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The project pyduke (Python Duke) consists of generic and machine learning utility modules. The package details are as follows

Module Description Core language utilities Machine learning data cleaning utilities Contains several classes (Estimators) that extend BaseEstimator and TransformerMixin. These classes can be used together with SciKit Learn classes in data cleaning Pipeline.

Install Cycle

PyDuke is on PyPI repository and can be installed, updated and removed using pip


pip install pyduke

Update to the latest version

pip install --update pyduke


pip uninstall pyduke

Data Processor Classes

The following classes belong to pyduke.mlutil.data_processor module. All classses extend BaseEstimator and TransformerMixin similar to SciKit Learn classes like Imputer. Input to fit and transform methods must be a panda DataFrame

Sl Class Description
1 AddColumn Add new column(s) by invoking corresponding handler(s). The handler should accept a panda DataFrame and return a panda Series.
2 RemoveColumn Remove list of column(s)
3 IndependentColumnImputer Replace NaN in specified column(s) with corresponding strategy (mean
4 DependentColumnImputer An imputer to be used when empty cells (NaN) of a column are to be derived from other column(s). Handler associated with each column is invoked. The handler is expected to accept a panda DataFrame and return a panda Series. Only NaN are replaced from the Series.
5 Mapper Process each cell of given column(s) with corresponding handler and create/replace the cell value with the one returned by the handler. A Mapper maps each cell of a column to another. Thus a new column is created. Optionally the original column may be deleted.
6 StringToCategoryConverter Convert column(s) to panda category data type. A category type is more useful for visualizations. Eventually a category can be label encoded, weight encoded or one-hot encoded. This class also adds null types like empty string, 'N/A', 'null' 'none' into a category 'NULL' (By defaults, customizable using option category_of_empty)
7 RangeToCategoryConverter Classify various numeric ranges into categories. The numerical value of a column may indicate a category. Using the exact value may result in overfitting the model. RangeToCategoryConverter fits the purpose by associating each range with a category label.
8 CategoryToWeightEncoder Encode category column(s) with corresponding weights.
9 CategoryToOneHotEncoder Convert category column(s) to one-hot encoded format. Thus adding more features. Note that by default, one of the dummy column is dropped to prevent dummy variable trap
10 Scaler Scale column(s) using a scaler of type specified by scaler_type. Currenty, Standard and MinMax scalers from SciKit learn are used. Note that the Scaler like all other classes operates on DataFrame


Taking an example of Kaggle Titanic Dataset, the above data processing classes can be used as follows.

import re
import pandas as pd
import pyduke.common.core_util as cu
import pyduke.common.data_util as du
import pyduke.mlutil.data_processor as dp

# Dataset
# -------
X             = pd.read_csv(PROJECT_ROOT + '/dataset/train.csv')
X_final_test  = pd.read_csv(PROJECT_ROOT + '/dataset/test.csv')
y             = X.pop('Survived')

# Handlers
# --------
def convert_name_to_prefix (name):
    # Name format: <lastname> <lastname>, <prefix> <firstname> <middlename>
    # Note <prefix> may have '.' as in 'Mr.' or 'Miss.'
    token = re.sub('\s+', ' ', name).split(',')
    token = token[1].split() if len(token) >= 2 else ['Dear']
    token = token[0].replace('.', '') if len(token) >= 2 else 'Dear'
    return token.upper()

def process_empty_fare(df):
    # Group the entire dataset by column
    grouped = df.groupby('Pclass')    
    series_class_to_fare = grouped['Fare'].agg(np.mean)    
    series_fare = df['Pclass'].apply(lambda x: series_class_to_fare[x])
    return series_fare

def process_sibling_parent (df):
    return df['SibSp'] + df['Parch']   

tuple_age_range = (
    [-1,    3,      12,     19,      39,       59,       79,   120],

map_column_category_weight = {
    'Sex':{ 'FEMALE':0, 'MALE':1 },
    'Age':{ 'INFANT':1, 'CHILD':2, 'TEEN':3, 'YOUTH':4, 'MIDDLE':5, 'SENIOR':6, 'OLD':7  }

pileline = Pipeline([
    # Remove columns
    ('rm_column'           , dp.RemoveColumn(column=['PassengerId', 'Cabin', 'Ticket'])),
    # Impute certain columns based on median and certain others on mode
    ('fill_nan_stats'      , dp.IndependentColumnImputer(
                                 column_mode= ['Pclass', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Embarked'])),
    # Fill empty fare cells based on hander 'process_empty_fare'
    ('fill_empty_fare'     , dp.DependentColumnImputer({'Fare':process_empty_fare})),
    # For each cell having the name, the prefix (like Mr, Ms, Sir etc) is extracted 
    # and a new column 'NamePrefix' is created. The original 'Name' column is removed.
    ('add_name_prefix'     , dp.Mapper(
    # A new column is added based on Series returned by handler
    ('add_family_weight'   , dp.AddColumn({'FamilyTotal':process_sibling_parent})),
    # Based on age groups, age can be converted into categorical data
    ('age_to_category'     , dp.RangeToCategoryConverter({ 'Age':tuple_age_range })),
    # Convert all the columns into a categorical data. This is easier for further analysis.
    ('string_to_category'  , dp.StringToCategoryConverter(['Sex', 'Embarked', 'NamePrefix'])),
    # Based on the analysis associate Age and Sex category columns with corresponding weights
    ('category_to_weight'  , dp.CategoryToWeightEncoder(map_column_category_weight)),
    # Convert categories to one-hot encoding
    ('category_to_onehot'  , dp.CategoryToOneHotEncoder(['Embarked', 'NamePrefix'])),
    # Scale all columns using the default Standard scaler
    ('scale'               , dp.Scaler())
X = pileline.fit_transform(X)
X_final_test = pileline.transform(X_final_test)
print ("X.shape={}, X_final_test.shape={}".format(X.shape, X_final_test.shape))

# Return a stratified shuffle split
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = du.get_stratified_shuffle_split(X, y, test_size=141)

# Shapes
m, n = X_train.shape


Python modules with generic and machine learning utilities






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