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What is AICF?

The Automated Infrastructure Compliance Framework is an open-source integrated pipeline for deploying and monitoring infrastructure. Specific features include:

  • Pre-deployment policy checking using Open Policy Agent
  • Post-deployment AWS/Azure drift detection using
  • Terraform for Infrastructure-as-Code deployments

Technical Summary

AICF is the confluence of several technologies and tools such as Open Policy Agent, Terraform and Fugue. It can be build upon any CI/CD toolset of one's choosing. Currently, we have examples of AICF that are built on:

1) AWS Codepipeline and AWS Codebuild
2) GitHub Actions

Use of each detailed below.

Terraform Cloud configuration

Because Terraform doesn't have the current capability to save plans remotely (for conversion to json format for the opa eval execution), one must set the workspace execution to "Local" in the settings.

Pre-Configured Fugue environment for cloud account

Before deploying either of the following AICF framework methods, one must create and configure a Fugue environment to obtain the information required in the section below.

AWS Codepipeline Deployment/installation overview

Before deploying by any of the following methods, one must gather the information for the following configuration parameters for the pipeline configuration json file. See the sample.aicf-configuration.json file to start:

"ApplicationName" - Any name of your choosing for the AWS codepiplne reference name
"ArtifactS3Bucket" - Name of existing AWS S3 bucket for the AWS codepiplne artifact store
"GitHubOAuthToken" - programmatic auth token for github user
"GitHubUser" - Github user name
"GitHubRepository" - Github repository where terraform '.tf' files are
"GitHubBranch" - Specific Github repository branch to be used for the above terraform files
"TerraformSha256" - Sha256 hash of terraform binary
"TerraformVersion" - Version of of terraform to use during initiation of terraform environment
"TerraformCloudToken" - programmatic auth token for terraform enterprise environment
"Intervalinseconds" - Interval, in seconds, that Fugue will scan AWS evironment
"Fugueenvironmentid" - Id of Fugue environment
"FugueCLIENTID" - Client Id of Fugue username
"FugueCLIENTSECRET" - Secret of the Fugue client Id
"REGULAVERSION" - Version of Regula project library/rules
"OPAVERSION" - Version of Opa binary "Tf_workdir" - working directory of terraform files

CLI method
In order to deployment AICF via bash CLI environment, one must first have the aws cli binary installed and have properfly configured the ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials files

  1. Create of json formatted configuration file with the parameters descriped in the Deployment/installation overview

  2. Run the command below, subsituting the name "testStack" with one of your choosing.

$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name testStack --template-body file://aicf.yaml --parameters file://aicf-configuration.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Accelerated CloudFormation method

  1. Login to the AWS account you wish to deploy the AICF

  2. Click here to deploy the AICF Cloudformation stack to your account.

  3. Click "Next", give your new stack a name and then fill in the variable parameters that are required to deploy the pipeline.

  4. Complete Steps 6 & 7 in the **Console section described below

Manual Method Using the AWS Console

  1. Log onto the your AWS web console

  2. Navigate to the AWS cloudformation service page:

  1. Click on "Create Stack"

  1. Ensure "Template is Ready" and "Upload a template file" are chosen. Choose the cloudformation template file (aicf.yaml) in this repository

  1. Fill in the parameters with the information gathered in Deployment/installation overview and click next

  2. Click next again

  3. Ensure the following checkbox is clicked and select "Create Stack"

How to run AICF

Once you deplopy the AICF, it is ready to be usedThe first run will initiate itself once the AWS cloudformation stack is created. By default, the AWS pipeline is configured to run manually. In order to run, execute the following steps:

  1. In AWS console, nagivate to the codepipeline service. Click on the reference name, "ApplicationName", you chose above.

  1. Then, click on "Release Change"


  1. Confirm start of pipeline by clicking on "Release"

GitHub Actions Deployment/installation overview

GitHub Actions is essentailly GitHub's implementation of continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tools. They help you automate your software development workflows and are executed directly in the repo of one's choosing. One develops an Action in a public repo and publishes to the GitHub Marketplace. Then, someone creates a workflow yaml file for that action in the top level of their repo. Actions can be triggered pretty much in any number of ways that one can perform git commands on a repo such as push to a branch, commiting to a brach, create a pull request, creating an issue in a repo's project, etc. One glaring feature, not yet available, is the capability to manually trigger an action.

We've worked around this by specifying the action trigger in the example workflow on a push to a non-default branch such as "deployment". Therefore your "master" brunch won't clutter with commits that are used to trigger actions.

To implement the AICF Action please visint the aicf-action marketplace page at:

Some Example CLI Commands:


$ terraform apply -auto-approve


$ terraform destroy -auto-approve

Delete Stack

$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name testStack --profile e3_sandbox

Install OPA binary locally

curl -L -o opa && chmod +x opa && mv opa /usr/bin


  1. Clone repo
  2. Create new branch, make changes and commit and push to remote i.e. git push --set-upstream origin new-branch
  3. Log into GitHub and create pull request to the master branch


New Light Technologies, Inc.