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Hash Array Mapped Tries in MIT Scheme

Hash Array Mapped Tries (abbreviated as HAMTs) are a data-structure that
offer extremely fast persistent mappings for keys that map onto
fixnum's; this frequently means eq? style associations.  More details
can be found by consulting Philip Bagwell's paper on the data structure.

- procedure: make-hamt

    Creates and returns a newly allocated hash array mapped trie.  The
    trie contains no associations.  The resulting trie uses eq? to
    determine if keys are equal.

- procedure: hamt? object

    Returns #t if object is a hash array mapped trie, otherwise returns

- procedure: hamt/insert hamt key datum

    Returns a new trie containing all the associations in hamt as well
    as the association of datum with key.  If hamt already had an
    association for key, the new association overwrites the old.  The
    average time required by this operation is bounded by the logarithm
    of the number of associations in the trie.

- procedure: hamt/get hamt key default

    Returns the datum associated with key in hamt. If there is no
    association for key, default is returned. The average time required
    by this operation is bounded by the logarithm of the number of
    associations in the trie.

- procedure: hamt/delete hamt key

    Returns a new tree containing all the associations in hamt, except
    that if hamt contains an association for key, it is removed from the
    result. The average time required by this operation is proportional
    to the logarithm of the number of associations in the trie.

- procedure: hamt/lookup hamt key if-found if-not-found

    If-found must be a procedure of one argument, and if-not-found must
    be a procedure of no arguments.  If hamt contains an assocation for
    key, if-found is invoked on the datum of the assocation.  Otherwise,
    if-not-found is invoked with no arguments.  In either case, the
    result yielded by the invoked procedure is returned as the result of
    hamt/lookup (hamt/lookup reduces into the invoked procedure, i.e.
    calls it tail-recursively). The average time required by this
    operation is bounded by the logarithm of the number of associations
    in the trie.



Hash-array mapped trie in mit-scheme






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