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ThousandEyesPY Build Status

ThousandEyesPY is a Python Library for accessing the ThousandEyes API. The library uses requests to access the RESTful API located at

It is currently a work in progress. Currently the "Alerts" are completed. Helper functions for optional parameters are nearly complete.

All functions return a dictionary that you can use as your wish.

Currently HTTP Exceptions are generated from requests.

Active Alerts:

Returns a list of all active alerts, active at any given time.


Sends back a collection of active alerts, either at present, or based on the time range specified, indicating testId and testName, alert rule If no alerts are active during the time range specified, an empty response will be returned.

FieldData TypeUnitsNotes
ruleIdintegern/aunique ID of the alert rule (see /alert-rules endpoint for more detail)
alertIdintegern/aunique ID of the alert; each alert occurrence is assigned a new unique ID
testIdintegern/aunique ID of the test (see /tests/{testId} endpoint for more detail)
testNamestringn/aname of the test
activebooleann/a1 for active, 0 for inactive
ruleExpressionstringn/astring expression of alert rule
dateStartdateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssthe date/time where an alert rule was triggered
dateEnddateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssthe date/time where the alert was marked as cleared
violationCountintegern/anumber of sources currently meeting the alert criteria
ruleNamestringn/aname of the alert rule
permalinkstringn/apermanent link to the test, with the starting round seelcted
typestringn/atype of alert being triggered
agentsarray of agent objectsn/aarray of agents where the alert has at some point been active since the point that the alert was triggered. Not shown on BGP alerts.
monitorsarray of monitor objectsn/aarray of monitors where the alert has at some point been active since the point that the alert was triggered. Only shown on BGP alerts.
apiLinksarray of linksn/alist of hyperlinks to other areas of the API

Agent and Monitor objects (see above) reflect the following content:

FieldData TypeUnitsNotes
dateStartdateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssreflects the date that the source began reporting a measurement that exceeded the alert rule’s threshold
dateEnddateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssreflects the earlier of the date that the alert was cleared, or the source reported a measurement that was under the alert rule’s threshold
activebooleann/aif the particular source is alerting when the API is queried, this flag will be set to 1. After an alert has cleared, this flag (regardless of the source’s metrics) will be set to 0, even if the particular source has not cleared the alert rule.
metricsAtStartstringn/astring representation of the metric at the time that the source began alerting. Note that the alert start and dateStart for a particular source do not need to be the same, as sources may change alerting status throughout an alert’s lifecycle
metricsAtEndstringn/astring representation of the metric or metrics being considered in the alert rule at the point that the alert was cleared. If the alert is not yet cleared, this field reflects the last round of data gathered from the source.
agentId/monitorIdintegern/aunique ID of agent or monitor violating the alert rule. See /agents or /bgp-monitors for more detail
agentName/monitorNamestringn/adisplay name of the agent or monitor violating the alert rule
permalinkstringn/ahyperlink to alerts list, with row expanded and this source selected
>>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2")
>>> active_alerts = api.active_alerts()
>>> pprint(active_alerts)
{u'alert': [{u'active': 1,
             u'agents': [{u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 12,
                          u'agentName': u'Hong Kong',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 16,
                          u'agentName': u'S\xe3o Paulo, Brazil',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:05',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 2,
                          u'agentId': 25,
                          u'agentName': u'Cape Town, South Africa',
                          u'dateEnd': u'2014-02-11 01:44:04',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'N/A (agent removed from test)',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 32,
                          u'agentName': u'London, UK',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 146,
                          u'agentName': u'San Jose, CA',
                          u'dateStart': u'2013-01-31 05:52:48',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''}],
             u'alertId': 2783,
             u'apiLinks': [{u'href': u'',
                            u'rel': u'related'},
                           {u'href': u'',
                            u'rel': u'data'}],
             u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
             u'permalink': u'',
             u'ruleExpression': u'Error is present',
             u'ruleId': 301,
             u'ruleName': u'Default DNSSEC Alert Rule',
             u'testId': 822,
             u'testName': u' A',
             u'type': u'DNSSEC',
             u'violationCount': 6}],
 u'pages': {u'current': 1}}

Alert Detail: Returns details about an alert.


