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Community ExtensionLifecycle: IncubatingLicense

Zeebe Operate Helm Chart

This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.


  • Helm >= 3.x +
  • Kubernetes >= 1.8
  • Minimum cluster requirements include the following to run this chart with default settings. All of these settings are configurable.
    • Three Kubernetes nodes to respect the default "hard" affinity settings
    • 1GB of RAM for the JVM heap

Usage notes and getting started


  • Add the official zeebe helm charts repo

    helm repo add zeebe
  • Install it

    helm install zeebe-operate zeebe/zeebe-operate --set global.zeebe=<YOUR ZEEBE CLUSTER NAME>

    Example if you installed the zeebe-cluster-helm chart manually with the name: zb

    helm install zeebe-operate zeebe/zeebe-operate --set global.zeebe=zb-zeebe

    Note that you can find the Zeebe Cluster name by doing kubectl get services and copy the name of the Zeebe service, which will include the Helm Release name used to install the cluster.


Parameter Description Default
zeebe Zeebe Cluster to connect Operate to
logging Additional logging configuration {level: { ROOT: INFO, org.camunda.operate: DEBUG }}