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Arch/TD: Added Coin mode to TD arch views
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yorikvanhavre committed Aug 21, 2019
1 parent 2a92051 commit f93a986
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Showing 3 changed files with 264 additions and 12 deletions.
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/Mod/Arch/
Expand Up @@ -368,11 +368,16 @@ def onChanged(self,obj,prop):

ArchIFC.IfcProduct.onChanged(self, obj, prop)

if prop == "Height":
# clean svg cache if needed
if prop in ["Placement","Group"]:
self.svgcache = None
self.shapecache = None

if (prop == "Height") and prop.Height.Value:
for child in obj.Group:
if Draft.getType(child) in ["Wall","Structure"]:
if not child.Height.Value:
#print("Executing ",child.Label)
print("Executing ",child.Label)

elif prop == "Placement":
Expand All @@ -398,9 +403,10 @@ def onChanged(self,obj,prop):
#print("angle before rotation:",shape.Placement.Rotation.Angle)
#print("rotation angle:",math.degrees(deltar.Angle))
shape.rotate(DraftVecUtils.tup(obj.Placement.Base), DraftVecUtils.tup(deltar.Axis), math.degrees(deltar.Angle))
#print("angle after rotation:",shape.Placement.Rotation.Angle)
print("angle after rotation:",shape.Placement.Rotation.Angle)
child.Placement = shape.Placement
if deltap:
print("moving child")

def execute(self,obj):
Expand Down
259 changes: 252 additions & 7 deletions src/Mod/Arch/
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,16 @@
#* *

import FreeCAD,WorkingPlane,math,Draft,ArchCommands,DraftVecUtils,ArchComponent
import FreeCAD
import WorkingPlane
import math
import Draft
import ArchCommands
import DraftVecUtils
import ArchComponent
import os
import re
import tempfile
from FreeCAD import Vector
if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
import FreeCADGui
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,6 +104,7 @@ def makeSectionView(section,name="View"):
view.Label = translate("Arch","View of")+" "+section.Name
return view

def getSectionData(source):

"""Returns some common data from section planes and building parts"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,6 +135,8 @@ def getSectionData(source):

def looksLikeDraft(o):

"""Does this object look like a Draft shape? (flat, no solid, etc)"""

# If there is no shape at all ignore it
if not hasattr(o, 'Shape') or o.Shape.isNull():
Expand All @@ -136,7 +148,13 @@ def looksLikeDraft(o):
# If we have a shape, but no volume, it looks like a flat 2D object
return o.Shape.Volume < 0.0000001 # add a little tolerance...

def getCutShapes(objs,cutplane,onlySolids,clip,joinArch,showHidden,groupSshapesByObject=False):

returns a list of shapes (visible, hidden, cut lines...)
obtained from performing a series of booleans against the given cut plane

import Part,DraftGeomUtils
shapes = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,7 +245,10 @@ def getCutShapes(objs,cutplane,onlySolids,clip,joinArch,showHidden,groupSshapesB
return shapes,hshapes,sshapes,cutface,cutvolume,invcutvolume

def getFillForObject(o, defaultFill, source):

"""returns a color tuple from an object's material"""

if hasattr(source, 'UseMaterialColorForFill') and source.UseMaterialColorForFill:
material = None
Expand All @@ -240,6 +261,26 @@ def getFillForObject(o, defaultFill, source):
return material.Color
return defaultFill

def isOriented(obj,plane):

"""determines if an annotation is facing the cutplane or not"""

norm1 = plane.normalAt(0,0)
if hasattr(obj,"Placement"):
norm2 = obj.Placement.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1))
elif hasattr(obj,"Normal"):
norm2 = obj.Normal
if norm2.Length < 0.01:
return True
return True
a = norm1.getAngle(norm2)
if (a < 0.01) or (abs(a-math.pi) < 0.01):
return True
return False

def getSVG(source,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,8 +325,9 @@ def getSVG(source,
for o in objs:
if Draft.getType(o) == "Space":
elif Draft.getType(o) in ["Dimension","Annotation","Label"]:
elif Draft.getType(o) in ["Dimension","Annotation","Label","DraftText"]:
if isOriented(o,cutplane):
elif o.isDerivedFrom("Part::Part2DObject"):
elif looksLikeDraft(o):
Expand All @@ -298,7 +340,11 @@ def getSVG(source,