Sends back detailed information about a specific alertId. If the alertId doesn’t exist or is inaccessible by your account, an empty response will be returned.

FieldData TypeUnitsNotes
ruleIdintegern/aunique ID of the alert rule (see /alert-rules endpoint for more detail)
alertIdintegern/aunique ID of the alert; each alert occurrence is assigned a new unique ID
testIdintegern/aunique ID of the test (see /tests/{testId} endpoint for more detail)
testNamestringn/aname of the test
activebooleann/a1 for active, 0 for inactive
ruleExpressionstringn/astring expression of alert rule
dateStartdateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssthe date/time where an alert rule was triggered
dateEnddateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssthe date/time where the alert was marked as cleared
violationCountintegern/anumber of sources currently meeting the alert criteria
ruleNamestringn/aname of the alert rule
permalinkstringn/apermanent link to the test, with the starting round seelcted
typestringn/atype of alert being triggered
agentsarray of agent objectsn/aarray of agents where the alert has at some point been active since the point that the alert was triggered. Not shown on BGP alerts.
monitorsarray of monitor objectsn/aarray of monitors where the alert has at some point been active since the point that the alert was triggered. Only shown on BGP alerts.
apiLinksarray of linksn/alist of hyperlinks to other areas of the API

Agent and Monitor objects (see above) reflect the following content:

FieldData TypeUnitsNotes
dateStartdateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssreflects the date that the source began reporting a measurement that exceeded the alert rule’s threshold
dateEnddateTimeyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssreflects the earlier of the date that the alert was cleared, or the source reported a measurement that was under the alert rule’s threshold
activebooleann/aif the particular source is alerting when the API is queried, this flag will be set to 1. After an alert has cleared, this flag (regardless of the source’s metrics) will be set to 0, even if the particular source has not cleared the alert rule.
metricsAtStartstringn/astring representation of the metric at the time that the source began alerting. Note that the alert start and dateStart for a particular source do not need to be the same, as sources may change alerting status throughout an alert’s lifecycle
metricsAtEndstringn/astring representation of the metric or metrics being considered in the alert rule at the point that the alert was cleared. If the alert is not yet cleared, this field reflects the last round of data gathered from the source.
agentId/monitorIdintegern/aunique ID of agent or monitor violating the alert rule. See /agents or /bgp-monitors for more detail
agentName/monitorNamestringn/adisplay name of the agent or monitor violating the alert rule
permalinkstringn/ahyperlink to alerts list, with row expanded and this source selected
>>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2")
>>> alert_detail = api.active_alert_detail(alert_id=2783)
>>> pprint(alert_detail)
{u'alert': [{u'active': 1,
             u'agents': [{u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 12,
                          u'agentName': u'Hong Kong',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 16,
                          u'agentName': u'S\xe3o Paulo, Brazil',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:05',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 2,
                          u'agentId': 25,
                          u'agentName': u'Cape Town, South Africa',
                          u'dateEnd': u'2014-02-11 01:44:04',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'N/A (agent removed from test)',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 32,
                          u'agentName': u'London, UK',
                          u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''},
                         {u'active': 1,
                          u'agentId': 146,
                          u'agentName': u'San Jose, CA',
                          u'dateStart': u'2013-01-31 05:52:48',
                          u'metricsAtEnd': u'',
                          u'metricsAtStart': u'Error details: "No DNSSEC public key(s) for A"',
                          u'permalink': u''}],
             u'alertId': 2783,
             u'apiLinks': [{u'href': u'',
                            u'rel': u'related'},
                           {u'href': u'',
                            u'rel': u'data'}],
             u'dateStart': u'2012-12-13 13:15:00',
             u'permalink': u'',
             u'ruleExpression': u'Error is present',
             u'ruleId': 301,
             u'ruleName': u'Default DNSSEC Alert Rule',
             u'testId': 822,
             u'testName': u' A',
             u'type': u'DNSSEC',
             u'violationCount': 6}]}

Alert Rules: Returns a list of all alert rules configured under your account in ThousandEyes.

Sends back a collection of alert rules, indicating ruleID, whether or not the alert is enabled, recipient lists, and the rule criteria and clearing logic. Default rules for each type are indicated with a bit response (1 or 0); default alert rules are assigned by default to each type of test to which they apply.

