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Releases: OpenRefine/OpenRefine

OpenRefine v3.8-beta5

22 Apr 10:31
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OpenRefine v3.8-beta5 Pre-release

This is the second beta release of the 3.8 series (version numbers 3.8-beta2 , 3.8-beta3 and 3.8-beta4 are skipped because of publishing problems). Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.


OpenRefine v3.8-beta.4

22 Apr 10:12
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Version skipped due to an issue in the publishing process. See 3.8-beta5 instead.

OpenRefine v3.8-beta.3

22 Apr 09:43
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Version skipped due to an issue in the publishing process. See 3.8-beta5 instead.

OpenRefine v3.8-beta1

21 Feb 19:14
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OpenRefine v3.8-beta1 Pre-release

This is the first beta release of the 3.8 series. Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

New features and improvements

Keyboard navigation improvements

  • Dialogs are focusable (#5578, by @Abbe98)
  • The tab order for reconciliation create and match buttons is fixed (#5685, by @Abbe98)
  • The show/hide left panel is keyboard accessible (#5852, by @Abbe98)
  • Menu buttons in the extension-bar can be opened with the keyboard (#5853, by @Abbe98)
  • Tab buttons are outlined when focused (#5851, by @Abbe98)
  • The element outlines set by the browser are retained (#5867, by @Abbe98)
  • The project permalink can be selected (#5871, by @Abbe98)
  • The button to rename a project can be selected (#5868, by @Abbe98)
  • The column header buttons are selectable/openable by keyboard (#5854, by @Abbe98)
  • Make action area tabs selectable by keyboard (#5885, by @Abbe98)
  • Make it possible to set custom headers using only the keyboard when fetching urls (#5886, by @Abbe98)
  • The menu system is navigable by keyboard (#5901, by @Abbe98)
  • The "Get data from" menu is keyboard accessible (#5900, by @Abbe98)
  • Cells in the grid can be edited by keyboard (#5855, by @Abbe98)

Reconciliation usability improvements

  • The waiting screen while guessing reconciliation types is internal to the reconciliation dialog (#4877, by @ayushrai206)
  • The "auto-match" checkbox persists after restarts of OpenRefine (#4722, by @ayushrai206)
  • The documentation of the reconciliation service is displayed in the reconciliation dialog (if available) (#5784, by @ayushriai206)
  • The default types supplied by the reconciliation service are always offered to users (#4224, by @ayushrai206)
  • The reconciliation types are displayed with both name and id (#5907, by @ayushrai206)
  • OpenRefine honours the batch size announced by reconciliation services (#5603, by @ayushrai206)
  • The dialog for the operation to add a column of entity identifiers is improved (#5998, by @elebitzero)
  • Errors encountered by the reconciliation operation are displayed in the grid and are available via the cell.recon.error GREL expression (#3194, by @ayushrai206)
  • Those errors can also be isolated via facets (#6232, @ayushrai206)
  • The interface to select a reconciliation service when reconciling was improved (#6118, by @ayushrai206 and @Lydiaofficial)
  • The "Search for match" option is present in cells with reconciliation errors so that they can be fixed manually (#6192, by @ayushrai206)
  • The error messages generated during reconciling are more helpful (#6111, by @ayushrai206)
  • A new operation to extract URLs for reconciled cells is available (#5960, by @ayushrai206)
  • Property selection in the reconciliation dialog gives better feedback to the user about whether a column is successfully mapped to a property or not (#6060, by @elebitzero)
  • Type selection is similarly improved (#6131, by @elebitzero)
  • Only up to three reconciliation candidates are displayed by default, with the option to see more (#6154, by @ayushrai206 and @Lydiaofficial)
  • A new design for the reconciliation dialog was proposed but has not been implemented yet. Your opinion about it is welcome on the forum. By @Lydiaofficial
  • It is possible to discover the source of a column obtained by fetching data from a reconciliation service, by hovering the column header (#5130, by @ayushrai206)

Facet improvements

Improvements to linking to specific parts of OpenRefine via URLs

  • It is possible to link to a given home screen panel (#5597, by @Abbe98)
  • The tags used to filter projects are also reflected in the URL (#5769, by @Abbe98)

