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[net.cgrand/megaref "0.3.0"]


This library introduces two new reference types (associative refs and subrefs) which participate in STM transactions.

(See for the core principle.)

These new ref types allow to deal with the granularity problem even in an existing codebase without changing the shape of your code.

An associative ref (aka "megaref") is a ref designed to allow concurrent path-keyed updates. As a consequence, it can store bigger values than a ref.

A subref provides a scoped view on another associative ref. Its main use case is to replace regular refs in existing codebases to ease migration to megarefs.

Alongside those new ref types, this library introduces alter-in, commute-in, deref-in, ref-set-in and ensure-in which carry the same STM semantics as respectively alter, commute, deref, ref-set and ensure but at the path level rather than at the whole ref level. Thus they allow for more concurrency (eg (alter-in r path f ...) vs (alter r assoc-in path f ...)).

Two alter-ins on different paths (eg [:a :b :c] and [:a :b :d]) on the same ref won't conflict. However [:a :b] and [:a :b :c] will conflict; this check can be turned off by setting the option :check-prefixestofalse`. Obviously, you should only turn it off when you never update paths that are prefixes of each other.

The :guards-count option is the number of "stripes" used by the megaref, so higher values provide higher throughput (until it plateaues). The number to set depends on several factors: whether the app is very concurrent or not, the average number of paths modified by a transaction, the average path length and the value of the :check-prefixes value.

At runtime, options (including the validator fn and history settings) can be queried and set using an uniform interface: get-options and set-option!.

This library also provides drop in replacements for alter, commute, ref-set and ensure. These replacements work either on refs or on the new ref types.


(require '[net.cgrand.megaref :as mega])

(let [mr (mega/ref (vec (repeat 10 (vec (repeat 10 0)))))
      r (ref @mr)
      paths (take 100000 (repeatedly (fn []
                                            [(rand-int 10) (rand-int 10)])))
      patha (vec (take-nth 2 paths))
      pathb (vec (take-nth 2 (next paths)))
      (fn [r]
        (let [p (promise)
              a (future 
                  (doseq [path patha]
                      (dotimes [_ 1e5])
                      (mega/alter-in r path inc))))
              b (future 
                  (doseq [path pathb]
                      (dotimes [_ 1e5])
                      (mega/alter-in r path inc))))]
              (deliver p :go!)
  (println "With refs:")
  (bench r)
  (println "With megarefs:")
  (bench mr)
  (println "Are the results equal?"
    (= @mr @r)))


With refs:
"Elapsed time: 3864.564 msecs"
With megarefs:
"Elapsed time: 2170.374 msecs"
Are the results equal? true

Converting an existing code base to megarefs

The idea is to aggregate several refs in one megaref and to replace those refs by subrefs on the newly minted megaref (and to replace all calls to alter/commute/... by their homonymous replacements).

See and for the conversion of the original STM ants demo by Rich Hickey to megarefs.


Copyright © 2012-2013 Christophe Grand

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


STM ref types that allow for more concurrency on associative values.






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