FieldData TypeUnitsNotes
enabledbooleann/a1 for enabled, 0 for disabled
ruleIdintegern/aunique ID of the alert rule
ruleNamestringn/aname of the alert rule
notesstringn/aadditional content sent to notification recipients in alert emails
expressionstringn/astring expression of alert rule
notifyOnClearbooleann/a1 to send notification when alert clears
roundsBeforeTriggerintegern/aValid options are 1-4; indicates the number of rounds where the criteria are met before triggering an alert
defaultbooleann/aAlert rules allow up to 1 alert rule to be selected as a default for each type. By checking the default option, this alert rule will be automatically included on subsequently created tests that test a metric used in alerting here
recipientarray of email addressesn/anotification recipients are specified in an array of email addresses
alertTypestringn/atype of alert rule, as determined by metric selection
minimumSourcesintegern/athe minimum number of agents or monitors that must meet the specified criteria in order to trigger the alert
``` >>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY >>> from pprint import pprint >>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2") >>> alert_rules = api.alert_rules() >>> pprint(alert_rules) {u'alertRules': [{u'alertType': u'BGP', u'default': 1, u'expression': u'Reachability < 100%', u'minimumSources': 2, u'notes': u'', u'notifyOnClear': 0, u'recipient': [], u'roundsBeforeTrigger': 1, u'ruleId': 322, u'ruleName': u'Default BGP Alert Rule'}, {u'alertType': u'DNS Server', u'default': 1, u'expression': u'Error is present', u'minimumSources': 2, u'notes': u'', u'notifyOnClear': 0, u'recipient': [u''], u'roundsBeforeTrigger': 1, u'ruleId': 300, u'ruleName': u'Default DNS Server Alert Rule'}, {u'alertType': u'DNS Trace', u'default': 1, u'expression': u'Error is present', u'minimumSources': 2, u'notes': u'', u'notifyOnClear': 0, u'recipient': [u''], u'roundsBeforeTrigger': 1, u'ruleId': 299, u'ruleName': u'Default DNS Trace Alert Rule'}, {...}, {u'alertType': u'Web Transaction', u'default': 1, u'expression': u'Error is present', u'minimumSources': 2, u'notes': u'', u'notifyOnClear': 0, u'recipient': [u''], u'roundsBeforeTrigger': 1, u'ruleId': 302, u'ruleName': u'Default Transaction Alert Rule'}]} >>> ``` **Agent List**:

Returns a list of all agents available to your account in ThousandEyes, including both Enterprise and Cloud agents

>>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2")
>>> agent_list = api.agent_list()
>>> pprint(agent_list)
{u'agents': [{u'agentId': 3,
              u'agentName': u'Singapore',
              u'agentType': u'Cloud',
              u'countryId': u'SG',
              u'ipAddresses': [u'',
              u'location': u'Singapore'},
             {u'agentId': 4,
              u'agentName': u'Tokyo, Japan',
              u'agentType': u'Cloud',
              u'countryId': u'JP',
              u'ipAddresses': [u'',
              u'location': u'Tokyo, Japan'},
             {u'agentId': 5,
              u'agentName': u'Atlanta, GA',
              u'agentType': u'Cloud',
              u'countryId': u'US',
              u'ipAddresses': [u'',
              u'location': u'Atlanta Area'},
             {u'agentId': 16769,
              u'agentName': u'Kansas City, MO',
              u'agentType': u'Cloud',
              u'countryId': u'US',
              u'ipAddresses': [u'',
              u'location': u'Kansas City Area'}]}

Agent Details:

Returns details for an agent, including assigned tests. Enterprise agents show utilization data and assigned accounts.

>>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2")
>>> agent_details = api.agent_details(16769)
>>> pprint(agent_details)
{u'agents': [{u'agentId': 16769,
              u'agentName': u'Kansas City, MO',
              u'agentType': u'Cloud',
              u'countryId': u'US',
              u'ipAddresses': [u'',
              u'location': u'Kansas City Area'}]}

Agent Update:

Updates Enterprise Agent details. Users can update the agent display name, as well as change test and account assignments.

This endpoint can only be used for Enterprise Agents, and only for users in a role that permits modification of Enterprise Agents.

Important notes related to agent modification on tests:

  • if an agent is removed from a test, the modification date for tests using that agent at the time it was removed will be changed.
  • If an agent is removed from an entire account, then all tests using this agent in the removed account will be updated to reflect the removed agent.