Layout improvements to the Wikibase extension

Other improvements

  • Applying a list of operations stored in a JSON file is possible without copy and paste (#5022 by @IjayAbby)
  • The cluster choice limit is configurable via the preferences (#5847, by @5tigerjelly)
  • The metadata dialog shows JSON contents in a more readable way (#5870, by @Abbe98)
  • OpenRefine is known to be compatible with Java versions 11 to 21 (#5930, by @wetneb)
  • URIs with the geo: protocol are rendered as links in cells (#5940, by @Abbe98)
  • Project archives can be imported via URL (#5431, by @SoniaSun810)
  • A Windows installer is available on top of the existing zip distribution. We no longer publish zip distribution without embedded Java. Do let us know if this is a problem for you. (#3224, by @dori4n)
  • CSV Byte Order Mark (BOM) is supported (#1241, by @tfmorris)
  • More HTTP headers are supported when fetching a column via URLs (#6334, by @tfmorris)
  • Columns can be expanded with a more easily identifiable button (#5879, by @VhugoJc)
  • TSV export avoids adding unneccessary quotes around cells (#2071, by @tfmorris)

GREL changes

  • The forRange GREL function accepts negative increments (#5520, by @Huishin-pie)
  • Accessing the record & columnNames fields works again (#5633, by @tfmorris)
  • The split() function filters trailing empty token when there is a trailing string separator and leading empty token when there is a leading pattern separator match (#5587, by @tfmorris)
  • The replaceEach() function is more faithful to its documentation (#5463, by @Huishin-pie)
  • The cross() function returns an empty list on no match (#5531, by @jenny-Musah)
  • The length() function returns the number of keys in object (#5991, by @tfmorris)
  • The forEachIndex() control supports JSON objects and arrays (#3147, by @tfmorris)
  • Controls (+ and comparison operators such as <) have less unexpected behaviors (#6340
    , [#6341]...
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OpenRefine v3.7.9

10 Feb 17:35
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This is the ninth stable release of the 3.7 series. Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

New in 3.7.9

Signing of the MacOS package was fixed.


  • (fixed since 3.7.8) The fix for the MySQL vulnerabilities CVE-2023-41886 and CVE-2023-41887 was corrected, as it still allowed reading arbitrary files or executing code on the machine running OpenRefine using a different set of import parameters in the database extension. This problem bears the vulnerability id CVE-2024-23833, reported by @l0n3rs.
  • (fixed since 3.7.5) A moderate vulnerabilities in the database extension was fixed. Connecting to a malicious MySQL server could read files or execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. The vulnerabilities were assigned CVE-2023-41886 and CVE-2023-41887
    identifiers respectively, and were reported by @nbxiglk0.
  • (fixed since 3.7.4) A moderate vulnerability in project import was fixed. Importing a maliciously crafted project could execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE-2023-37476 identifier. It was reported by Stefan Schiller from SonarSource.

New features

  • Most text exposed to users in OpenRefine's UI can now be translated. Some strings (generated server-side) were not translatable so far. To help translators catch up on this backlog, do not hesitate to join us on Weblate. (#5030)
  • New media files can be uploaded to Wikibase instances such as Wikimedia Commons. The wikitext of existing files can also be edited thanks to the new fields introduced. (#4682)
  • A button "Discover Wikibase instances…" was added on the dialog which lists the registered Wikibase instances (#5007), whose design was improved (#5009)
  • In the Wikibase schema editor, statements with non-standard datatypes (such as EDTF dates or musical notations) are now supported, assuming they use strings as underlying representation (#3263)
  • The Wikibase issues tab now makes it possible to locate which rows are responsible for certain issues, using facets (#5033)
  • The default throttle delay for the "Add column by fetching URLs" operation was reduced to 500ms and the error reporting for this field was improved (#5188)
  • Wikibase templates (incomplete Wikibase schemas) can be saved and shared, as a way of helping contributors use the same way of structuring data in a Wikibase instance (#5043, #5303)
  • The line-based importer now supports a custom delimiter, instead of only newlines (#4103)
  • The Excel importer can be configured to import all cells as text, disabling the use of other datatypes supported by OpenRefine (#4838)
  • The "some value" and "no value" Wikibase values can now be uploaded by OpenRefine (#5360)
  • The Excel importer will also avoid coercing cell values to OpenRefine datatypes which do not fully fit them, such as representing a date as a date with time (#5389, #5390).

