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inview.js: React to Being in View

Makes a page element react to being in view.

How to include the script

The stylesheet is best included in the header of the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/inview.css"/>

This include can be added to the header or placed inline before the script is invoked.

<script src="js/inview.js"></script>

Or use Require.js.

], function(InView) {

Or import into an MVC framework.

var InView = require('js/inview.js');

How to start the script

var inView = new InView({
	'element': document.querySelector('.inview-message'),
	'source': document.querySelector('.inview-lead'),
	'ifAbove': ' scrolled-above',
	'ifBelow': ' scrolled-below',
	'ifVisible': ' scrolled-visible',
	'ifRevealed': ' scrolled-revealed',
	'ifUpwards': ' scrolled-up',
	'ifDownwards': ' scrolled-down',
	'offset': -50,
	'tolerance': 10,
	'reversible': true,
	'navigate': false,
	'easing': 'linear',
	'step': 0.1,
	'transform': function(position){ return 'translateX(' + (position.transit * 100) + '%)' },
	'opacity': function(position){ return position.transit },
	'play': function(position){ return (position.transit <= 0.5) }

'element' : {DOM node} - The element to watch and/or affect.

'source' : {DOM node} - The position of this element will be used instead.

'ifAbove' : {className} - The class name to assign to the target when the element is above the view.

'ifBelow' : {className} - The class name to assign to the target when the element is below the view.

'ifVisible' : {className} - The class name to assign to the target when the element is in view.

'ifRevealed' : {className} - The class name to assign to the target when the element has filled the view.

'ifUpwards': {className} - The class name to assign to the body when the page is scrolled up.

'ifDownwards': {className} - The class name to assign to the body when the page is scrolled down.

'offset' : {integer | DOM node} - Extra distance to scroll before the element reacts.

'tolerance' : {integer} - Allow rounding errors up to this size.

'reversible' : {boolean} - Allow the affected element to change more than once.

'navigate' : {boolean} - Allow a click on the target to scroll to the element.

'easing' : {linear|easein|easeout|easinout} - Apply an easing function to the motion.

'step' : {float} - Fraction of total distance to scroll each animation step.

'transform' : {function(position)} - Optional function that returns a CSS transformation based on the position of the element.

  • '' : {integer} - Distance from the top of the screen in pixels.
  • 'position.bottom' : {integer} - Distance from the bottom of the screen in pixels.
  • 'position.scrolled' : {integer} - Total distance scrolled.
  • 'position.above' : {boolean} - True if completely above the screen.
  • 'position.below' : {boolean} - True is completely below the screen.
  • 'position.visible' : {boolean} - True if visivle on the screen.
  • 'position.revealed' : {boolean} - True if completely revealed.
  • 'position.entering' : {float} - A value that changed between 1 and 0 as the object enters the screen.
  • 'position.leaving' : {float} - A value that changed between 1 and 0 as the object leaves the screen.
  • 'position.transit' : {float} - A value that changed between 1 and 0 as the object traverses the screen.

'opacity' : {function(position)} - Optional function that returns a CSS opacity based on the position of the element.

'play' : {function(position)} - Optional function that triggers a video to play based on the position of the element.

<aside class="inview-inline" data-translate-x="150%,0%" data-translate-y="150%,0%" data-rotate="0deg,180deg" data-scale="0.5,1" data-opacity="0,1">
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

'data-translate-x' : {from,to} - The element will translate horizontally from the first to the second value as it scrolls up the screen.

'data-translate-y' : {from,to} - The element will translate horizontally from the first to the second value as it scrolls up the screen.

'data-rotate' : {from,to} - The element will rotate from the first to the second value as it scrolls up the screen.

'data-scale' : {from,to} - The element will scale from the first to the second value as it scrolls up the screen.

'data-opacity' : {from,to} - The element will fade from the first to the second value as it scrolls up the screen.

How to build the script

This project uses node.js from

This project uses gulp.js from

The following commands are available for development:

  • npm install - Installs the prerequisites.
  • gulp import - Re-imports libraries from supporting projects to ./src/libs/ if available under the same folder tree.
  • gulp dev - Builds the project for development purposes.
  • gulp dist - Builds the project for deployment purposes.
  • gulp watch - Continuously recompiles updated files during development sessions.
  • gulp serve - Serves the project on a temporary web server at http://localhost:8500/.
  • gulp php - Serves the project on a temporary php server at http://localhost:8500/.


This work is licensed under a MIT License. The latest version of this and other scripts by the same author can be found on Github and at


Makes a page element react to being in view.







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