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Toggle Dropdown Options


A jQuery plugin that hides and shows <option> elements in a <select> dropdown element.


Sample HTML:

    <select id="colors">
      <option>Choose a color...</option>
      <option value="red">Red</option>
      <option value="green">Green</option>
      <option value="blue">Blue</option>


    // confirm that we have 4 options
    $('#colors option').length == 4; // true

    // hide the green one
    $('#colors option').length == 3; // true

    // show it again
    $('#colors option').length == 4; // true


There are three functions: hideOption(), showOption(), toggleOption()

    $('#mySelect').toggleOption(value, [show]);
  • value is a string - the text value of the option
  • show is a truthy boolean - if true, the option will be shown, if false, the option will be hidden. If not provided, the option will be toggled from what it is now.


It works in all browsers.

Use hideOption() when you want to hide an <option> from a <select> element.

Then use showOption() to show it again. The <option> will be re-inserted into the same location in the select as it was at before - the sort order of the options is maintained.

You can also use toggleOption() to make the option toggle - if it is showing, it will be hidden, and vice-versa.

You can see a working sample at jsFiddle: Toggle Dropdown Options Sample.

Technical Notes:

  • It does not matter if you call hideOption() when it is already hidden, or showOption() when it is already showing.

  • All the options should be present in the DOM before hideOption() or toggleOption() is first called. If you need to repopulate the select, call $('#select').data('optionsModified', null) to reset before hiding options again.

  • This can be used on a number of elements at the same time.

    $('#firstSelect, .MainSelects').hideOption('add');  // will remove all <option value="add">....</option> from the matched <select> elements.
  • If you have added jQuery data values to the option, they are not lost when hideOption() and showOption() are used.
    $('#pickYear option[value=2014]').data('holidays', 9);  // store a value into data

    $('#pickYear').toggleOption('2014');  // hide it
    $('#pickYear option[value=2014]').length == 0; // it's really gone!

    $('#pickYear').toggleOption('2014');  // show it
    $('#pickYear option[value=2014]').data('holidays') == 9;  // true - the value is still there
  • When hideOption() is called, detach() is used to remove the option from the DOM. It is later attached with after(), before(), or prepend() as needed.

Why is this Needed?

In some browsers, options can be hidden using CSS, as shown here, but that does not work in some browsers, like Internet Explorer!

    <select id="colors">
      <option>Choose a color...</option>
      <option value="red">Red</option>
      <option style="display:none" value="green">Green</option>
      <option value="blue">Blue</option>

Using this plug-in works everywhere and is very simple to use.


jQuery plugin that hides and shows <options> in a <select> element







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