GREL changes

  • Improved error handling in number formatting with the GREL toString function (#816)
  • The behaviour of the GREL function wholeText() has changed slightly in the way it handles newlines, following an upstream change in the jsoup library (jsoup issue #1636)
  • A new parent GREL function, to obtain the parent element of an XML element, was added (#5176)

Bug fixes

  • The layout of the dialog to select a reconciliation match was improved so that the auto-complete widget does not hide the other options (#4821)
  • Better in-tool documentation around the way the scatterplot facet detects numerical columns (#4890)
  • The detection of URLs in cell values was fixed (#4546)
  • The error message displayed when trying to add a Wikibase manifest with a manifest version that is too old or recent was improved (#4847)
  • Errors returned by Jython expressions are more readable (#3012)
  • The ODS exporter no longer creates a default sheet "Sheet1" in the documents it creates (#4864)
  • Longer descriptions in auto-completion widget are not cut off anymore (#4988)
  • The interface for editing cell values was improved to better explain how to input dates (#3082)
  • The Windows refine.bat script was made more consistent with the Unix refine script (#4949, #5404)
  • The "Search for Match" dialog was rearranged so that the dropdown does not cover the buttons (#4945)
  • Error handling in the scatterplot facet was improved (#4893)
  • The "Collapse consecutive whitespaces" operation now handles unicode whitespace correctly (#4898)
  • (#4991)
  • The handling of GZIP-compressed files without .gz extension was improved in the importing pipeline (#547)
  • (#5153)
  • The "Add column based on this column dialog" can be submitted by pressing "Enter" in the column field (#5143)
  • The editing of redirected Wikibase items was fixed (#5162)
  • The user experience was improved in the case of incomplete Wikibase schemas (#5131)
  • The memory usage display was improved to show the used memory instead of the total memory, and was made more precise (#5222)
  • The association of labels to form inputs was improved, enhancing the accessibility of the interface (#5239, #5242, #5249, #5284)
  • An overflow issue in the reconciliation dialog was fixed (#5285)
  • The Wikibase manifests now properly support locally-running reconciliation endpoints (#5035)
  • The aspect ratio of Wikibase logos is now properly preserved (#5306)
  • The SQL exporter interface was improved (#5224)
  • The cell edit popup and dialogs with textbox inputs became resizable (#5330)
  • When marking a set of cells as "New" in an unreconciled column, the user is prompted for the reconciliation service to use (#4985)
  • More quality assurance checks were introduced in the Wikibase extension, such as checking for identical label and description in new Wikibase items (#4980)
  • The caching of auto-completion results in the Wikibase extension was fixed (#5190)
  • The Wikidata extension was fully renamed to "Wikibase extension" (#4525)
  • The controls of the cluster and edit dialog are greyed out while clustering is taking place (#5369)
  • The handling of unicode whitespace was improved throughout the application (#5105)
  • Our MacOS packages (.DMG) are now properly signed and notarized, which should make their installation easier (#4586). Also, the presentation of the DMG image was made more user-friendly by including the customary link to the Applications folder. (#5509)
  • The parsing of the unary minus sign in GREL was fixed (#5465)
  • (From 3.7-beta3 on) The clustering dialog no longer introduces non-breaking spaces when selecting options with spaces in them (#5581)
  • (From 3.7.1 on) The display of the memory usage during project import...
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OpenRefine v3.7.8

10 Feb 17:08
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This is the eight stable release of the 3.7 series. Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

New in 3.7.8

The fix for the MySQL vulnerabilities CVE-2023-41886 and CVE-2023-41887 was corrected, as it still allowed reading arbitrary files or executing code on the machine running OpenRefine using a different set of import parameters in the database extension. This problem bears the vulnerability id CVE-2024-23833, reported by @l0n3rs.


  • (fixed since 3.7.8) Vulnerability CVE-2024-23833 (see above).
  • (fixed since 3.7.5) A moderate vulnerabilities in the database extension was fixed. Connecting to a malicious MySQL server could read files or execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. The vulnerabilities were assigned CVE-2023-41886 and CVE-2023-41887
    identifiers respectively, and were reported by @nbxiglk0.
  • (fixed since 3.7.4) A moderate vulnerability in project import was fixed. Importing a maliciously crafted project could execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE-2023-37476 identifier. It was reported by Stefan Schiller from SonarSource.

