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BMCToken represent a true digital Token on blockchain designed to be adopted through a decentralized medium based on spending power that a consumer spends across Merchants. they get rewards with BMCT which can be exchanged for other services or products offered by merchants. The concept of Blockchain Merchant Consumer Token (BMCT) lies on the ex…


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BeepMagnet International Ltd

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BMCToken Development process

Developers work in their own forks, then submit pull requests when they think their feature or bug fix is ready.

The patch will be accepted if there is broad consensus that it is a good thing. Developers should expect to rework and resubmit patches if they don't match the project's coding conventions (see coding.txt) or are controversial.

The master branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed to be completely stable. Tags are regularly created to indicate new stable release versions of BMCToken.

Feature branches are created when there are major new features being worked on by several people.

From time to time a pull request will become outdated. If this occurs, and the pull is no longer automatically merge able; a comment on the pull will be used to issue a warning of closure. The pull will be closed 15 days after the warning if action is not taken by the author. Pull requests closed in this manner will have their corresponding issue labelled 'stagnant'.

Issues with no commits will be given a similar warning, and closed after 15 days from their last activity. Issues closed in this manner will be labelled 'stale'.

#Linux Distribution Specific Instructions #Ubuntu & Debian #Dependency Build Instructions

Build requirements:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev

BerkeleyDB is required for the wallet.

For Ubuntu only: db4.8 packages are available here. You can add the repository and install using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

Ubuntu and Debian have their own libdb-dev and libdb++-dev packages, but these will install BerkeleyDB 5.1 or later, which break binary wallet compatibility with the distributed executables which are based on BerkeleyDB 4.8. If you do not care about wallet compatibility, pass --with-incompatible-bdb to configure.

See the section "Disable-wallet mode" to build BMCToken without wallet.

Optional (see --with-miniupnpc and --enable-upnp-default):

sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev ZMQ dependencies (provides ZMQ API 4.x):

sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev Dependencies for the GUI If you want to build litecoin-qt, make sure that the required packages for Qt development are installed. Qt 5 is necessary to build the GUI. To build without GUI pass --without-gui.

To build with Qt 5 you need the following:

sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode (optional) can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install libqrencode-dev Once these are installed, they will be found by configure and a beepmagnet executable will be built by default.

Get the version of Boost that you require. This is for 1.55 but feel free to change or manually download yourself: wget -O boost_1_58_0.tar.gz tar xzvf boost_1_58_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_58_0/

Get the required libraries, main ones are icu for boost::regex support: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev build-essential libbz2-dev libboost-all-dev

Boost's bootstrap setup:

./ --prefix=/usr/

Then build it with:


and eventually install it:

sudo ./b2 instal


BMCToken represent a true digital Token on blockchain designed to be adopted through a decentralized medium based on spending power that a consumer spends across Merchants. they get rewards with BMCT which can be exchanged for other services or products offered by merchants. The concept of Blockchain Merchant Consumer Token (BMCT) lies on the ex…



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