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What is a fabric?

A fabric is a small client-server mechanism for Erlang, which allows two
(or more) Erlang nodes to connect via the TCP, and allow forwarding of

As such it doesn't really differ from normal Erlang Distributed
Protocol, but fabric is much better for less secure environments, when
there are conectivity problems, when encryption is needs, when there are
bigger latency, or when only small subset of funcionality is needed.

How to use it?

  - suppose you have simple ping server on server side

      start_ping() ->
          register(spawn(fun loop/0), ping).
      loop() ->
             {From, M} -> From ! {self(), {pong, M}}, loop()

      % such server should transparenntly work for local (inter-cluster)
      % process, even on other nodes, but in single network.

  - start it:


  - start fabric server:

      fabric:start_server(Port, "secret").

  - thats all on server side.

  - basically everything you need to do on second side is connect once

      ok = fabric:connect(IP, Port, "secret").

      % it will connect, do reconnections, proper authentification,
      %  encryption if needed

  - then you need to discover Pid of ping server:

      PingServer = fabric:remote_whereis(ping).

  - now you can use PingServer as pid, as any other pid of any other Erlang process.

      Sender = self().
      PingServer ! {Sender, {payload,"abababa"}}.
      receive {PingServer, M} -> io:format("received back: ~p~n", [M]) end.

  - use PingServer to anything you wish, you can send to it antyhing
    (including any other Pids),     it will answer you back. You can
    tell it to answer to somebody else, or itself...
    You can try killing it... Or link to it... Or monitor it...

How it works?

   PingServer is really a local process (called proxy process), which
   sends a message to the 'fabric' manager, it performs pid translation
   (here for PingServer as a destination, and a Self as part of
   message), and sends it to second side, on remote side, Pid
   translation comes again, to discover where really to send message,
   and how to reconstruct pids inside of the message. In our case,
   Sender will be somethine new, and new proxy server will be created on
   server SenderProxy, then 'fabric' manager on server side will, send
   message to ping process, which will answer back to SenderProxy, which
   will perform the same operations, to forward it back.

   One can transparently use both local and remote pid, and they will be
   properly encoded in transit.

   One must be carefull about usage of atoms, as normally [safe] option
   is enabled, which will prevent from decoding some values - new atoms,
   funs, new references. Still transporting references, should work. All
   other sane types should work and be quite efficient. Port translation
   is not yet done, but in principle is same as Pid translation.

   Proxy processes will stay alive, even if connection will be lost, as
   it is possible that connection will be established again, and we want
   still to once discovered Pids to still refere to the same living
   process on remote side.

   Proxy server will also emulate crashes of remote processes. So you
   can use all normal primitives, like exit/1,2, link/1,2, monitor/2,
   demonitor, process_flag(trap_exit, true/false). In such cases when it
   make sens it will end it's execution (for example when it knows that
   remote process it represents is dead).

Is this safe?

   Most obvious problem with normal Erlang distributed protocol, is that
   it is easly to obtain list of all processes, and send antything to
   any process, especially given that registered processes are easy to
   find. For example sending to kernel, init or rpc process can make a
   real disaster.

   For this reason in fabric:remote_whereis, one can use only allowed

   Still if one of this process will forward other Pids back to clients,
   they can communicate with them.

   In future, there can be some additional blacklists in fabric manager,
   which will ensure that no message are send directly to any critical
   system processes, or are not registered according to some scheme.

What we are working now?

   - Limit the number of the proxy processes the both sides.

   - Flow control.

   - Testing. Espcially monitor/link/kill/signals, etc.

What is missing?

   - Encryption

       Probably best to use SSL with server certificate.

       For private usage, also password authentification will suffice
       for a while.

       Long term - certificates on both sides, or SRP-style

   - Communication beetwen multiple clients.

              C1 ---- Server ---- C2

        It should be easly possible to communicate C1 with C2, and mix
        any Pids in messages and send operations, scalability of such
        setup must also be inspected. Also behaviour what to do when C2
        disconnects, but on C1 we have proxy processes for it. It should
        be more aggressive than in case of Server, because there can be
        very big number of clients, and Pids it send can be unsafe
        (imagine there is a 100 clients C2 ... C101, and they sends big
        number of Pids to C1).

        There should be also ways to learn connected clients to any
        clients (confiugrable), and perform remote_whereis from C1 on
        C2, for some allowed registered processes.

  - Allowing to run multiple servers on the Erlang cluster to make it
    more scalable.

       In should be possible to easly do:

                C2 ----                            ---- C5
                       \                          /
                C1 --- Server1  ~~~~~~~~~  Server2 --- C4
                       /                         \
                C3 ----                           ---- C6

             And transparently allow communication beetwen all clients.
             Where "~~~" is a Erlang distribution protocol.

       More than 2 server should also be easly possible. Also things
       like reconnection leading to other server in the cluster, and
        scalability issues need to be inspected.

   - Global registration support. Currently is not tested, not
     supported, but can be usefull.

Can use it?

   Yes, it is open source, and free.

   Please see, LICENSE file for copyright information.

   Few files are on different licences, mostly Public Domain.


Simple transparent Erlang messaging network proxy







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