New features

  • Most text exposed to users in OpenRefine's UI can now be translated. Some strings (generated server-side) were not translatable so far. To help translators catch up on this backlog, do not hesitate to join us on Weblate. (#5030)
  • New media files can be uploaded to Wikibase instances such as Wikimedia Commons. The wikitext of existing files can also be edited thanks to the new fields introduced. (#4682)
  • A button "Discover Wikibase instances…" was added on the dialog which lists the registered Wikibase instances (#5007), whose design was improved (#5009)
  • In the Wikibase schema editor, statements with non-standard datatypes (such as EDTF dates or musical notations) are now supported, assuming they use strings as underlying representation (#3263)
  • The Wikibase issues tab now makes it possible to locate which rows are responsible for certain issues, using facets (#5033)
  • The default throttle delay for the "Add column by fetching URLs" operation was reduced to 500ms and the error reporting for this field was improved (#5188)
  • Wikibase templates (incomplete Wikibase schemas) can be saved and shared, as a way of helping contributors use the same way of structuring data in a Wikibase instance (#5043, #5303)
  • The line-based importer now supports a custom delimiter, instead of only newlines (#4103)
  • The Excel importer can be configured to import all cells as text, disabling the use of other datatypes supported by OpenRefine (#4838)
  • The "some value" and "no value" Wikibase values can now be uploaded by OpenRefine (#5360)
  • The Excel importer will also avoid coercing cell values to OpenRefine datatypes which do not fully fit them, such as representing a date as a date with time (#5389, #5390).

GREL changes

  • Improved error handling in number formatting with the GREL toString function (#816)
  • The behaviour of the GREL function wholeText() has changed slightly in the way it handles newlines, following an upstream change in the jsoup library (jsoup issue #1636)
  • A new parent GREL function, to obtain the parent element of an XML element, was added (#5176)

Bug fixes

  • The layout of the dialog to select a reconciliation match was improved so that the auto-complete widget does not hide the other options (#4821)
  • Better in-tool documentation around the way the scatterplot facet detects numerical columns (#4890)
  • The detection of URLs in cell values was fixed (#4546)
  • The error message displayed when trying to add a Wikibase manifest with a manifest version that is too old or recent was improved (#4847)
  • Errors returned by Jython expressions are more readable (#3012)
  • The ODS exporter no longer creates a default sheet "Sheet1" in the documents it creates (#4864)
  • Longer descriptions in auto-completion widget are not cut off anymore (#4988)
  • The interface for editing cell values was improved to better explain how to input dates (#3082)
  • The Windows refine.bat script was made more consistent with the Unix refine script (#4949, #5404)
  • The "Search for Match" dialog was rearranged so that the dropdown does not cover the buttons (#4945)
  • Error handling in the scatterplot facet was improved (#4893)
  • The "Collapse consecutive whitespaces" operation now handles unicode whitespace correctly (#4898)
  • (#4991)
  • The handling of GZIP-compressed files without .gz extension was improved in the importing pipeline (#547)
  • (#5153)
  • The "Add column based on this column dialog" can be submitted by pressing "Enter" in the column field (#5143)
  • The editing of redirected Wikibase items was fixed (#5162)
  • The user experience was improved in the case of incomplete Wikibase schemas (#5131)
  • The memory usage display was improved to show the used memory instead of the total memory, and was made more precise (#5222)
  • The association of labels to form inputs was improved, enhancing the accessibility of the interface (#5239, #5242, #5249, #5284)
  • An overflow issue in the reconciliation dialog was fixed (#5285)
  • The Wikibase manifests now properly support locally-running reconciliation endpoints (#5035)
  • The aspect ratio of Wikibase logos is now properly preserved (#5306)
  • The SQL exporter interface was improved (#5224)
  • The cell edit popup and dialogs with textbox inputs became resizable (#5330)
  • When marking a set of cells as "New" in an unreconciled column, the user is prompted for the reconciliation service to use (#4985)
  • More quality assurance checks were introduced in the Wikibase extension, such as checking for identical label and description in new Wikibase items (#4980)
  • The caching of auto-completion results in the Wikibase extension was fixed (#5190)
  • The Wikidata extension was fully renamed to "Wikibase extension" (#4525)
  • The controls of the cluster and edit dialog are greyed out while clustering is taking place (#5369)
  • The handling of unicode whitespace was improved throughout the application (#5105)
  • Our MacOS packages (.DMG) are now properly signed and notarized, which should make their installation easier (#4586). Also, the presentation of the DMG image was made more user-friendly by including the customary link to the Applications folder. (#5509)
  • The parsing of the unary minus sign in GREL was fixed (#5465)
  • (From 3.7-beta3 on) The clustering dialog no longer introduces non-breaking spaces when selecting options with spaces in them (#5581)
  • (From 3.7.1 on) The display of the memory usage during project impo...
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OpenRefine v3.7.7

