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Git My Curriculum

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Curriculum management for the average academic that leverages git.


  1. start with a linux os

  2. sudo apt-get install curl

  3. install ruby and rails with rvm sudo \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rails

  4. add the os gem gem install os

  5. sudo apt-get install mysql-server

  6. sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

  7. sudo apt-get install nodejs

  8. run bundler bundle install

Ruby version:

This project is running ruby 2.1.0

System Dependancies & Development Environment

Sunspot: used for searching

Devise: used for authentication


FactoryGirl: used for data fixtures in test cases

Seed_fu: used for data fixtures in development

RSpec: unit tests

Capybara: integration tests

Guard: continuous testing on development machine

Debugger: faster debugging for rails

Database Creation & Loading:

ln -s /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock /tmp/mysql.sock

rake db:create

rake db:migrate

rake db:seed_fu (development)

Run Develop Server

rails server --debugger

How to run the test suite:

rake test_setup:run_all (test script that runs all things for test suite)

Code Line Policies:

See wiki/pages/code line policies

Git Flow:

See wiki/pages/git flow

Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app.


Curriculum management for the average academic that leverages git.






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