  • If a removed agent is the final remaining agent on a test, then the test will be disabled when the agent is removed.
>>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2")
>>> update_agent = api.update_agent(966, agentName="my cool updated agent name", accounts=315)
>>> pprint(update_agent)
{u'"agents": [
            "agentId": 966,
            "agentName": "ubuntu1404-x64",
            "location": "San Francisco Bay Area",
            "countryId": "US",
            "prefix": "",
            "utilization": 1,
            "ipAddresses": [
            "publicIpAddresses": [
            "enabled": 1,
            "accounts": [
                    "aid": 315,
                    "accountName": "Documentation"
                    "aid": 362,
                    "accountName": "Enterprise Agents Dashboard"
            "tests": [
                    "createdDate": "2015-02-03 21:55:13",
                    "modifiedDate": "2015-05-14 23:18:03",
                    "createdBy": "API Sandbox User (",
                    "modifiedBy": "API Sandbox User (",
                    "enabled": 1,
                    "savedEvent": 0,
                    "testId": 12065,
                    "testName": "My Google DNS test",
                    "type": "dns-server",
                    "interval": 300,
                    "domain": " A",
                    "networkMeasurements": 1,
                    "mtuMeasurements": 1,
                    "bandwidthMeasurements": 0,
                    "bgpMeasurements": 1,
                    "alertsEnabled": 0,
                    "liveShare": 0,
                    "recursiveQueries": 0,
                    "dnsServers": [
                            "serverId": 130,
                            "serverName": ""
                    "apiLinks": [...]
                    "enabled": 1,
                    "testId": 817,
                    "savedEvent": 0,
                    "liveShare": 0,
                    "testName": "",
                    "type": "http-server",
                    "interval": 900,
                    "url": "",
                    "networkMeasurements": 1,
                    "createdBy": "API Sandbox User (",
                    "modifiedBy": "API Sandbox User (",
                    "createdDate": "2012-06-28 19:33:12",
                    "modifiedDate": "2015-05-14 23:18:03",
                    "apiLinks": [...]
            "network": "Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. (AS 7922)",
            "agentType": "Enterprise",
            "lastSeen": "2015-05-14 23:18:00",
            "agentState": "Online"

Delete Agent: Deletes an Enterprise Agent from ThousandEyes. Note: this feature can only be used on Enterprise Agents.

Important notes related to agent removal:

if an agent is deleted, the modification date for tests using that agent at the time it was deleted will be changed. If a deleted agent is the final remaining agent on a test, then the test will be disabled when the agent is removed. Important note: if an agent is removed, it must be re-initialized to use the same machine again in different context. Virtual Appliances can be updated using the Reset State button in the Advanced tab of the agent management interface. Users running packaged versions of Linux will need to remove


in order to reinitialize an agent.

If an agent is successfully deleted, No Content response will be returned, and an empty JSON response will be in the body of the response.

>>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2")
delete_agent = api.delete_agent(966)

BGP Monitor List:

Returns a list of all BGP monitors available to your account in ThousandEyes, including both public and private feeds.

>>> from ThousandEyesPY import ThousandEyesPY
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> api = ThousandEyesPY(username="", password="g351mw5xqhvkmh1vq6zfm51c62wyzib2")
>>> bgp_monitor_list = api.bgp_monitor_list()
>>> pprint(bgp_monitor_list)
{u'bgpMonitors': [{u'ipAddress': u'',
                   u'monitorId': 205,
                   u'monitorName': u'London-11',
                   u'monitorType': u'Public',
                   u'network': u'Tata Communications (AS 6453)'},
                  {u'ipAddress': u'',
                   u'monitorId': 60,
                   u'monitorName': u'London-7',
                   u'monitorType': u'Public',
                   u'network': u'Tinet SpA (AS 3257)'}]}


Python API for ThousandEyes Monitoring Service






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