29 Nov 12:28
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This is the seventh stable release of the 3.7 series. Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

New in 3.7.7

  • A rendering issue in the Wikibase schema editor was fixed, by @wetneb (#6165)
  • Attempts to fetch invalid URLs in the "Add column by fetching URLs" operation are properly reported to the user, by @tfmorris (#6141)
  • A missing space between the "remove" and "configure" buttons of the "Add column from reconciled values" operation was added, by @SrinathKadam048 (#6151)


  • (fixed since 3.7.5) A moderate vulnerabilities in the database extension was fixed. Connecting to a malicious MySQL server could read files or execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. The vulnerabilities were assigned CVE-2023-41886 and CVE-2023-41887
    identifiers respectively, and were reported by @nbxiglk0.
  • (fixed since 3.7.4) A moderate vulnerability in project import was fixed. Importing a maliciously crafted project could execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE-2023-37476 identifier. It was reported by Stefan Schiller from SonarSource.

New features

  • Most text exposed to users in OpenRefine's UI can now be translated. Some strings (generated server-side) were not translatable so far. To help translators catch up on this backlog, do not hesitate to join us on Weblate. (#5030)
  • New media files can be uploaded to Wikibase instances such as Wikimedia Commons. The wikitext of existing files can also be edited thanks to the new fields introduced. (#4682)
  • A button "Discover Wikibase instances…" was added on the dialog which lists the registered Wikibase instances (#5007), whose design was improved (#5009)
  • In the Wikibase schema editor, statements with non-standard datatypes (such as EDTF dates or musical notations) are now supported, assuming they use strings as underlying representation (#3263)
  • The Wikibase issues tab now makes it possible to locate which rows are responsible for certain issues, using facets (#5033)
  • The default throttle delay for the "Add column by fetching URLs" operation was reduced to 500ms and the error reporting for this field was improved (#5188)
  • Wikibase templates (incomplete Wikibase schemas) can be saved and shared, as a way of helping contributors use the same way of structuring data in a Wikibase instance (#5043, #5303)
  • The line-based importer now supports a custom delimiter, instead of only newlines (#4103)
  • The Excel importer can be configured to import all cells as text, disabling the use of other datatypes supported by OpenRefine (#4838)
  • The "some value" and "no value" Wikibase values can now be uploaded by OpenRefine (#5360)
  • The Excel importer will also avoid coercing cell values to OpenRefine datatypes which do not fully fit them, such as representing a date as a date with time (#5389, #5390).

GREL changes

  • Improved error handling in number formatting with the GREL toString function (#816)
  • The behaviour of the GREL function wholeText() has changed slightly in the way it handles newlines, following an upstream change in the jsoup library (jsoup issue #1636)
  • A new parent GREL function, to obtain the parent element of an XML element, was added (#5176)

