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# Conflicts:
#	Dockerfile
#	composer.json
  • Loading branch information
Lukasz Serwatka committed Sep 22, 2017
2 parents d5ea654 + 0090dba commit e1132e4
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Showing 21 changed files with 593 additions and 34 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion .dockerignore
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
### IDE files

### Composer files

### GIT files
# Skipped as it makes build very slow and since it is needed by composer when working on dev branches
Expand All @@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ var/sessions/*

# Parameters (should be regenerated in contianer)
# Parameters (should be regenerated in container)

# Managed by Composer
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions .env
Expand Up @@ -16,14 +16,19 @@ MYSQL_IMAGE=healthcheck/mariadb

# App image name for use if you intend to push it to docker registry/hub.


# Install config, used by among others

# Behat / Selenium config
## web host refer to the tip of the setup, so varnish if that is used.

# Enable recommendations by setting valid id, key and uri
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ env:
# list of behat arguments to test
- TEST_CMD="bin/behat -vv --profile=rest --suite=fullJson --tags=~@broken" COMPOSE_FILE="doc/docker/base-prod.yml:doc/docker/varnish.yml:doc/docker/selenium.yml" WEB_HOST="varnish"
- TEST_CMD="bin/behat -vv --profile=rest --suite=fullJson --tags=~@broken" COMPOSE_FILE="doc/docker/base-dev.yml:doc/docker/varnish.yml:doc/docker/selenium.yml" WEB_HOST="varnish"
- TEST_CMD="bin/behat -vv --profile=rest --suite=fullXml --tags=~@broken"
- TEST_CMD="bin/behat -vv --profile=core --tags=~@broken"
- TEST_CMD="bin/phpunit -v vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/eZ/Bundle/EzPublishRestBundle/Tests/Functional"
Expand Down
39 changes: 26 additions & 13 deletions Dockerfile
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
FROM ezsystems/php:7.1-v1

# Build argument about keeping auth.json or not (by default on as prod images should'nt get updates via composer update)
FROM ezsystems/php:7.1-v1 as builder

# This is prod image (for dev use just mount your application as host volume into php image we extend here)
Expand All @@ -13,14 +10,30 @@ COPY . /var/www
RUN if [ -d .git ]; then echo "ERROR: .dockerignore folders detected, exiting" && exit 1; fi

# Install and prepare install
RUN mkdir -p web/var \
&& composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-progress --no-interaction --no-suggest --prefer-dist \
RUN mkdir -p web/var
# For now, only run composer in order to generate parameters.yml
RUN composer run-script post-install-cmd --no-interaction
RUN composer dump-autoload --optimize

# Next, remove everything we don't want to be copied to next build stage
# Clear cache again so env variables are taken into account on startup
&& rm -Rf app/logs/* app/cache/*/* \
RUN rm -Rf app/logs/* app/cache/*/*
# Looks like we need to keep web/bundles ( like web/bundles/ezstudioui/js/views/ezs-landingpageview.js ) or else
# urls like http://localhost:8080/_ezcombo?/bundles/ezstudioui/js/views/ezs-landingpageview.js&/tpl/handlebars/studiolandingpageconfigview-ez-template.js&/bundles/ezstudioui/js/views/ezs-landingpageconfigview.js&/tpl/handlebars/studiolayoutselectorview-ez-template.js&/bundles/ezstudioui/js/views/ezs-layoutselectorview.js&/tpl/handlebars/studiolandingpageconfigpopupformview-ez-template.js&/bundles/ezstudioui/js/views/forms/ezs-landingpageconfigpopupformview.js&/tpl/handlebars/landingpagecreatorview-ez-template.js&/bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/js/models/fb-formfield-model.js&/bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/js/lists/fb-formfields-modellist.js&/bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/js/models/fb-formpage-model.js&/bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/js/lists/fb-formpages-modellist.js&/bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/js/models/fb-form-model.js&/tpl/handlebars/fbbasetabview-ez-template.js&/bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/js/tabs/fb-base-tabview.js&/tpl/handlebars/fbpanelview-ez-template.js&/bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/js/panels/fb-panelview.js
# will not work when loading http://localhost:8080/ez
# The other directories (except web/var) can be removed as they will be located in the web (nginx) image
# web/var can be removed as will be mounted via vardir volume
RUN rm -rf web/css web/fonts web/js web/var