archUserParameters = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Arch")
scaledLineWidth = linewidth/scale
svgLineWidth = str(scaledLineWidth) + 'px'
if renderMode in ["Coin",2]:
# don't scale linewidths in coin mode
svgLineWidth = str(linewidth) + 'px'
svgLineWidth = str(scaledLineWidth) + 'px'
if cutlinewidth:
scaledCutLineWidth = cutlinewidth/scale
svgCutLineWidth = str(scaledCutLineWidth) + 'px'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,7 +397,17 @@ def getSVG(source,
source.Proxy.shapecache = [vshapes,hshapes,sshapes,cutface,cutvolume,invcutvolume,objectSshapes]

# generating SVG
if renderMode in ["Solid",1]:
if renderMode in ["Coin",2]:
# render using a coin viewer
if hasattr(source.ViewObject,"ViewData") and source.ViewObject.ViewData:
cameradata = getCameraData(source.ViewObject.ViewData)
cameradata = None
if not svgcache:
svgcache = getCoinSVG(cutplane,objs,cameradata,linewidth="SVGLINEWIDTH")
if hasattr(source,"Proxy"):
source.Proxy.svgcache = [svgcache,renderMode,showHidden,showFill,fillSpaces,joinArch]
elif renderMode in ["Solid",1]:
if not svgcache:
svgcache = ''
# render using the Arch Vector Renderer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,7 +439,7 @@ def getSVG(source,
if hasattr(source,"Proxy"):
source.Proxy.svgcache = [svgcache,renderMode,showHidden,showFill,fillSpaces,joinArch]

# Wireframe (0) mode
if not svgcache:
svgcache = ""
# render using the Drawing module
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,7 +551,8 @@ def getSVG(source,

def getDXF(obj):

"returns a DXF representation from a TechDraw/Drawing view"
"""returns a DXF representation from a TechDraw/Drawing view"""

allOn = True
if hasattr(obj,"AllOn"):
allOn = obj.AllOn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,6 +588,194 @@ def getDXF(obj):
return result

def getCameraData(floatlist):

"""reconstructs a valid camera data string from stored values"""

c = ""
if len(floatlist) >= 12:
d = floatlist
camtype = "orthographic"
if len(floatlist) == 13:
if d[12] == 1:
camtype = "perspective"
if camtype == "orthographic":
c = "#Inventor V2.1 ascii\n\n\nOrthographicCamera {\n viewportMapping ADJUST_CAMERA\n "
c = "#Inventor V2.1 ascii\n\n\nPerspectiveCamera {\n viewportMapping ADJUST_CAMERA\n "
c += "position " + str(d[0]) + " " + str(d[1]) + " " + str(d[2]) + "\n "
c += "orientation " + str(d[3]) + " " + str(d[4]) + " " + str(d[5]) + " " + str(d[6]) + "\n "
c += "aspectRatio " + str(d[9]) + "\n "
c += "focalDistance " + str(d[10]) + "\n "
if camtype == "orthographic":
c += "height " + str(d[11]) + "\n\n}\n"
c += "heightAngle " + str(d[11]) + "\n\n}\n"
return c

def getCoinSVG(cutplane,objs,cameradata=None,linewidth=0.2,singleface=False):

"""Returns an SVG fragment generated from a coin view"""

if not FreeCAD.GuiUp:
return ""

# a name to save a temp file
svgfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".svg")[1]

# set object lighting to single face to get black fills
# but this creates artifacts in svg output, triangulation gets visible...
ldict = {}
if singleface:
for objs in objs:
if hasattr(obj,"ViewObject") and hasattr(obj.ViewObject,"Lighting"):
ldict[obj.Name] = obj.ViewObject.Lighting
obj.ViewObject.Lighting = "One side"

# get nodes to render
rn = coin.SoSeparator()
boundbox = FreeCAD.BoundBox()
for obj in objs:
if hasattr(obj.ViewObject,"RootNode") and obj.ViewObject.RootNode:
ncopy = obj.ViewObject.RootNode.copy()
if hasattr(obj,"Shape") and hasattr(obj.Shape,"BoundBox"):

# reset lighting of objects
if ldict:
for obj in objs:
if obj.Name in ldict:
obj.ViewObject.Lighting = ldict[obj.Name]

# create viewer
v = FreeCADGui.createViewer()

vv = v.getViewer()

