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Start building ConsoleIo.
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Copy a bunch of code from Shell into ConsoleIo.
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markstory committed Apr 9, 2014
1 parent 75063e3 commit 83961d5
Showing 1 changed file with 256 additions and 0 deletions.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions src/Console/ConsoleIo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license MIT License
namespace Cake\Console;

use Cake\Console\ConsoleInput;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleOutput;

* A wrapper around the various IO operations shell tasks need to do.
* Packages up the stdout, stderr, and stdin streams providing a simple
* consistent interface for shells to use. This class also makes mocking streams
* easy to do in unit tests.
class ConsoleIo {

* The output stream
* @var \Cake\Console\ConsoleOutput
protected $_out;

* The error stream
* @var \Cake\Console\ConsoleOutput
protected $_err;

* The input stream
* @var \Cake\Console\ConsoleInput
protected $_in;

* Output constant making verbose shells.
* @var integer
const VERBOSE = 2;

* Output constant for making normal shells.
* @var integer
const NORMAL = 1;

* Output constants for making quiet shells.
* @var integer
const QUIET = 0;

* The current output level.
* @var integer
protected $_level = ConsoleIo::NORMAL;

* Constructor
* @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleOutput $out A ConsoleOutput object for stdout.
* @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleOutput $err A ConsoleOutput object for stderr.
* @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleInput $in A ConsoleInput object for stdin.
public function __construct(ConsoleOutput $out = null, ConsoleOutput $err = null, ConsoleInput $in = null) {
$this->_out = $out ? $out : new ConsoleOutput('php://stdout');
$this->_err = $err ? $err : new ConsoleOutput('php://stderr');
$this->_in = $in ? $in : new ConsoleInput('php://stdin');

* Output only at the verbose level.
* @param string|array $message A string or a an array of strings to output
* @param integer $newlines Number of newlines to append
* @return integer|boolean Returns the number of bytes returned from writing to stdout.
public function verbose($message, $newlines = 1) {
return $this->out($message, $newlines, self::VERBOSE);

* Output at all levels.
* @param string|array $message A string or a an array of strings to output
* @param integer $newlines Number of newlines to append
* @return integer|boolean Returns the number of bytes returned from writing to stdout.
public function quiet($message, $newlines = 1) {
return $this->out($message, $newlines, self::QUIET);

* Outputs a single or multiple messages to stdout. If no parameters
* are passed outputs just a newline.
* ### Output levels
* There are 3 built-in output level. Shell::QUIET, Shell::NORMAL, Shell::VERBOSE.
* The verbose and quiet output levels, map to the `verbose` and `quiet` output switches
* present in most shells. Using Shell::QUIET for a message means it will always display.
* While using Shell::VERBOSE means it will only display when verbose output is toggled.
* @param string|array $message A string or a an array of strings to output
* @param integer $newlines Number of newlines to append
* @param integer $level The message's output level, see above.
* @return integer|boolean Returns the number of bytes returned from writing to stdout.
* @link
public function out($message = null, $newlines = 1, $level = Shell::NORMAL) {
if ($level <= $this->_level) {
return $this->_out->write($message, $newlines);
return true;

* Outputs a single or multiple error messages to stderr. If no parameters
* are passed outputs just a newline.
* @param string|array $message A string or a an array of strings to output
* @param integer $newlines Number of newlines to append
* @return void
* @link
public function err($message = null, $newlines = 1) {
$this->_err->write($message, $newlines);

* Returns a single or multiple linefeeds sequences.
* @param integer $multiplier Number of times the linefeed sequence should be repeated
* @return string
* @link
public function nl($multiplier = 1) {
return str_repeat(ConsoleOutput::LF, $multiplier);

* Outputs a series of minus characters to the standard output, acts as a visual separator.
* @param integer $newlines Number of newlines to pre- and append
* @param integer $width Width of the line, defaults to 63
* @return void
* @link
public function hr($newlines = 0, $width = 63) {
$this->out(null, $newlines);
$this->out(str_repeat('-', $width));
$this->out(null, $newlines);

* Prompts the user for input, and returns it.
* @param string $prompt Prompt text.
* @param string $default Default input value.
* @return mixed Either the default value, or the user-provided input.
* @link
public function ask($prompt, $default = null) {
$in = $this->_getInput($prompt, null, $default);
return $in;

* Prompts the user for input based on a list of options, and returns it.
* @param string $prompt Prompt text.
* @param string|array $options Array or string of options.
* @param string $default Default input value.
* @return mixed Either the default value, or the user-provided input.
* @link
public function askChoice($prompt, $options, $default = null) {
$originalOptions = $options;
$in = $this->_getInput($prompt, $originalOptions, $default);

if ($options && is_string($options)) {
if (strpos($options, ',')) {
$options = explode(',', $options);
} elseif (strpos($options, '/')) {
$options = explode('/', $options);
} else {
$options = [$options];
if (is_array($options)) {
$options = array_merge(
array_map('strtolower', $options),
array_map('strtoupper', $options),
while ($in === '' || !in_array($in, $options)) {
$in = $this->_getInput($prompt, $originalOptions, $default);
return $in;

* Prompts the user for input, and returns it.
* @param string $prompt Prompt text.
* @param string|array $options Array or string of options.
* @param string $default Default input value.
* @return string Either the default value, or the user-provided input.
protected function _getInput($prompt, $options, $default) {
if (!is_array($options)) {
$printOptions = '';
} else {
$printOptions = '(' . implode('/', $options) . ')';

if ($default === null) {
$this->_out->write('<question>' . $prompt . '</question>' . " $printOptions \n" . '> ', 0);
} else {
$this->_out->write('<question>' . $prompt . '</question>' . " $printOptions \n" . "[$default] > ", 0);
$result = $this->_in->read();

if ($result === false) {
return false;
$result = trim($result);

if ($default !== null && ($result === '' || $result === null)) {
return $default;
return $result;


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