FROM ezsystems/php:7.1-v1

# This is prod image (for dev use just mount your application as host volume into php image we extend here)

COPY --from=builder /var/www /var/www

# Fix permissions for www-data
&& chown -R www-data:www-data app/cache app/logs web/var \
&& find app/cache app/logs web/var -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 775 \
&& find app/cache app/logs web/var -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 664 \
# Remove composer cache to avoid it taking space in image
&& rm -rf ~/.composer/*/* \
&& [ "$REMOVE_AUTH" = "1" ] && rm -f auth.json
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data app/cache app/logs \
&& find app/cache app/logs -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 775 \
&& find app/cache app/logs -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 664
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions doc/docker/Dockerfile-dbdump
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
FROM busybox

copy doc/docker/entrypoint/mysql/2_dump.sql /dbdump/ezp.sql

VOLUME ["/dbdump"]

CMD ["/bin/true"]

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions doc/docker/Dockerfile-distribution
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Note : if you set the environment variable COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME to a non-default value, you'll need to change the
# image name in here too
FROM docker_app as builder

RUN composer config extra.symfony-assets-install hard
RUN composer run-script post-install-cmd --no-interaction

FROM busybox

COPY --from=builder /var/www /var/www

WORKDIR /var/www

# Fix permissions for www-data
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data app/cache app/logs \
&& find app/cache app/logs -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 775 \
&& find app/cache app/logs -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 664

VOLUME ["/var/www"]
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions doc/docker/Dockerfile-vardir
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
FROM busybox

COPY ./web/var /var/www/web/var

WORKDIR /var/www

# Fix permissions for www-data
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data web/var \
&& find web/var -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 775 \
&& find web/var -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -R 664

VOLUME ["/var/www/web/var"]

CMD ["/bin/true"]
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions doc/docker/Dockerfile-varnish
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ENV VARNISH_MALLOC_SIZE="256M" \

# Use offical packages from Varnish and build with varnish-modules mainly for xkey
# Use official packages from Varnish and build with varnish-modules mainly for xkey
# see:
RUN set -xe \
&& buildDeps=" \
Expand All @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ RUN set -xe \
" \
# Update apt and get dependencies
&& apt-get update -q -y \
&& apt-get install -q -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates curl \
&& apt-get install -q -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates curl bc net-tools \
# Get offical Varnish package
# Get official Varnish package
&& curl -s ${PACKAGECLOUD_URL} | bash \
&& apt-get install -q -y --allow-unauthenticated --no-install-recommends varnish $buildDeps \
Expand All @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ RUN set -xe \

COPY doc/varnish/vcl/varnish4.vcl /etc/varnish/default.vcl
COPY doc/docker/entrypoint/varnish/parameters.vcl /etc/varnish/parameters.vcl
COPY doc/docker/entrypoint/varnish/ /

EXPOSE 80 6082

# CMD in shell form to be able to use env variables here
CMD varnishd -F -a :80 -T :6082 -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,${VARNISH_MALLOC_SIZE}
115 changes: 111 additions & 4 deletions doc/docker/
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ installed on your machine.
The current Docker Compose files are made to be mixed and matched together for QA/Support use cases. Currently available:
- base-prod.yml _(required, always needs to be first, contains: db, web and app container)_
- base-dev.yml _(alternative to `base-prod.yml`, same applies here if used)_
- create-dataset.yml _(optional, to be used together with base-prod.yml in order to set up db and vardir)_
- demo.yml _(optional, to be used together with base-prod.yml in order to set up db and vardir)_
- blackfire.yml _(optional, adds blackfire service and lets you trigger profiling against the setup)_
- redis.yml _(optional, adds redis service and appends config to app)_
- varnish.yml _(optional, adds varnish service and appends config to app)_
Expand All @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ The current Docker Compose files are made to be mixed and matched together for Q

