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This repo would not be updated because this was a course tutorial, so if you want to see it running it is by your risk... Be concerned about it.

Nodepop v. 1.0.0

You can test this api throught the url

ADVERT Take care of the https and http connection or it will return an error.


This api is an exercise of the Keepcoding's Master Bootcamp II. The objective is to make a functional api to get info from a database that allow users to register and navigate throught the data.

Things you can do:

  • Register a new user.
  • Log In a current user to do the next actions.
  • Add mobile token to get push notifications.
  • Get announces in the database.
  • Filter announces in the database.
  • Add announces to the database

Things you can NOT do:

  • Remove users.
  • Remove announces.
  • Get a list of users.


Getting the app server

First you need a mongodb running in your system

$ git clone
$ npm install

After this you should configure the app. Generating certificates, modifying all necessary things in them. But because it is an exercise I provide them all.

Previous to running

You can install default data with the user and password 12345. You only have to make yourself sure you are running mongodb and has the configuration in the "config/server.secret.js" right.

Then you can install the default data with the command:

$ npm run installDB

To run the server in development mode with nodemon (you have to be installed this first) at the default ports 3000 (http) y 4443 (https) you can use

$ npm run dev

To run the server in production with ports 80 and 443 respectively for http and https you should run:

$ npm start


Due to time issues the unique documentation generated is this file and not html with testing incorporate with iodocs or apidoc in /doc/ dir as I expected to.



This is a node with expressjs and some npm modules project. This project is modified to make easier the task of developing.


The hierachy of the project folders and some files explained.

  • bin -> This folders has the binaries to exec the server and install the default Database to testing with 3 rows of announces, 1 user and 1 token.
  • config -> This folder has all configuration files and index.js to load all configuration as it was a module. In the index.js we load for example the private keys to add later to the https server. It process all necessary params to do any necessary stuff.
  • lib -> Own necessary modules to avoid repetitive code.
  • locales -> Translations strings
  • models -> Database models with mongoose. Each one are independent of the connection. They all require the connection to avoid add any not necessary connection to the database in spite this not has a lot of meaning with the pool connection I think is a good practice.
  • node_modules -> npm modules (not included in git repository, see #Installation).
  • public -> static files
  • routes -> This the folder of the controllers grouped by categories in folders that should be added using route.use to index.js. You should not add any route to app.js file
  • uploads -> Temporary upload dir. If we were running the server in production we must add a crontab to delete old possible undeleted files here.
  • views -> Views
  • app.js -> The engine of the application



Translated messages in the response

You can get the messages in english (default) or spanish setting the accept-language header to "es" or "en". You also get the same response with a get param lang with the value of language. If it can not find the language it will use english always as default.

Api responses

All success and error messages has the same data in the json returned object. Which is:

		code: String,
		status: Int,
		message: String,
		data: {}
  • code Is the string code as constant that describes the error and get the translated message.
  • status The http status code.
  • message String that describes the response.
  • data Object with more details in some errors with all texts in english. And with the returned data if success.

Must known errors


If you receive this error is because you are requesting some (for example a login) with the bad http method.

Api NOT_FOUND code

If you receive this error perhaps your request is erroneous.

Possible petitions with they params


  • /users

    • /register [POST]

      • email Should be a unique valid email address. It will be used to login later.
      • password A string of password to login later. It will be saved encrypted.
      Right petition sample
       Method: POST
       Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/users/register
           - Accept-language = en
       	- email =
       	- password = 12345
      Success message

      It will never return the passwords

       	"status": 201,
         	"message": "Created",
         	"code": "CREATED",
         	"data": {
          		"user": {
             		"_id": "56116692127b3494103815b1",
             		"email": ""
      Bad petition sample

      If we make a petition request with no params or one invalid the response will have as data the erroneous fields and the same code anyway.

      Error message for invalid params or erroneous
         "status": 422,
         "message": "Invalid param",
         "code": "INVALID_PARAM",
         "data": {
           "email": {
             "message": "The \"email\" is a required value."
           "password": {
             "message": "The \"password\" is a required value."
      Error message for duplicate email
         "status": 422,
         "message": "Invalid param",
         "code": "INVALID_PARAM",
         "data": {
           "email": {
             "message": "The email is already registered"
           "password": {
             "message": "The \"password\" is a required value."
+ **/login [POST]**
 	- **email** Should be a unique valid email address. It will be used to login later.
 	- **password** A string of password to login later. It will be saved encrypted.

