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@chobits chobits released this 25 Mar 06:39
· 399 commits to master since this release

Backward incompatible changes

Note that this version is slightly not backwards compatible, some tengine features have been replaced by nginx. Check the following list:

  1. Deprecated Tengine slice module, --with-http_slice_module configure option now works for nginx slice module. Use --add-module=modules/ngx_http_slice_module for original tengine slice module.
  2. Removed Tengine DSO feature, use nginx dynamic modules feature instead.
  3. Removed Tengine reuse_port directive in event {} block, use listen .. reuseport; directive instead.
  4. Put all Tengine's modules to the modules directory. Use --add-module=modules/<tengine_module_name> to compile.
  5. Changed Tengine reqstatus feature. The request counting logic for limit_req is consistent with the Nginx official. Now requests with all empty variable in limit_req_zone are not accounted. Original tengine does not account requests with any empty variable.

New features

  • New module ngx_http_proxy_connect_module, it supports the CONNECT HTTP method for forward proxy.
  • http2 switch adds http2 directive to enable or disable http2 in the server block.
  • Support server_name in Stream modlue, now multiple virtual server blocks could be configured on the same port.
  • Enhanced limit_req_zone rate=$<nginx_variable> parameter of limit_req module, you can set the limit rate per a request.

Changes with Tengine 2.3.0

Changes with Tengine 2.3.0                                         25 MAR 2019

    *) Feature: added proxy_connect module support for the CONNECT
       HTTP method. (chobits)
    *) Feature: added server_name directive for Stream module. (mrpre)
    *) Feature: added req_status_lazy directive for reqstat module. (taoyuanyuan)
    *) Feature: added http2 directive to enable or disable http2
       in the server block. (jinjiu)
    *) Feature: added $ssl_handshake_time variable used for monitoring
       SSL handshake time. (jinjiu)
    *) Feature: added support of variable of limit_req_zone
       parameter rate. (Alaaask)
    *) Change: updated debug_pool module for Nginx 1.15.9. (chobits)
    *) Change: updated documents for reuse_port, dso, limit_req
       directive changes. (chobits, wangfakang)
    *) Change: merged the official limit_req logic. Now will ignore statistics
       when all variable values are empty. (chobits)
    *) Change: the reuse_port, dso, slice directive has been removed and
       use the official features of Nginx. (wangfakang)
    *) Change: updated and modify the official 1.15.9 test cases.
       (chobits, wangfakang)
    *) Change: put all Tengine's modules into the modules directory
       which reduces the intrusion of Nginx's core module. (chobits, wangfakang)
    *) Change: updated the code from Nginx-1.15.9 version,
       Stream, gRPC etc. (chobits, wangfakang)
    *) Change: updated the Lua module to v0.10.14rc4. (wangfakang)
    *) Change: updated the dyups document. (lf1029698952)
    *) Change: changes of the core code are all guarded by macros.
       (chobits, wangfakang, fankeke, hongxiaolong, imkeeper)
    *) Change: rollback  accpte_filter feature. (wangfakang)
    *) Bugfix: fixed compilation error of dyups module compiled
       with a higher version of OpenSSL. (wangfakang)
    *) Bugfix: fixed init_number initialization for dyups. (FengXingYuXin)
    *) Bugfix: fixed the rollback log process that may cause logs
       to be written to a rolled-up file when reloaded. (MengqiWu)
    *) Bugfix: fixed coredump of referring null pointer
       for ssl_verify_client_exception. (chobits)
    *) Bugfix: fixed coredump caused by upgrading core code
       in dyups and session_sticky modules. (wangfakang)
    *) Bugfix: fixed compilation error of limit_req, http2 module. (hongxiaolong)
    *) Bugfix: fixed removes the Unix domain socket file
       when pipe proc close listen socket. (wangfakang)
    *) Bugfix: fixed compatibility for --with-openssl
       and --with-openssl-async. (mrpre)
    *) Bugfix: fixed bug that function ngx_http_top_intput_body_filter
       is removed mistakenly. (chobits)
    *) Bugfix: fixed reuse_port and accept_mutex conflict. (innomentats)
    *) Bugfix: fixed tengine build failure when compiled with
       gcc7 compiler. (wangfakang)