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An application that venture capital firms can use to better manage their portfolios.

Useful commands

Running the Database with MongoDB

The app will default to running through MongoLab, a cloud-based database service running on MongoDB. You may also run the app on a local database rather than through MongoLab.

Running the Database on MongoLab

  1. Make sure that the link to the MongoLab database at octogon/models/Company.js:12 is not commented out. It should look like this:
var MONGO_URI = process.env['OCTAGON_MONGO_URI']   ||    'mongodb://localhost/test';
  1. To manually change update the database, go to your Heroku dashboard for Octogon and under Add-ons, click MongoLab. Click on the collection that contains the document you wish to edit. Find that document within the collection and click the pencil-edit button to the right.
  2. When editing a document, be sure to conform to the standard JSON format.

Running the Database Locally

  1. Go to octogon/models/Company.js:12 and comment out the option to use the MongoLab database. It should look like this:
var MONGO_URI = /*process.env['OCTAGON_MONGO_URI']   || */   'mongodb://localhost/test';
  1. Here are links to installing and running MongoDB. If you have a Mac, follow these instructions. If you have a PC, follow these instructions. These directions are geared towards a Mac environment will try to include commands for Windows computers as well. The documentation on the MongoDB website is also very good.

Running the App

There are several ways to run the application:

$ node app.js or $ node app runs the application. Each time a .js file is changed, you will have to restart the app. To fix this issue, run supervisor.

$ supervisor app.js or $ supervisor app runs the application just as node app, but it also watches for changes and on a change restarts. To run this command, you'll have to first install supervisor by executing $ npm install supervisor.

Watch for SASS changes

Go to the root directory of the app and execute $ grunt watch.


$ grunt cssmin minifies your css file

$ grunt jslint highlights JSLint errors

$ mocha runs any tests


If you have any questions about how to run Octogon, email Devon Zuegel at


A tool for VCs to analyze & manage their portfolio companies






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