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vim-addon-sql: run sql queries and provide simple alias aware SQL completion

supported databases

  • MySQL (also completes mysql builtin functions showing documentation)
  • Postgresql
  • Firebird


Also have a look at the VimL code.

call vim_addon_sql#Connect('mysql',{'host':'','database':'DATABASE', 'user':'USER', 'password' : 'PASSWORT'}) call vim_addon_sql#Connect('sqlite',{'database':'filepath'})

I recommend using vim-addon-local-vimrc like this:

augroup SQL
  " completion support etc
  autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile .sql,.php,*.haml call vim_addon_sql#Connect('mysql', {'database':'', 'user':'', 'password' : ''})

  " user interface providing to query mappings (see code):
  autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile .sql call vim_addon_sql#UI()
augroup end

completion setup see plugin/vim-addon-sql.vim.

completion examples


SELECT *, CURSOR FROM table1, table2 Now CURSOR will only contain fields found in either table1 or table2

SELECT *, a.CURSOR FROM table1 as a, table2 Now the completion will only contain fields of table1

camel case like completion is also supported. eg d_u -> db_users


Expect some minor bugs - however this it works quite nicely in practise.

Details about the implementation

A connection only initializes b:db_conn which is a simple VimL object providing functions for querying the database.

For each query the executable (psql,isql,mysql,sqlite3) is run once. Thus there is no support for transactions yet. It should be easy to add an implementation utilizing python or rubies database modules.

alternative projects:

dbext might be the most famous one, however in the past it didn't provide alias aware completion which is why I wrote this project.

In non visual mode the query start / end is determined by either ; or empty lines. In visual mode the selection will be executed


kiss alias aware SQL completion for Vim






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