# set clip plane
clip = coin.SoClipPlane()
norm = cutplane.normalAt(0,0).negative()
proj = DraftVecUtils.project(cutplane.CenterOfMass,norm)
dist = proj.Length
if proj.getAngle(norm) > 1:
dist = -dist
clip.on = True
plane = coin.SbPlane(coin.SbVec3f(norm.x,norm.y,norm.z),dist) #dir, position on dir

# add white marker at scene bound box corner
markervec = FreeCAD.Vector(10,10,10)
a = cutplane.normalAt(0,0).getAngle(markervec)
if (a < 0.01) or (abs(a-math.pi) < 0.01):
markervec = FreeCAD.Vector(10,-10,10)
boundbox.enlarge(10) # so the marker don't overlap the objects
sep = coin.SoSeparator()
mat = coin.SoMaterial()
coords = coin.SoCoordinate3()
lset = coin.SoIndexedLineSet()

# set scenegraph

# set camera
if cameradata:
#rot = FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1),cutplane.normalAt(0,0))
vx = cutplane.Placement.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0))
vy = cutplane.Placement.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(0,1,0))
vz = cutplane.Placement.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1))
rot = FreeCAD.Rotation(vx,vy,vz,"ZXY")
# this is needed to set correct focal depth, otherwise saving doesnt work properly

# save view
#print("saving to",svgfile)
v.saveVectorGraphic(svgfile,1) # number is pixel size

# set linewidth placeholder
f = open(svgfile,"r")
svg =
svg = svg.replace("stroke-width:1.0;","stroke-width:"+str(linewidth)+";")
svg = svg.replace("stroke-width=\"1px","stroke-width=\""+str(linewidth))

# find marker and calculate scale factor and translation
# <line x1="284.986" y1="356.166" x2="285.038" y2="356.166" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="1px" />
factor = None
trans = None
import WorkingPlane
wp = WorkingPlane.plane()
p = wp.getLocalCoords(markervec)
orlength = FreeCAD.Vector(p.x,p.y,0).Length
marker = re.findall("<line x1=.*?stroke=\"\#ffffff\".*?\/>",svg)
if marker:
marker = marker[0].split("\"")
x1 = float(marker[1])
y1 = float(marker[3])
x2 = float(marker[5])
y2 = float(marker[7])
p1 = FreeCAD.Vector(x1,y1,0)
p2 = FreeCAD.Vector(x2,y2,0)
factor = orlength/p2.sub(p1).Length
if factor:
orig = wp.getLocalCoords(FreeCAD.Vector(boundbox.XMin,boundbox.YMin,boundbox.ZMin))
orig = FreeCAD.Vector(orig.x,-orig.y,0)
scaledp1 = FreeCAD.Vector(p1.x*factor,p1.y*factor,0)
trans = orig.sub(scaledp1)
# remove marker
svg = re.sub("<line x1=.*?stroke=\"\#ffffff\".*?\/>","",svg,count=1)

# remove background rectangle
svg = re.sub("<path.*?>","",svg,count=1,flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)

# embed everything in a scale group and scale the viewport
if factor:
if trans:
svg = svg.replace("<g>","<g transform=\"translate("+str(trans.x)+" "+str(trans.y)+") scale("+str(factor)+","+str(factor)+")\">\n<g>",1)
svg = svg.replace("<g>","<g transform=\"scale("+str(factor)+","+str(factor)+")\">\n<g>",1)
svg = svg.replace("</svg>","</g>\n</svg>")

# trigger viewer close

# strip svg tags (needed for TD Arch view)
svg = re.sub("<\?xml.*?>","",svg,flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
svg = re.sub("<svg.*?>","",svg,flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
svg = re.sub("<\/svg>","",svg,flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)

return svg

def closeViewer():

"""Close temporary viewers"""

mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()
for sw in mw.findChildren(QtGui.QMdiSubWindow):
if sw.windowTitle() == "TempRenderViewer":

class _CommandSectionPlane:

"the Arch SectionPlane command definition"
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewArch.cpp
Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ using namespace std;
PROPERTY_SOURCE(TechDraw::DrawViewArch, TechDraw::DrawViewSymbol)

const char* DrawViewArch::RenderModeEnums[]= {"Wireframe",

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