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Ruby on Sails - Sailing the Waves of Google with Ruby!

(aka: Google Wave provider, implemented in Ruby, with a Ruby on Rails interface)


Ruby on Sails isn't really set up for sidespread setups (or even sending to a friend). You'll notice the rails/ folder, this is the rails app. This isn't supposed to be run by itself - in order for all the features to work, you'll have to use the RackUp file. The main provider file, xmpp_component.rb, requires a file from the rails site, so you'll have to update the paths if you move stuff around.


It's easiest to use Sails when you already have a XMPP server that Fedone can connect to. To set up Openfire, follow these directions.


Sails also [attempts to] sign deltas, so you'll need to create certs for it to use. It uses "#{domain}.cert" and "#{domain}.key" by default, which is what is given to you if you follow Google's instructions to create certs. (I have included their utility in the Sails repo.) The paths are setable in the YAML config.


You'll need a few gems to run Sails and the provided WebUI, so make sure that you have RubyGems (and ruby!) installed, and run sudo gem install authlogic rails sqlite3-ruby hpricot'. You may want to consult gem list --local` for a list of already-installed gems. The sqlite3-ruby gem probably will want you to install developement headers/packages for sqlite; on my Ubuntu machine, the dev package was called 'libsqlite3-dev'.


Finally, you'll have to config the XMPP component. Ruby on Sails will try reading sails.conf, a YAML file, for configuration settings. It has XMPP domain, host, port, password, and service name there, plus a few other worthless things (such as certificate paths).


Running the backend

Make sure that you have OpenFire (or some other XMPP server) configed and running. Run the XMPP component like so:

	rake provider:start

If it has some file reading error, then it can't find the certs (TODO: cleaner error message). If it said the server denied the component, ensure that you configged your XMPP server correctly (and if you've used FedOne, that it isn't running). If anything else happened, either it's good (it didn't crash) or it's bad (gist the output and file a bug report).

Running the WebUI

The Sails WebUI is built with Ruby on Rails. The Ruby on Sails name is also stolen from Rails' name. The live-update system is built in RackUp and has only been tested with 'thin'.

First things first, you need a DB to store user accounts (and eventually waves) in. cd to rails/ and run rake db:migrate. If anything other than success occurs, scroll down to the Contact Me section.

The easiest way to run the site in a dev environment is by running this from the main Sails folder (NOT rails/):

	rake thin:start

...which should start up a cute little HTTP server, ready for browsing on port 3000. Visit the site. You'll have to register an account - your DB is going to be a fresh creation, not a copy of the live one from my site. Once that's set up and running, DRb-error-free, play around in the webui for a bit :P

When you are done, you can stop the thin server with either rake thin:stop or simply thin stop.


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Send me a link to your branch (see the "Contact me" section)
  6. Enjoy a refreshing glass of water and wait

Contact me

I idle in #googlewave on FreeNode 24/7 and also on my private network at You can send me GitHub messages or email me at I also may read any waves sent to me (my username is ddanopia on the public preview, danopia on the sandbox).


Sailing the Waves of Google with Ruby






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