplate
* Also populates editableSvgIds
std::map<std::string, std::string> getEditableTextsFromTemplate();

QRectF blockDimensions;

typedef App::FeaturePythonT<DrawSVGTemplate> DrawSVGTemplatePython;
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawTemplate.cpp
Expand Up @@ -126,11 +126,6 @@ App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *DrawTemplate::execute(void)
return App::DocumentObject::execute();

void DrawTemplate::getBlockDimensions(double & /*x*/, double & /*y*/, double & /*width*/, double & /*height*/) const
throw Base::NotImplementedError("implement in virtual function");

DrawPage* DrawTemplate::getParentPage() const
TechDraw::DrawPage* page = nullptr;
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawTemplate.h
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class TechDrawExport DrawTemplate : public App::DocumentObject
/// Returns template height in mm
virtual double getHeight() const;

virtual void getBlockDimensions(double &x, double &y, double &width, double &height) const;
virtual DrawPage* getParentPage() const;

/** @name methods override Feature */
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