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Installing CCDNForum KarmaBundle 1.2


  1. PagerFanta.
  2. PagerFantaBundle.
  3. lib-geshi.
  4. CCDNComponent CommonBundle.
  5. CCDNComponent BBCodeBundle.
  6. CCDNComponent CrumbTrailBundle.
  7. CCDNComponent DashboardBundle.
  8. CCDNForum ForumBundle.
  9. CCDNForum AdminBundle.


Installation takes only 9 steps:

  1. Download and install the dependencies.
  2. Register bundles with autoload.php.
  3. Register bundles with AppKernel.php.
  4. Run vendors install script.
  5. Update your app/config/routing.yml.
  6. Update your app/config/config.yml.
  7. Update your database schema.
  8. Symlink assets to your public web directory.
  9. Warmup the cache.

Step 1: Download and install the dependencies.

Append the following to end of your deps file (found in the root of your Symfony2 installation):


Step 2: Register bundles with autoload.php.

Add the following to the registerNamespaces array in the method by appending it to the end of the array.

// app/autoload.php
    'CCDNForum'        => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',	

Step 3: Register bundles with AppKernel.php.

In your AppKernel.php add the following bundles to the registerBundles method array:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
		new CCDNForum\KarmaBundle\CCDNForumKarmaBundle(),

Step 4: Run vendors install script.

From your projects root Symfony directory on the command line run:

$ php bin/vendors install

Step 5: Update your app/config/routing.yml.

In your app/config/routing.yml add:

    resource: "@CCDNForumKarmaBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix: /

Step 6: Update your app/config/config.yml.

In your app/config/config.yml add:

# for CCDNForum KarmaBundle
        profile_route: ccdn_user_profile_show_by_id 
        engine: twig


Set the appropriate layout templates you want under the sections 'layout_templates' and the route to a users profile if you are not using the CCDNUser\ProfileBundle. Otherwise use defaults.

Step 7: Update your database schema.

From your projects root Symfony directory on the command line run:

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql

Take the SQL that is output and update your database manually.


Please take care when updating your database, check the output SQL before applying it.

Step 8: Symlink assets to your public web directory.

From your projects root Symfony directory on the command line run:

$ php app/console assets:install --symlink web/

Step 9: Warmup the cache.

From your projects root Symfony directory on the command line run:

$ php app/console cache:warmup

Change the layout template you wish to use for each page by changing the configs under the labelled section 'layout_templates'.

Next Steps.

Installation should now be complete!

If you need further help/support, have suggestions or want to contribute please join the community at Code Consortium