Bug fixes

  • The layout of the dialog to select a reconciliation match was improved so that the auto-complete widget does not hide the other options (#4821)
  • Better in-tool documentation around the way the scatterplot facet detects numerical columns (#4890)
  • The detection of URLs in cell values was fixed (#4546)
  • The error message displayed when trying to add a Wikibase manifest with a manifest version that is too old or recent was improved (#4847)
  • Errors returned by Jython expressions are more readable (#3012)
  • The ODS exporter no longer creates a default sheet "Sheet1" in the documents it creates (#4864)
  • Longer descriptions in auto-completion widget are not cut off anymore (#4988)
  • The interface for editing cell values was improved to better explain how to input dates (#3082)
  • The Windows refine.bat script was made more consistent with the Unix refine script (#4949, #5404)
  • The "Search for Match" dialog was rearranged so that the dropdown does not cover the buttons (#4945)
  • Error handling in the scatterplot facet was improved (#4893)
  • The "Collapse consecutive whitespaces" operation now handles unicode whitespace correctly (#4898)
  • (#4991)
  • The handling of GZIP-compressed files without .gz extension was improved in the importing pipeline (#547)
  • (#5153)
  • The "Add column based on this column dialog" can be submitted by pressing "Enter" in the column field (#5143)
  • The editing of redirected Wikibase items was fixed (#5162)
  • The user experience was improved in the case of incomplete Wikibase schemas (#5131)
  • The memory usage display was improved to show the used memory instead of the total memory, and was made more precise (#5222)
  • The association of labels to form inputs was improved, enhancing the accessibility of the interface (#5239, #5242, #5249, #5284)
  • An overflow issue in the reconciliation dialog was fixed (#5285)
  • The Wikibase manifests now properly support locally-running reconciliation endpoints (#5035)
  • The aspect ratio of Wikibase logos is now properly preserved (#5306)
  • The SQL exporter interface was improved (#5224)
  • The cell edit popup and dialogs with textbox inputs became resizable (#5330)
  • When marking a set of cells as "New" in an unreconciled column, the user is prompted for the reconciliation service to use (#4985)
  • More quality assurance checks were introduced in the Wikibase extension, such as checking for identical label and description in new Wikibase items (#4980)
  • The caching of auto-completion results in the Wikibase extension was fixed (#5190)
  • The Wikidata extension was fully renamed to "Wikibase extension" (#4525)
  • The controls of the cluster and edit dialog are greyed out while clustering is taking place (#5369)
  • The handling of unicode whitespace was improved throughout the application (#5105)
  • Our MacOS packages (.DMG) are now properly signed and notarized, which should make their installation easier (#4586). Also, the presentation of the DMG image was made more user-friendly by including the customary link to the Applications folder. (#5509)
  • The parsing of the unary minus sign in GREL was fixed (#5465)
  • (From 3.7-beta3 on) The clustering dialog no longer introduces non-breaking spaces when selecting options with spaces...
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OpenRefine v3.7.6

09 Oct 15:11
Choose a tag to compare

This is the sixth stable release of the 3.7 series. Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

New in 3.7.6

  • A missing space was added in the layout of the text facet, by @frafra (#6071)
  • Browser launching on startup was fixed for Snap-packaged OpenRefine, by @kristbaum (#6065)
  • The selection of Wikibase statement merging strategies was fixed, by @wetneb (#6066)
  • A resizing issue in the presence of the Wikibase extension and facets was fixed, by @Abbe98 (#6070)


  • (fixed since 3.7.5) A moderate vulnerabilities in the database extension was fixed. Connecting to a malicious MySQL server could read files or execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. The vulnerabilities were assigned CVE-2023-41886 and CVE-2023-41887
    identifiers respectively, and were reported by @nbxiglk0.
  • (fixed since 3.7.4) A moderate vulnerability in project import was fixed. Importing a maliciously crafted project could execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE-2023-37476 identifier. It was reported by Stefan Schiller from SonarSource.

New features

  • Most text exposed to users in OpenRefine's UI can now be translated. Some strings (generated server-side) were not translatable so far. To help translators catch up on this backlog, do not hesitate to join us on Weblate. (#5030)
  • New media files can be uploaded to Wikibase instances such as Wikimedia Commons. The wikitext of existing files can also be edited thanks to the new fields introduced. (#4682)
  • A button "Discover Wikibase instances…" was added on the dialog which lists the registered Wikibase instances (#5007), whose design was improved (#5009)
  • In the Wikibase schema editor, statements with non-standard datatypes (such as EDTF dates or musical notations) are now supported, assuming they use strings as underlying representation (#3263)
  • The Wikibase issues tab now makes it possible to locate which rows are responsible for certain issues, using facets (#5033)
  • The default throttle delay for the "Add column by fetching URLs" operation was reduced to 500ms and the error reporting for this field was improved (#5188)
  • Wikibase templates (incomplete Wikibase schemas) can be saved and shared, as a way of helping contributors use the same way of structuring data in a Wikibase instance (#5043, #5303)
  • The line-based importer now supports a custom delimiter, instead of only newlines (#4103)
  • The Excel importer can be configured to import all cells as text, disabling the use of other datatypes supported by OpenRefine (#4838)
  • The "some value" and "no value" Wikibase values can now be uploaded by OpenRefine (#5360)
  • The Excel importer will also avoid coercing cell values to OpenRefine datatypes which do not fully fit them, such as representing a date as a date with time (#5389, #5390).

