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Easily turn any OF project into an OSX screen saver.

This is a horrible Frankenstein mess that started from code scavanged from OF forums & Nick Hardeman's blog posts. OF changed a lot from then, so I am having to rewrite most of it.

So far I have multi-screen and retina support working, but it needs a proper interface for easy integration.

Note that this is not currently setup to place your project inside the OpenFrameworks/apps folder, but outside the OpenFrameworks folder. All the magic happens in the ScreenSaverOF.xcconfig file.

Also very important steps in the Xcode Project "Build Phases".

When testing / developing, it is useful to launch SystemPreferences from the command line using a Terminal app to get console output:

$ /Applications/System\\ Preferences; 

Also if you run on an old enough version of MacOS you can still run SaverLab which makes the quick iteration process less painful. It seems it's no longer being developed but maybe theres a fork somewhere running on newer systems.

Very much a WIP!


For the ssaver to run on other computers on recent versions of Mac OS, you will need to codesign and notarize it. This guide worked fine for me.

Forum discussions

Related notes

##LICENSE ofxMacOSScreenSaver is made available under the MIT license.


To turn a "normal" OF Xcode project to turn it into a ScreenSaver project:

  • Before opening project in xcode, manually edit the project.pbxprj inside your *.xcodeproj file with a text editor.
    Search for "productType" and replace "" with "".

  • Project Target > Build Settings: change "WRAPPER_EXTENSION" from "app" to "saver"

  • Make sure the info.plist file contains:

    • "Principal Class" : ${SCREEN_SAVER_PRINCIPAL_CLASS}
    • Bundle OS Type Code: "BNDL"
    • Bundle Identifier: $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)
  • Make sure the info.plist does NOT contain any "privacy" entries (allow camera & mic access)

  • Remove src for main.cpp

  • Make sure your project settings set CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES "(Enable Modules (C and Objective-C)" to NO

  • Make sure PreProcessor Macros are in effect (delete override)

  • Edit "Compile OF" Run Script to look like this

# Note that this builds OF with NO FMOD to avoid dylibs.
# Note that this means your ScreenSaver can't play sounds through ofSound
xcodebuild -project "${OF_PATH}/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/osx/openFrameworksLib.xcodeproj" -target openFrameworks -configuration "Release" OTHER_CFLAGS="-DUSE_FMOD=false" OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS="-DUSE_FMOD=false" 

  • Add a new "Copy Bundle Resources" build phase, and make sure it includes the "ConfigureSheet.nib" file.
  • Remove the existing "Run Script" build phase that handles codesign, fmod, etc.
  • Add a new "Run Script" build phase, paste this:
mkdir -p "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$PRODUCT_NAME.saver/Contents/Resources/"
# Copy bin/data into App/Resources
rsync -avz --exclude='.DS_Store' "${SRCROOT}/bin/data/" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}/data/"

Note that you can also just add a new target choosing "screen saver" to your existing standard OF project, just apply these steps will apply to this new target.


OpenFrameworks Addon to make Screen Savers for OSX






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