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To quote:

A worker pool is a very common pattern, and they exist in the standard libraries for many languages. The idea is simple: submit some sort of closure to a service which commits to running the closure in the future in some thread. Normally the work is shared out among many different threads and in the absence of anything fancier, one assumes a first-come-first-served queue of closures.

RabitMQ's codebase contains exactly such a worker pool. A description of RabbitMQ's worker pool can be found here:

Limitations of RabbitMQ's worker pool are as follows:

  • only one can be created within the running application
  • you have to supply the pool with the function you want to run each time you invoke it

This fork allows you to:

  • Run several worker pools (each independently named, if needed)
  • Make a worker pool execute a specified function every time it's invoked
    • If such a function requires initialization of certain parameters or somesuch, you can supply an init function that will be called once the worker pool has been started

Hence, there a new function, worker_pool_sup:start_link/1, that can accept the following optional parameters:

  • {name, Name}
    Name = atom()

    specify a new name for this worker_pool

  • {init, Init}
    Init = function(), arity: 1

    specify a function to be run at the time of worker pool's initialization. May return a result, which will be stored and passed onto main function (if any is specified)

  • {main, Main}
    Main = function(), arity: 1

    specify a function to be run when a worker is invoked with no arguments. The function will be passed he result of init function.

  • {worker_count, WCount} WCount = integer()

    specify number of workers to run. By defalt equals to the number of CPU cores

Example 1. Original-style invocation

Pid = case worker_pool_sup:start_link(erlang:system_info(schedulers)*8) of
          {ok, P} -> P;
          {error, {already_started, P2}} -> P2
Result = worker_pool:submit(fun() -> do_smth() end),
worker_pool:submit_async(fun() -> do_smth() end),
%% etc

Example 2. Starting several pools

Pid1 = case worker_pool_sup:start_link([{name, pool_1}]) of
          {ok, P1} -> P1;
          {error, {already_started, P2}} -> P2
Result = worker_pool:submit(Pid1, fun() -> do_smth() end),
worker_pool:submit_async(Pid1, fun() -> do_smth() end),

Pid3 = case worker_pool_sup:start_link([{name, pool_2}]) of
          {ok, P4} -> P4;
          {error, {already_started, P5}} -> P5
Result2 = worker_pool:submit(Pid3, fun() -> do_smth() end),
worker_pool:submit_async(Pid3, fun() -> do_smth() end),
%% etc

%% etc

Example 3. An init function

%% Note, Init will be passed all options specified in call to 
%% worker_pool_sup:start_link/1
Init = fun(Options) -> os:cmd(["echo \"", lists:flatten(Options), "\""]) end,
Pid = case worker_pool_sup:start_link([{init, Init}]) of
          {ok, P1} -> P1;
          {error, {already_started, P2}} -> P2
Result = worker_pool:submit(Pid, fun() -> do_smth() end),
worker_pool:submit_async(Pid, fun() -> do_smth() end),
%% etc

Example 4. A function associated with worker_pool

%% result of init function will be stored and passed onto main function
Init = fun(Options) -> do_smth_and_return_result() end,
Main = fun(Options) -> do_smth() end,
Pid = case worker_pool_sup:start_link([{init, Init}, {main, Main}]) of
          {ok, P1} -> P1;
          {error, {already_started, P2}} -> P2
%% no need to supply a function, since there's already
%% a function associated with this worker_pool
Result = worker_pool:submit(Pid),
%% etc


An extension of RabbitMQ's worker pool. Allows you to create multiple worker pools and associate functions with them






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