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Scroll down for detailed installation instructions.



  1. ...provides a RESTful JSON webservice API to access information in your Subversion repository

  2. ...provides tools to cache your Subversion repository in order to make it searchable through the webservice in a fast and simple manner

  3. a library of PHP classes which you can use to implement more complex use cases

Project Parts

Maybe this stuff makes more sense when being visualized:

   | Your REST client |
           / \
--------------------------    -----------------------------------------
|     REST webservice    |    | Your PHP tool, using the lib directly |
--------------------------    -----------------------------------------
            .                /
           / \              /
            |              /
            |             /
|                        |     read from SVN ------------------------------
|         Library        |        ------>    |    Cache Builder Script    |
|                        |        <------    ------------------------------
--------------------------     write to cache
      .          .    |
     / \        / \   |
      |          |   \ /
      |          |    .
------------  ------------
| SVN Repo |  | Cache DB |
------------  ------------

As you can see, PHPRestfulSubversion never writes to the Subversion repository, and the REST webservices are read-only as of now.

There is a working JavaScript/HTML REST client included which allows you to search the Subversion cache for all changesets whose commit message contains a certain string, and for all changesets that include a path whose name ends on a certain string ("show me all changesets which include the file main/default.txt").

Installation on Linux systems

Getting PHPRestfulSubversion up and running usually takes around 10 minutes and is a process which can roughly be split into four parts:

  1. Prepare your system
  2. Deploy and configure PHPRestfulSubversion
  3. Build the Subversion cache
  4. Configure Apache to serve the RESTful JSON webservice

The following process describes the detailed steps necessary for every part of the process. The description of this process is targeted at an installation on a Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 ("Wheezy") system with at least the "Standard system utilities" collection installed.

In order to keep things a bit simpler, I assume you do everything as root.

1. Preparing your system

Besides the packages already available on your system and PHPRestfulSubversion itself, you will need the following packages:

  • Git
  • Subversion
  • SQLite 3
  • PHP 5
  • PHPUnit
  • Apache 2

In order to achieve this, you just need to run these commands:

apt-get update
apt-get install git
apt-get install subversion
apt-get install sqlite3
apt-get install php5-sqlite
apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
apt-get install phpunit

2. Deploy and configure PHPRestfulSubversion

Now we are going to download PHPRestfulSubversion and check if it works:

cd /opt
git clone git://
cd PHPRestfulSubversion/tests
bash ./

This should produce an output similar to

PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.

................................................................. 65 / 85 ( 76%)

Time: 6 seconds, Memory: 5.25Mb

OK (85 tests, 84 assertions)

The important thing is that there haven't been any failures, like this:

Tests: 85, Assertions: 84, Failures: 1.

If everything went fine, we can go on to configure your PHPRestfulSubversion installation.

Basically, this means to tell PHPRestfulSubversion where your Subversion repository is and where your Subversion cache is going to be.

Have a look at /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/etc/PHPRestfulSubversion.sample.conf - it looks like this:

$config['repoCacheConnectionString'] = 'sqlite:/var/tmp/PHPRestfulSubversion.RepoCache.sqlite';
$config['repoUri'] = '';
$config['repoUsername'] = 'user';
$config['repoPassword'] = 'password';
$config['maxImportsPerRun'] = 100;

We are going to copy this example file to /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/etc/PHPRestfulSubversion.conf and fill in real values according to our environment.

cp /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/etc/PHPRestfulSubversion.sample.conf /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/etc/PHPRestfulSubversion.conf
vim /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/etc/PHPRestfulSubversion.conf

(You can of course use any text editor you like for editing this file).

The first value, repoCacheConnectionString, is probably fine for you as it is and you don't have to change it.

repoUri is the full URI to your Subversion repository, and repoUsername and repoPassword are the credentials needed to access this repository. PHPRestfulSubversion only needs read access.

The buildCache script will stop after importing maxImportsPerRun revisions. If started again, it will continue with the next batch of revisions. It's designed that way because some Subversion repositories might be really big, and it makes sense to not import the whole repository at once.

3. Build the Subversion cache

Once you've set up this configuration file with real-life values, you can start the command line script which reads from your Subversion repository and inserts the changesets into the cache database:

cd /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/bin
./buildCache.php /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/etc/PHPRestfulSubversion.conf

In order to ensure that your repository cache is always in sync with your repository, create a cronjob which will insert new revisions into the cache regularly, like this:

* * * * *    root    /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/bin/buildCache.php /opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/etc/PHPRestfulSubversion.conf

4. Configure Apache to serve the RESTful JSON webservice

PHPRestfulSubversion allows you to query information about your Subversion repository using a RESTful JSON webservice API. In order to serve this API, you will need to set up a webserver which will provide access to this API via HTTP.

Here's how to configure your Apache webserver to make it serve PHPRestfulSubversion:

I assume you want to make the webservice available at


which means you would be able to request information about revision 12345 by calling


via GET.

To achieve this, you need to enable the mod_rewrite Apache module:

a2enmod rewrite

Then add the following at the end of /etc/apache2/sites-available/default:

# PHPRestfulSubversion REST API
  DocumentRoot "/opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/public"
  DirectoryIndex index.html
  <Directory "/opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/public">
    Allow from All
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|html)$ ResourceDispatcher.php

Afterwards, you need to restart your webserver:

/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

Then you can open the following URL in your browser:


This should return a JSON result set with information about the first revision in your repository.

PHPRestfulSubversion ships with a demo HTML client for the REST webservice, which you can use by pointing your browser at


Using the PHP library

If you want to use the PHP library that works under the hood of PHPRestfulSubversion, here is how to integrate it into your code:


use RestfulSubversion\Core\RepoCache;
use RestfulSubversion\Core\Revision;

require_once '/opt/PHPRestfulSubversion/lib/RestfulSubversion/Helper/Bootstrap.php';

$repoCache = new RepoCache(new PDO('sqlite:/var/tmp/PHPRestfulSubversion.RepoCache.sqlite', NULL, NULL));
$revision = new Revision('12345');
$changeset = $repoCache->getChangesetForRevision($revision);

echo $changeset->getAuthor();


Any feedback is highly appreciated. You can reach me at, or open a new issue at


A collection of PHP classes which make SVN merge management simple.







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