	##### Right petition sample
	Method: POST
	Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/users/login?lang=en
		- email =
		- password = 12345
	##### Success message
	It will return the token for future petitions
	  "status": 200,
	  "message": "Login successful",
	  "code": "LOGIN_OK",
	  "data": {
	    "user": {
	      "_id": "56116692127b3494103815b1",
	      "email": "",
	      "password": "12345",
	      "__v": 0,
	      "_tokens": []
	    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NjExNjY5MjEyN2IzNDk0MTAzODE1YjEiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNhbXBsZTJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjEyMzQ1IiwiX192IjowLCJfdG9rZW5zIjpbXX0.3da3-qR0k9vrL_gJkgEtUBS9Hb9qClYHdleE4cH4slHxj5MNPcIwr3I-Y8TiEcTd"
 	**ADVERT!** `_tokens` inside the `data.user` object is not in relationship with `data.token`. The `data.token` is a valid token for make restricted petitions and `data.user._tokens` is for push notifications.
 	##### Bad petition sample
 	If we make a petition request with no params or one invalid the response will have as data the erroneous fields and the same code anyway.
 	##### Error message for invalid params or erroneous
	  "status": 422,
	  "message": "Invalid param",
	  "code": "INVALID_PARAM",
	  "data": {
	    "email": {
	      "message": "The \"email\" is a required value."
	    "password": {
	      "message": "The \"password\" is a required value."
    • /add_token [PUT]

      • platform Should be a valid platform (see /token_platforms after this).
      • pushtoken A string of password to login later. It will be saved encrypted.
      Right petition sample
       Method: PUT
       Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/users/add_token
           - Accept-language = en
           - x-access-token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NjExNjY5MjEyN2IzNDk0MTAzODE1YjEiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNhbXBsZTJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjEyMzQ1IiwiX192IjowLCJfdG9rZW5zIjpbXX0.3da3-qR0k9vrL_gJkgEtUBS9Hb9qClYHdleE4cH4slHxj5MNPcIwr3I-Y8TiEcTd
       	- platform = ios
       	- pushtoken = aaaaaaaaabbbcd
      Success message
         "status": 201,
         "message": "Created",
         "code": "CREATED",
         "data": {
           "user": {
             "_id": "56116692127b3494103815b1",
             "email": "",
             "__v": 2,
             "_tokens": [
                 "_id": "5611752f5f2a6b2411c028e6",
                 "platform": "ios",
                 "token": "aaaaaaaaabbbcd"
      Bad petition sample
      Error message for invalid params, erroneous or duplicated
         "status": 422,
         "message": "Invalid param",
         "code": "INVALID_PARAM",
         "data": {
           "token": "Already exists"
      Other error

      Other error could be NOT_MODIFIED with status error 304.

      • /token_platforms [ANY]
      • No params
      Right petition sample
       Method: GET
       Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/users/token_platforms
           - Accept-language = en
           - x-access-token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NjExNjY5MjEyN2IzNDk0MTAzODE1YjEiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNhbXBsZTJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjEyMzQ1IiwiX192IjowLCJfdG9rZW5zIjpbXX0.3da3-qR0k9vrL_gJkgEtUBS9Hb9qClYHdleE4cH4slHxj5MNPcIwr3I-Y8TiEcTd
      Success message
         "status": 200,
         "message": "Ok",
         "code": "OK",
         "data": {
           "platforms": [
      Bad petition sample

      The unique posible error with this is an INTERNAL or if you make a mistake with the url.


  • /announces

    • / [GET]

      All params are optionals

      • id If this param is setted it could return one row or NOT_CONTENT error code.

      Appreciate that if you provide id filter with correct or incorrect id all other params will be ignored.

      • tags A string of one tag that should be a possible value (see /field_tags later on).

      • type buy or sell.

      • price Accept ranges separated by "-" for example "10-50" (from 10 to 50 $). It also accepts only one "-50" which means the same as "50" that is from 0 to 50. You can also use "50-" which means from 50 to unlimited price or the amount of money that wants to pay (type = buy).

        ADVERT! It convert all numbers to integer so it is not possible to look for decimal amounts of money.

      • timestamp You must provide a valid string of number as JS/Mongo date and the api will provide you more recently than that timestamp announces (modified or added).

      • start From which row start to return data (used for pagination, for example in combination with limit).

      • limit Max number of rows, never more than 1000.

      • sort To get a sorted results. You must provide the field and + or nothing before to get in ascending order (default option). You can provide - before to get the list in descending order. By default is ordered by modified date field.

      • includeTotal By default is not included but with true string as value of this var you will get a total for sell (as data.totalSell object with the total amount of all sell articles) and buy (as data.totalBuy object with the total amount of all buy articles). Appreciate that if there are no result for buy or sell the total would not be included in spite of its 0.