These can be used with `-f` argument on docker-compose, like:
docker-compose -f doc/docker/base-prod.yml -f doc/docker/redis.yml up -d --force-recreate
docker-compose -f doc/docker/base-prod.yml -f doc/docker/create-dataset.yml -f doc/docker/demo.yml -f doc/docker/redis.yml up -d --force-recreate

However below environment variable `COMPOSE_FILE` is used instead since this is also what is used to have a default in
Expand All @@ -50,18 +52,27 @@ However below environment variable `COMPOSE_FILE` is used instead since this is

## Project setup

### Production / Demo "image" use
### Demo "image" use

Using this approach, everything will run in containers and volumes. This means that if you for instance upload a image
using the eZ Platform backend, that image will land in a volume, not somewhere below web/var/ in your project directory.

From root of your projects clone of this distribution, [setup composer auth.json](#composer) and execute the following:
export COMPOSE_FILE=doc/docker/base-prod.yml
export COMPOSE_FILE=doc/docker/base-prod.yml:doc/docker/create-dataset.yml:doc/docker/demo.yml

# Optional step if you'd like to use blackfire with the setup, change <id> and <token> with your own values
#export COMPOSE_FILE=doc/docker/base-prod.yml:doc/docker/blackfire.yml BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID=<id> BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN=<token>
#export COMPOSE_FILE=doc/docker/base-prod.yml:doc/docker/create-dataset.yml:doc/docker/demo.yml:doc/docker/blackfire.yml BLACKFIRE_SERVER_ID=<id> BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKEN=<token>

# First time: Install setup, and generate database dump:
docker-compose -f doc/docker/install.yml up --abort-on-container-exit

# Optionally, build dbdump and vardir images.
# The dbdump image is created based on doc/docker/entrypoint/mysql/2_dump.sql which is created by install.yml
# The vardir image is created based on the content of web/var
# If you don't build these image explicitly, they will automaticly be builded later when running `docker-compose up`
docker-compose build dataset-vardir dataset-dbdump

# Boot up full setup:
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
Expand All @@ -70,6 +81,8 @@ After some 5-10 seconds you should be able to browse the site on `localhost:8080

### Development "mount" use

Using this approach, your project directory will be bind mounted into the nginx and php containers. So if you change a
php file in for instance src/, that change will kick in automatically.

Warning: *Dev setup works a lot faster on Linux then on Windows/Mac where Docker uses virtual machines using shared folders
by default under the hood, which leads to much slower IO performance.*
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,6 +131,100 @@ docker-compose exec --user www-data app sh -c "php /scripts/wait_for_db.php; php
docker-compose exec --user www-data app app/console ezplatform:install clean

### Production use

#### Example: Building app with php image

In this example we'll build a app image which includes both php (php_fpm) and the eZ Platform application and run them
in a swarm cluster using docker stack.

- A running [swarm cluster]( ( a one-node cluster is sufficient for running this example )
- A running NFS server. How to configure a nfs server is distro dependent, but this [ubuntu guide]( might be of help
- A running [docker registry]( (Only required if your swarm cluster has more than one node)

In this example we assume your swarm manager is named `swarmmanager` and that this hostname resolves on all swarm hosts. We also assume that the nfs server and docker registry are running on `swarmmanager`.

