diff --git a/docs/release-guide.pod b/docs/release-guide.pod index 264cbea..8c0cf83 100644 --- a/docs/release-guide.pod +++ b/docs/release-guide.pod @@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ in your clone of the book repository. =item 1 -Tag the release: +Summarize the major changes since the last release and put them in an +announcement. Place the announcement in F. - git tag -a -m'Release YYYY-MM' YYYY-MM - git push --tags +Use the following command to see a chronology of changes: -where C is the four digit year and 2 digit month. + git log --since=YYYY-MM-DD --reverse =item 2 -Summarize the major changes since the last release and put them in an -announcement. Place the announcement in F. +Tag the release: -Use the following command to see a chronology of changes: + git tag -a -m'Release YYYY-MM' YYYY-MM + git push --tags - git log --since=YYYY-MM-DD --reverse +where C is the four digit year and 2 digit month. =item 3