      Right petition sample
       Method: GET
       Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/announces?includeTotal=true
           - Accept-language = en
           - x-access-token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NjExNjY5MjEyN2IzNDk0MTAzODE1YjEiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNhbXBsZTJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjEyMzQ1IiwiX192IjowLCJfdG9rZW5zIjpbXX0.3da3-qR0k9vrL_gJkgEtUBS9Hb9qClYHdleE4cH4slHxj5MNPcIwr3I-Y8TiEcTd
      Success message
         "status": 200,
         "message": "Ok",
         "code": "OK",
         "data": [
             "_id": "56104f445a948b3a05acc472",
             "title": "iPhone 4s",
             "type": "sell",
             "price": 60,
             "photo": "https://localhost:4443/images/products/iphone4s.jpg",
             "__v": 0,
             "modified": "2015-10-03T21:57:24.342Z",
             "tags": [
             "_id": "56104f445a948b3a05acc473",
             "title": "Ball",
             "type": "sell",
             "price": 8,
             "photo": "https://localhost:4443/images/products/ball.jpg",
             "__v": 0,
             "modified": "2015-10-03T21:57:24.344Z",
             "tags": [
             "_id": "56104f445a948b3a05acc474",
             "title": "Ferrari Car",
             "type": "buy",
             "price": 600000,
             "photo": "https://localhost:4443/images/products/ferrari.jpg",
             "__v": 0,
             "modified": "2015-10-03T21:57:24.345Z",
             "tags": [
             "totalSell": 68
             "totalBuy": 600000
      Bad petition sample results

      The error for this is NOT_CONTENT with status code 200.


  • /fields [ANY]

    • No params.
    Right petition sample
      Method: GET
      Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/announces/fields
      	- Accept-language = en
      	- x-access-token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NjExNjY5MjEyN2IzNDk0MTAzODE1YjEiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNhbXBsZTJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjEyMzQ1IiwiX192IjowLCJfdG9rZW5zIjpbXX0.3da3-qR0k9vrL_gJkgEtUBS9Hb9qClYHdleE4cH4slHxj5MNPcIwr3I-Y8TiEcTd
    Success message

    It will return the token for future petitions

        "status": 200,
        "message": "Ok",
        "code": "OK",
        "data": {
          "fields": [
    Bad petition sample

    If you do a bad petition for this maybe you are not logged in, a mistake in the url or internal error.


+ **/field_tags [ANY]**

- No params.

	##### Right petition sample
	Method: GET
	Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/announces/field_tags
		- Accept-language = en
		- x-access-token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NjExNjY5MjEyN2IzNDk0MTAzODE1YjEiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNhbXBsZTJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjEyMzQ1IiwiX192IjowLCJfdG9rZW5zIjpbXX0.3da3-qR0k9vrL_gJkgEtUBS9Hb9qClYHdleE4cH4slHxj5MNPcIwr3I-Y8TiEcTd
	##### Success message
	It will return the token for future petitions
	  "status": 200,
	  "message": "Ok",
	  "code": "OK",
	  "data": {
	    "enum": [
 	##### Bad petition sample
 	If you do a bad petition for this maybe you are not logged in, a mistake in the url or internal error.


+ **/add [POST]**
	All params are required. I tried to add the possibility to upload a file but I have failed. I do not why because I got it in a example (see [the example in github]( So now the unique way to add an announce is adding it with an url. And if you do this you could see that return valid urls for images.
 	- **title** A title for the announce.
 	- **tags** A string of tags separated by commas without spaces.
 	- **type** `buy` or `sell`.
 	- **price** The amount of money you want or offer for a product.
 	- **photo** You must provide a valid url string.

 	##### Right petition sample
	Method: POST
	Url: https://localhost:4443/apiv1/announces/add
	    - Accept-language = en
	    - x-access-token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NjExNjY5MjEyN2IzNDk0MTAzODE1YjEiLCJlbWFpbCI6InNhbXBsZTJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjEyMzQ1IiwiX192IjowLCJfdG9rZW5zIjpbXX0.3da3-qR0k9vrL_gJkgEtUBS9Hb9qClYHdleE4cH4slHxj5MNPcIwr3I-Y8TiEcTd
		- title = New Eggs Announce
		- type = sell
		- tags = lifestyle,work
		- price = 202
		- photo =
	##### Success message
	  "status": 201,
	  "message": "Created",
	  "code": "CREATED",
	  "data": {
	    "__v": 0,
	    "title": "Other announce of nothing",
	    "type": "sell",
	    "price": 99,
	    "photo": "",
	    "_id": "561199048cc6cdd8139f1222",
	    "modified": "2015-10-04T21:24:20.894Z",
	    "tags": [
 	##### Bad petition sample results
 	Somthing can happen and return an `INTERNAL` error or the most typical will be `INVALID_PARAM`


Is a exercise from Keepcoding Masterbootcamp II Node module.



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