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The source code of the experiments on the paper ""Learning Multirobot Hose Transportation and Deployment by Round-Robin Distributed Q-Learning" (PlosONE) by Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Ismael Etxeberria-Agiriano and Manuel Graña


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Distributed Round-Robin Q-Learning (D-RR-QL) is a Reinforcement Learning algorithm that allows to approximate the optimal joint-policy of a multi-agent system in a two-step fashion. First, each agent learns in its own local state-action following a round-robin schedule, thus avoiding non-stationarity due to the rest of agents learning their own policies. Then a coordination procedure approximates the optimal joint-policy by a greedy selection procedure using message passing.

The main advantage of D-RR-QL is that it allows each agent to use Modular State-Action Vetoes, which is a technique that allows RL agents to boost their exploration efficiency when approaching over-constrained systems, such as Linked Multicomponent Robotic Systems. The following source-code was used in the experiments of the following paper:

"Learning Multirobot Hose Transportation and Deployment by Round-Robin Distributed Q-Learning"
    Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Ismael Etxeberria-Agiriano and Manuel Graña 

These 4 C/C++ projects were used to simulate and compare 4 different Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning algorithms on a multi-robot hose transportation task:

-Distributed Round-Robin Q-Learning ("Hose-D-RR-QL-ETraces")
-Coordinated RL ("Hose-CoordinatedRL")
-Distributed Q-Learning ("Hose-DistributedQL")
-Team Q-Learning ("Hose-TeamQ-ETraces")



The parameters of the system are set within each project in the file "\experiments\parameters.txt"


The logs of the experiments are generated in the "\experiments" folder: the results of the training episodes are saved in one file, and those of the evaluation episodes are saved in another one.


The source code of the experiments on the paper ""Learning Multirobot Hose Transportation and Deployment by Round-Robin Distributed Q-Learning" (PlosONE) by Borja Fernandez-Gauna, Ismael Etxeberria-Agiriano and Manuel Graña






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