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Product Quiz Recommendations for Magento 2.x

Warning! This software is currently pre-1.0.0. Expect breaking changes until an official, tagged 1.0.0 release is available. Please see the Road to 1.0.0 project to see what is expected before a tagged release is available.

This module allows business-users to create product quiz recommendations within the Magento 2 admin dashboard.


This package is best installed via composer. To install using the recommended method, run the following:

composer require silentpost/module-product-quiz
bin/magento module:enable Silentpost_ProductQuiz
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile


This module is hosted on packagist. If you are using the default Magento metapackage, you will need to add the packagist repository to your store's composer.json:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""


Setting up a Product Quiz from scratch in the Magento 2 admin can be found on the Product Quiz project's wiki, found here.

Frontend development

Currently, this quiz has no frontend configuration available via the Magento admin. Because of this, additional development is required for the following:

  • Layout XML
  • Knockout Templates
  • CSS

Layout XML

Adding the quiz to the frontend will require changes to the desired layout.xml file. A sample layout.xml can be seen here:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
        <referenceContainer name="content">
            <block class="Silentpost\ProductQuiz\Block\Quiz" name="product-quiz" as="product-quiz" before="-" template="Silentpost_ProductQuiz::product-quiz.phtml" />

Knockout Templates

In the future other frameworks may be considered (e.g. AlpineJS using the Hyvä theme), but currently the frontend is completely driven by Knockout JS.

To customize Knockout templates, copy this package's view/frontend/web/template directory to the following directory, app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/<theme>/Silentpost_ProductQuiz:

# Path: app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/<theme>/Silentpost_ProductQuiz 

├── product-quiz
│   └── stage
│       ├── error.html
│       ├── intro.html
│       ├── quiz
│       │   ├── answer.html
│       │   └── question.html
│       └── quiz.html
└── product-quiz.html

3 directories, 6 files


The Product Quiz has no defined conventions around how it should look; stakeholders may wish to inline the quiz on a homepage, display the quiz as a modal overlay, or a combination of the two. With this in mind, styles for the product quiz is intentionally bare bones. For reference, there is a sample Less file of styling the Product Quiz on the project's Wiki, seen here.

Note: The Product Quiz departs from Magento 2's frontend CSS recommendations. Instead, the Product Quiz utilizes BEM for CSS conventions. For more information about BEM, see this link.

To make CSS additions to the frontend of the Product Quiz, add the following file to a new app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/<theme>/Silentpost_ProductQuiz directory:

# Path: app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/<theme>/Silentpost_ProductQuiz 

└── css
    └── source
        └── _module.less

2 directories, 1 file


Please see for details on the contributor code of conduct, as well as the process for submitting pull requests.


This project attempts to use Semantic Versioning as closely as possible. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Distributed under the MIT License. See for more information.


Magento 2 module for creating product quizzes based on product attributes.







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