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Readmill Annotator Plugin

A plugin for the OKFN annotator that allows you to submit highlights and comments to Readmill. It is intended for web based publishers that want to allow thier readers to annotate their publications using Readmill as the store.

A demo implementation can be viewed online.


This plugin requires an account to be created with Readmill and a new application to be registered. Readmill will then issue you with a client id that you can use in the plugin.

Also the Readmill API does not currently support authentication using only a browser. This means that you'll either have to manage your users access tokens manually or host the provided proxy server yourself. This puts quite a large overhead on installing this plugin but Readmill are working on resolving this in the future.


Create a page on your website containing the contents of callback.html or simply upload the file to your server. Readmill will redirect back to this page once the user has successfully authenticated. This file must be hosted on exactly the same domain as your annotated page.

The plugin requires the annotator.js and annotator.css to be included on the page. See the annotator Getting Started guide for instructions then simply include the annotator.readmill.js and annotator.readmill.css files in your page. These can be downloaded as a zip file from GitHub.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./annotator.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./annotator.readmill.css" />
<script src="./jquery.js"></script>
<script src="./annotator.js"></script>
<script src="./annotator.readmill.js"></script>

Then set up the annotator as usual calling "addPlugin" to setup the Readmill plugin.

var $book = jQuery('#book').annotator()
$book.annotator("addPlugin", "Readmill", {
  book: {
    id: "23" /* Readmill book id */
  clientId: "12345678",
  callbackUri:  ""


  • book: An object of book metadata. This must contain either an "id" property OR both "title" and "author" properties. This will be used to look up the book on Readmill. If "title" and "author" properties are provided but no book is found the plugin will create the book on Readmill for you.
  • clientId: The client id string provided by Readmill.
  • callbackUrl: The full url of the callback.html file.
  • accessToken: If you decide to manually handle the authentication with Readmill you can provide the access token when the plugin is initialized.
  • apiEndpoint: Useful for development you can override the api endpoint for the Readmill API. Defaults to
  • authEndpoint: Useful for development you can override the auth endpoint for Readmill. Defaults to If you're using the proxy then you'll need to set this to the proxy's url.


If you're interested in developing the plugin. You can install the developer dependancies by running the following command in the base directory:

$ npm install .

Development requires node and npm binaries to be intalled on your system. It was developed with node --version 0.6.6 and npm --version 1.1.0 -beta-4. Details on installation can be found on the node website.

To get started copy the example.html file to index.html

$ cp example.html index.html

Edit the intilialisation options at the bottom of the file and visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser. You'll need to provide your own Readmill client id.

There is a Makefile containing useful commands included.

$ cake serve # serves the directory at http://localhost:8000 (requires python)
$ cake watch # compiles .coffee files into lib/*.js when they change
$ cake build # creates a production lib/annotator.readmill.js file
$ cake proxy # runs the proxy server locally at http://localhost:8080
$ cake pkg   # creates a zip file of production files


The development branch should always contain the latest version of the plugin but it is not guaranteed to be in working order. The master branch should always have the latest stable code and each release can be found under an appropriately versioned tag.


Unit tests are located in the test/ directory and can be run by visiting http://localhost:8080/test/index.html in your browser. Alternatively you can view the current suite online on the project page.


The plugin uses the following libraries for development:

  • Mocha: As a BDD unit testing framework.
  • Sinon: Provides spies, stubs and mocks for methods and functions.
  • Chai: Provides all common assertions.


Released under the MIT license