GREL changes

  • Improved error handling in number formatting with the GREL toString function (#816)
  • The behaviour of the GREL function wholeText() has changed slightly in the way it handles newlines, following an upstream change in the jsoup library (jsoup issue #1636)
  • A new parent GREL function, to obtain the parent element of an XML element, was added (#5176)

Bug fixes

  • The layout of the dialog to select a reconciliation match was improved so that the auto-complete widget does not hide the other options (#4821)
  • Better in-tool documentation around the way the scatterplot facet detects numerical columns (#4890)
  • The detection of URLs in cell values was fixed (#4546)
  • The error message displayed when trying to add a Wikibase manifest with a manifest version that is too old or recent was improved (#4847)
  • Errors returned by Jython expressions are more readable (#3012)
  • The ODS exporter no longer creates a default sheet "Sheet1" in the documents it creates (#4864)
  • Longer descriptions in auto-completion widget are not cut off anymore (#4988)
  • The interface for editing cell values was improved to better explain how to input dates (#3082)
  • The Windows refine.bat script was made more consistent with the Unix refine script (#4949, #5404)
  • The "Search for Match" dialog was rearranged so that the dropdown does not cover the buttons (#4945)
  • Error handling in the scatterplot facet was improved (#4893)
  • The "Collapse consecutive whitespaces" operation now handles unicode whitespace correctly (#4898)
  • (#4991)
  • The handling of GZIP-compressed files without .gz extension was improved in the importing pipeline (#547)
  • (#5153)
  • The "Add column based on this column dialog" can be submitted by pressing "Enter" in the column field (#5143)
  • The editing of redirected Wikibase items was fixed (#5162)
  • The user experience was improved in the case of incomplete Wikibase schemas (#5131)
  • The memory usage display was improved to show the used memory instead of the total memory, and was made more precise (#5222)
  • The association of labels to form inputs was improved, enhancing the accessibility of the interface (#5239, #5242, #5249, #5284)
  • An overflow issue in the reconciliation dialog was fixed (#5285)
  • The Wikibase manifests now properly support locally-running reconciliation endpoints (#5035)
  • The aspect ratio of Wikibase logos is now properly preserved (#5306)
  • The SQL exporter interface was improved (#5224)
  • The cell edit popup and dialogs with textbox inputs became resizable (#5330)
  • When marking a set of cells as "New" in an unreconciled column, the user is prompted for the reconciliation service to use (#4985)
  • More quality assurance checks were introduced in the Wikibase extension, such as checking for identical label and description in new Wikibase items (#4980)
  • The caching of auto-completion results in the Wikibase extension was fixed (#5190)
  • The Wikidata extension was fully renamed to "Wikibase extension" (#4525)
  • The controls of the cluster and edit dialog are greyed out while clustering is taking place (#5369)
  • The handling of unicode whitespace was improved throughout the application (#5105)
  • Our MacOS packages (.DMG) are now properly signed and notarized, which should make their installation easier (#4586). Also, the presentation of the DMG image was made more user-friendly by including the customary link to the Applications folder. (#5509)
  • The parsing of the unary minus sign in GREL was fixed (#5465)
  • (From 3.7-beta3 on) The clustering dialog no longer introduces non-br...
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OpenRefine v3.7.5

11 Sep 20:13
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This is the fifth stable release of the 3.7 series. Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

New since 3.7.4

  • A moderate vulnerability in the database extension was fixed. Connecting to a malicious MySQL server could read files or execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. A CVE identifier for the vulnerability has been requested. The vulnerability was reported by @nbxiglk0.

