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This repository provides several roles and playbooks for installing and configuring the tools Linux that I frequently use.


  • An installed Linux distribution (Debian or Arch are recommended, others will probably fail)
  • Ansible


Copy to template_vars.json to vars.json and change the variables in vars.json to fit you. See section Variables for further explanations.

To run for example base.yml perform the following command '''ansible-playbook base.yml --ask-become-pass --extra-vars "@vars.json"'''


  • git_name: The value to set for in the gitconfig
  • git_email: The value to set for in the gitconfig
  • fish_user: The user to create and give fish as shell
  • sudo_user: The user to create and and as a sudoer
  • github_user: Username on GitHub


base: Everything essential that I need on all my systems. only_config_base: The same essential homedir configs but without installing any programs. Use this if your distro is not compatible with the installation procedure. laptop: Basic config for touchpad, wifi and backlight. gui: Everything else you would need on a system that is more than a terminal. only_config_base: The same essential homedir configs but without installing any programs. Use this if your distro is not compatible with the installation procedure.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.