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              Action Selection for Planning
             ------ --------- --- --------

This is the official distribution of the ASP algorithm with
the benchmark problem instances. This is a pre-beta release,
so you must remember that it is *not complete*. This file
describe the installation steps. Also, examples for how to 
built the benchmarks, run them, and guidelines for the encoding
of new instances/domains are included. We finish with our 
addresses in case you need to contact us. The following
is an abstract of the ASP algorithm:

    The ability to plan and react in dynamic environments
    is central to intelligent behavior yet few algorithms 
    have managed to combine fast planning with robust ex-
    ecution. We develop one such algorithm by looking at
    planning as a real time hauristic search problem like
    chess. For that we develop a variation of Rich Korf's
    Learning Real Time A* algorithm together with a suit-
    able heuristic function. The resulting algorithm inter-
    leaves lookahead with execution but never actually builds
    a plan. It is an action selection mechanism that decides
    at each time point what's the best thing to do next.
    Yet, most impressively, it solves planning problems 
    faster than any domain independent planning algorithm
    known to us including Kautz's and Selman's SATPLAN.
    It also works in the presence of perturbations and
    noise, it's gets better in successive trials, and can
    be given a fixed time window to operate.


1. Source Installation

The source files are distributed in tar compressed format.
The untar process will create a subtree rooted in ./asp.
You may decompress and untar the files in any place,
provided that you have the required premissions. For example,

   cd to my planning subdirectory

   $ cd ~/planning

   install the files from the distribution in /tmp

   $ uncompress -c /tmp/asp.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

After the source installation you must have the following


2. Compilation

Making and installing binaries should not represent problem
because is done through standard Makefiles and the source
code should be very protable (it has benn tested in SGI, SUN,
and IBM machines). Here is an example,

   compiling the source files

   $ (cd asp ; make all)

   installing the sources under ./asp

   $ (cd asp ; make install)

   In case you use gcc and/or bison 

   $ (cd asp; make all CC=gcc BISON="bison -y")
   $ (cd asp; make install CC=gcc BISON="bison -y")

Running the Examples

In the directory ./asp/paper-asp are the benchmanrks
we report in the AAAI-97 submission. You can "build" 
all examples, or you can build only those that you 
want (building all examples can take several minutes).

   to build all examples:

   $ (cd asp/paper-asp ; make all)

   to build say: rocket1 with the functional representation
   using gcc

   $ (cd asp/paper-asp/functional ; make rocket1 CC=gcc)

Let us explain the process of building an example. The problem
operators and facts (initial situation, goal situation) is
described in two different files. Those files are processed
by a parser that generates three C language source files. 
Each of them must be compiled and then linked with other
objects in order to make an executable. The executable is the
asp algorithm tailored for that specific problem instance.
All the executables has the same execution interface that
uses some parameters, between them: the number of local iterations,
the depth of each iteration, some parameter for allocating
space, the initial random seed, etc. For example, having built
the rocket1 example, you can run it by:

   $ cd asp/paper-asp/functional
   $ ./rocket1 -b 100

The -b parameter allocated space for keeping the sons
of each node. Its default value is 15. The appropiate value 
for it depends of the branching factor of the problem, but
overestimating it (as in this example) doesn't have impact.
Let's try another example:

   $ make blocks1
   $ ./blocks1 -b 100

In order to solve the problem using *pure* Korf's LRTA* you
must use the -k flag. For example, to solve the blocks1 problem
instance with the LRTA* algorithm you can use:

   $ ./blocks1 -b 100 -l

A summary of each flag can be obtained using:

   $ ./blocks1 -h

You can find a transcript of running the asp algorithm with the
functional encoding in ./asp/asp-paper/transcripts.


The different encondings for each problem can be found 
under the functional and relational subdirectories in 
./asp/paper-asp. Looking at them can give an idea in how
to encode new problems instances and/or domains.

NOTE: The present distribution of asp is a beta release 
and it's still under development. This distribution is 
not *complete* so carefully use of it must be exercised in
order to use it. In particular, the parser is very primitive
an make almost no semantical checks in  the files, also
name clashes of any kind must be avoided. In general, follow
these guidelines when enconding new instances/domains:

   - All predicate and functional fluent names are in
     a common namespace so use *always* different names.

   - Objects instances are in the same namespace, so 
     keeps their names different from previously used names.

   - Just few semantical checks are made by the parser, so
     you must be sure your enconding is sound. If you
     get an error like:

         MAXTIME reached. Change and recompile.

     when solving a problem instance. *Check* your enconding.
     Most probably, you missed or mispelled something in either
     the operators of facts files.

If, after all, you can't encode a particular instance
or domain, contact us for help.

SATPLAN and Graphplan

This distribution doesn't contain the satplan and graphplan
distribution. If you want them, you must contact their
authors at:

     SATPLAN:   (Henry Kautz)
        (Bart Selman)

     Graphplan:         (Avrim Blum)
                 (Merrick Furst)

Contacting Us

You are encouraged to contact us for any suggestions, bugs report,
or comments at:     (Blai Bonet)  (Gabor Loerincs)    (Hector Geffner)

For specific questions about the code, encodings, bugs, 
and/or other implementation-specific stuff:     (Blai Bonet)

Enjoy it.... ;-)


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