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An autocomplete component for Om.

Clojars Project


  • Bootstrap (source) demonstrates basic usage of the built-in Twitter Bootstrap components. The suggestions recommended are just variants of the input text.

  • Movies (source) uses a remote webservice to fetch suggestions.

Component documentation

Use the component this way. If you use Leiningen, put this in project.clj:

[org.clojars.fterrier/om-autocomplete "0.1.0"]

To use the component with sensible defaults, use these parameters:

(ns arosequist.example
  (:require [ :as ac]))

(om/build ac/autocomplete {}
        {:suggestions-fn    (fn [value suggestions-ch cancel-ch] ...)
            ; A function that puts the suggestions on suggestions-ch. If asyncronous,
            the suggestion call should also listen to cancel-ch. The autocomplete
            component closes the cancel-ch whenever the call should be canceled.

         :result-ch         result-ch}})
            ; A channel where the autocomplete component puts the result
            once it is selected.

Here is a documentation of all possible options:

(ns arosequist.example
  (:require [ :as ac]))

(om/build ac/autocomplete {}
        {:suggestions-fn    (fn [value suggestions-ch cancel-ch] ...)
         :result-ch         result-ch

         :result-text-fn    (fn [item _] (:name item))
            ; (optional) A function that, given a suggested item,
            ; returns the text that will be displayed.

            {:input-focus-ch input-focus-ch
                ; (optional) Putting "true" into this channel will cause
                ; the autocomplete component to gain focus.
             :placeholder    input-placeholder
                ; (optional) A placeholder text for the input field.
             :id             input-id
                ; (optional) An id for the input field (in case you want to label it.)
             :class-name     input-class-name
                ; (optional) A class for the input element.
             :on-key-down    (fn [e value handler] ... (handler e))))}
                ; (optional) A handler that will be called whenever a key is pressed.
                ; You can chose whether you want to propagate it further to the default
                ; autocomplete handler or not.

            {:id         loading-id
                ; (optional) An id for the loading element
             :class-name loading-class-name}
                ; (optional) A class for the loading element

            {:id         container-id
                ; (optional) An id for the container element
             :class-name container-class-name}
                ; (optional) An class for the container element

        :results         results-view
                ; (optional) An Om component that will be used to render the results
                ; instead of the default one. Receives as :opts a map with keys:
                ; [class-name id loading-opts result-item-opts] corresponding to
                ; the options documented here. Also receives as state a map with the keys
                ; [ highlight-ch select-ch value loading?
                ;   focused? mouse-ch suggestions highlighted-index ]
                ; It is recommended to use this option only if you want to display something
                ; else than a dropdown for the suggestions, like in the Movies example.
            {:id         results-id
                ; (optional) An id for the results element
             :class-name results-class-name}
                ; (optional) An class for the results element

            {:id         result-item-id
                ; (optional) An id for the result item element
             :class-name result-item-class-name}}})
                ; (optional) An class for the result item element

Bootstrap wrapper

om-autocomplete contains some convenience functions for pages that are using Twitter Boostrap. They are located in the namespace.

If you want to add Boostrap specific classes to your component, wrap your options with add-bootstrap-m like this :

(ns arosequist.example
  (:require [ :as ac]
            [ :as acb]))

(om/build ac/autocomplete
       {:result-ch      result-ch
        :result-text-fn (fn [item _] (str item))
        :suggestions-fn suggestions}}))

Deploy documentation

git push origin --delete gh-pages
git subtree push --prefix examples/ origin gh-pages
git checkout gh-pages
lein cljsbuild once movies
lein cljsbuild once bootstrap
git add bootstrap/app.js movies/app.js
git commit -m 'added app.js'
git push origin gh-pages


An autocomplete component for Om






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