New features

  • Most text exposed to users in OpenRefine's UI can now be translated. Some strings (generated server-side) were not translatable so far. To help translators catch up on this backlog, do not hesitate to join us on Weblate. (#5030)
  • New media files can be uploaded to Wikibase instances such as Wikimedia Commons. The wikitext of existing files can also be edited thanks to the new fields introduced. (#4682)
  • A button "Discover Wikibase instances…" was added on the dialog which lists the registered Wikibase instances (#5007), whose design was improved (#5009)
  • In the Wikibase schema editor, statements with non-standard datatypes (such as EDTF dates or musical notations) are now supported, assuming they use strings as underlying representation (#3263)
  • The Wikibase issues tab now makes it possible to locate which rows are responsible for certain issues, using facets (#5033)
  • The default throttle delay for the "Add column by fetching URLs" operation was reduced to 500ms and the error reporting for this field was improved (#5188)
  • Wikibase templates (incomplete Wikibase schemas) can be saved and shared, as a way of helping contributors use the same way of structuring data in a Wikibase instance (#5043, #5303)
  • The line-based importer now supports a custom delimiter, instead of only newlines (#4103)
  • The Excel importer can be configured to import all cells as text, disabling the use of other datatypes supported by OpenRefine (#4838)
  • The "some value" and "no value" Wikibase values can now be uploaded by OpenRefine (#5360)
  • The Excel importer will also avoid coercing cell values to OpenRefine datatypes which do not fully fit them, such as representing a date as a date with time (#5389, #5390).

GREL changes

  • Improved error handling in number formatting with the GREL toString function (#816)
  • The behaviour of the GREL function wholeText() has changed slightly in the way it handles newlines, following an upstream change in the jsoup library (jsoup issue #1636)
  • A new parent GREL function, to obtain the parent element of an XML element, was added (#5176)

For developers

And many bug fixes, see the full list of changes for 3.7.

OpenRefine v3.7.4

17 Jul 06:43
Choose a tag to compare

This is the fifth stable release of the 3.7 series. Please backup your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

New since 3.7.3

  • A moderate vulnerability in project import was fixed. Importing a maliciously crafted project could execute arbitrary code on the machine running OpenRefine. A CVE identifier for the vulnerability has been requested. The vulnerability was reported by @stefan-schiller-sonarsource.

New features

  • Most text exposed to users in OpenRefine's UI can now be translated. Some strings (generated server-side) were not translatable so far. To help translators catch up on this backlog, do not hesitate to join us on Weblate. (#5030)
  • New media files can be uploaded to Wikibase instances such as Wikimedia Commons. The wikitext of existing files can also be edited thanks to the new fields introduced. (#4682)
  • A button "Discover Wikibase instances…" was added on the dialog which lists the registered Wikibase instances (#5007), whose design was improved (#5009)
  • In the Wikibase schema editor, statements with non-standard datatypes (such as EDTF dates or musical notations) are now supported, assuming they use strings as underlying representation (#3263)
  • The Wikibase issues tab now makes it possible to locate which rows are responsible for certain issues, using facets (#5033)
  • The default throttle delay for the "Add column by fetching URLs" operation was reduced to 500ms and the error reporting for this field was improved (#5188)
  • Wikibase templates (incomplete Wikibase schemas) can be saved and shared, as a way of helping contributors use the same way of structuring data in a Wikibase instance (#5043, #5303)
  • The line-based importer now supports a custom delimiter, instead of only newlines (#4103)
  • The Excel importer can be configured to import all cells as text, disabling the use of other datatypes supported by OpenRefine (#4838)
  • The "some value" and "no value" Wikibase values can now be uploaded by OpenRefine (#5360)
  • The Excel importer will also avoid coercing cell values to OpenRefine datatypes which do not fully fit them, such as representing a date as a date with time (#5389, #5390).

GREL changes

  • Improved error handling in number formatting with the GREL toString function (#816)
  • The behaviour of the GREL function wholeText() has changed slightly in the way it handles newlines, following an upstream change in the jsoup library (jsoup issue #1636)
  • A new parent GREL function, to obtain the parent element of an XML element, was added (#5176)

For developers

And many bug fixes, see the full list of changes for 3.7.