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0004413: MSSQL support for binary types in the primary key
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jumpmind-josh committed Jun 4, 2020
1 parent 391310a commit 9c21f64
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public MsSqlTriggerTemplate(ISymmetricDialect symmetricDialect) {
datetimeColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else ('\"' + convert(varchar,$(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\",121) + '\"') end" ;
clobColumnTemplate = "case when $(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + replace(replace(cast($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" as "+(castToNVARCHAR ? "n" : "")+"varchar(max)),'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ;
blobColumnTemplate = "case when $(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + replace(replace(" + defaultCatalog + "dbo.$(prefixName)_base64_encode(CONVERT(VARBINARY(max), $(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\")),'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ;
binaryColumnTemplate = blobColumnTemplate;
binaryColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + replace(replace(" + defaultCatalog + "dbo.$(prefixName)_base64_encode(CONVERT(VARBINARY(max), $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\")),'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ;
booleanColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" = 1 then '\"1\"' else '\"0\"' end" ;
//dateTimeWithTimeZoneColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else ('\"' + convert(varchar, $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\", 127) + '\"') end";
dateTimeWithTimeZoneColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else ('\"' + convert(varchar,cast($(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" as datetime2), 121) + ' ' + case when datepart(tz, $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") > 0 then '+' else '-' end + RIGHT('0' + cast(abs(datepart(tz, $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") / 60) as varchar), 2) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + cast(datepart(tz, $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") % 60 as varchar), 2) + '\"') end";
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