All the commands below should be executed on your `swarmmanager`

# If not already done, install setup, and generate database dump :
docker-compose -f doc/docker/install.yml up --abort-on-container-exit

# Build docker_app and docker_web images ( php and nginx )
docker-compose -f doc/docker/base-prod.yml build --no-cache app web

# Build varnish image
docker-compose -f doc/docker/base-prod.yml -f doc/docker/varnish.yml build --no-cache varnish

# Create dataset images ( my-ez-app-dataset-dbdump and my-ez-app-dataset-vardir )
# The dataset images contains a dump of the database and a dump of the var/ files ( located in web/var )
docker-compose -f doc/docker/create-dataset.yml build --no-cache

# Tag the images
docker tag docker_dataset-dbdump swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/dataset-dbdump
docker tag docker_dataset-vardir swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/dataset-vardir
docker tag docker_web swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/web
docker tag docker_app swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/app
docker tag docker_varnish swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/varnish

# Upload the images to the registry ( only needed if your swarm cluster has more than one node)
docker push swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/dataset-dbdump
docker push swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/dataset-vardir
docker push swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/web
docker push swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/app
docker push swarmmanager:5000/my-ez-app/varnish

# In this example we run the database in a separate stack so that you may easily have multiple eZ Platform installations using the same database instance
docker stack deploy --compose-file doc/docker/db-stack.yml stack-db

# Now, wait a half a minute to ensure that the database is ready to accept incomming requests before continuing

# Now, load the database dump into the db and the var dir to the nfs server
docker-compose -f doc/docker/import-dataset.yml up

# Finally, create the eZ Platform stack
docker stack deploy --compose-file doc/docker/my-ez-app-stack.yml my-ez-app-stack

# Cleanup
# If you want to remove the stacks again:
docker stack rm my-ez-app-stack
sleep 15
docker stack rm stack-db
sleep 15
docker volume rm my-ez-app-stack_vardir
docker volume rm stack-db_mysql

#### Example: Separating app and php

In this alternative way of running eZ Platform, the eZ Platform code and PHP executables are separated in two different
images. The upside of this is that it gets easier to upgrade PHP ( or any other distro applications ) independently
of eZ Platform; simply just replace the PHP container with an updated one without having to rebuild the eZ Platform
image. The downside of this approach is that all eZ Platform code is copied to a volume so that it can be shared with
other containers. This means bigger disk space footprint and longer loading time of the containers.
It is also more complicated to make this approach work with docker stack so only a docker-compose example is provided.

Note that if you set the environment variable COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME to a non-default value, you'll need to change the image name in
doc/docker/Dockerfile-distribution accordingly.

export COMPOSE_FILE=doc/docker/base-prod.yml:doc/docker/create-dataset.yml:doc/docker/distribution.yml
# If not already done, install setup, and generate database dump :
docker-compose -f doc/docker/install.yml up --abort-on-container-exit

# Build docker_app and docker_web images ( php and nginx )
# The docker_app image (which contain both php and eZ Platform) will be used as base image when creating the image which
# only contains the eZ Platform files.
docker-compose -f doc/docker/base-prod.yml build --no-cache app

# Optional, only build the images, do not create containers
docker-compose build --no-cache distribution

# Build the "distribution" and dataset images, then start the containers
docker-compose up -d

## Further info

### <a name="composer"></a>Configuring Composer
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion doc/docker/base-dev.yml
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ services:
- backend

Expand All @@ -35,7 +38,6 @@ services:
- FASTCGI_PASS=app:9000
command: /bin/bash -c "cd /var/www && cp -a doc/nginx/ez_params.d /etc/nginx && bin/ --template-file=doc/nginx/vhost.template > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf && nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
- frontend
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions doc/docker/base-prod.yml
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ services:
context: ../../
dockerfile: ${APP_DOCKER_FILE}
image: ${APP_PROD_IMAGE}
- db
Expand All @@ -19,6 +18,9 @@ services:
- backend

Expand All @@ -35,7 +37,6 @@ services:
- FASTCGI_PASS=app:9000
- frontend
- backend
Expand All @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ services:
image: ${MYSQL_IMAGE}
# TODO: Get rid of by having some sort of migration command executed by app container at startup for inserting/updating data (if needed) instead of db dump, as for charset find another way of setting that.
- ${COMPOSE_DIR}/entrypoint/mysql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/:ro,cached
- dbdump:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/:ro
Expand All @@ -54,6 +55,10 @@ services:
- backend



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