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Long Haul Meetup is a fork of the great Long Haul jekyll theme that adds some functionality to create a website for a meetup or events.

This repo is ment to be used as a starting point for your meetup website. Simply fork it and customize it.



  1. Install Jekyll
  2. Fork the Long Haul repo
  3. Clone it
  4. bundle install
  5. Run Jekyll bundle exec jekyll serve -w
  6. Run bundle exec compass watch
  7. Customize!

How to use RSVP

Jekyll is a static site generator and thus obviously runs without dynamic backend. Because we want to store meetup participants and list them on the website this theme uses Stamplay as a Backend as a Service provider. Stamplay allows us to store and retrieve data using JavaScript.

  1. Sign up for Stamplay:
  2. Create a new app and add the app_id to the _config.yml
  3. Create a new object with id participant and the following schema:
    • name - string (required)
    • meetup - string (required)
    • email - string
    • gravatarHash - string
  4. Go to Hosting in Stamplay and add your domain to the CORS enabled domains (or * for all domains)
  5. Done.

Have a look at the Stamplay Quickstart and JS docs


Before you deploy your site make sure to configure URL and paths correctly in config.rb and _config.yml. Then simply push to your GitHub gh-pages branch. (more information about GitHub pages)

Or simply use the generated site from the _site forlder and put it on your preferred hosting provider. Also checkout for HTML5 app deployment.

Site Settings

The main settings can be found inside the _config.yml file:

  • title: title of your site
  • description: description of your site
  • url: your url
  • paginate: the amount of posts displayed on homepage
  • navigation: these are the links in the main site navigation
  • stamplay: the stamplay app_id to store participants
  • social diverse social media usernames (optional)
  • google_analytics Google Analytics key (optional)


This is MIT with no added caveats, so feel free to use this Jekyll theme on your site without linking back to me or using a disclaimer.

made with <3 in Kigali Rwanda


A minimal, type-focused Jekyll theme for events and regular meetups (based on the long-haul theme)







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  • CSS 51.5%
  • HTML 37.3%
  • Ruby 6.4%
  • JavaScript 4.8%