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This is a software package written in C++ and Python for solving Bayesian inverse problems that occur in the gas industry, e.g., to identify friction coefficients in gas pipes. The flow of the gas in a pipe is modelled using a quasi-linear iso-thermal model, and the gas is subject to friction. The behavior of the gas is described by its pressure and momentum along the pipe.

The task is to obtain statistical properties of the friction coefficient based on finite noisy observation of the pressure drop at both ends of the gas pipe, and a prior knowledge on the friction coefficient. As an example, we assume that the friction coefficient is uniformly distributed in the interval [0.0,0.5] while the true value is 0.075, then the UQ package using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method and a discretization of the gas model, obtain a posterior distribution for the friction coefficient. In the following Figure we observe that the posterior distribution is clustered around the true friction coefficient, i.e., 0.075.

Histogram of the friction coefficient

For more information see References.

Download and installation

Downloading the package

requirements: make, g++, python2.7 and pip

Download the package either through git,

git clone

or download it directly from GitHub and decompress it. Go into the package directory. You should see the following folder structure:

|-- makefile
|-- requirements.txt
|-- build
|-- build_cpp
|-- examples
|-- notebooks
|-- lib
|-- results
|-- src
\-- UQuant

Quick Installation on Mac OS

In order to compile and install the package execute the following commands (make sure you have the right permissions):

make lib/CWrapper.dylib   
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

The first command generates a shared library and save a file called CWrapper.dylib in lib/ directory and in UQuant/lib/ directory. The second and third commands installs python packages in UQuant folder and the shared library.

If you didn't receive any error, you should be able to import the libraries in the python. For instance the following code should produce an output describing the pipe:

from UQuant.SemilinearSystem import SemiLinSystem
from UQuant.mcmc             import MCMC

c_sound, t_final, x_l, x_r, dx, boundary_eps = [1.0, 5.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.005, 0.05]
expan_coef = 1
true_friction = [0.075]

# build the pipe
pipe_true = SemiLinSystem(c_sound, t_final, x_l, x_r, dx, expan_coef, boundary_eps)
# get the info of the pipe
# compute the solution of the semilinear system with the prescribed friction coefficients 
# get the pressure drop
y_obs = pipe_true.get_presure_drop(time_instance=time_ins, inplace=False)

Quick Installation on Linux

In order to compile and install the package execute the following commands (make sure you have the right permissions):

make lib/
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

The first command generates a shared library and save a file called in lib/ directory and in UQuant/lib/ directory. The second and third commands installs python packages in UQuant folder and the shared library.

If you didn't receive any error, you should be able to import the libraries in the python. For instance the following code should produce an output describing the pipe:

from UQuant.SemilinearSystem import SemiLinSystem
from UQuant.mcmc             import MCMC

c_sound, t_final, x_l, x_r, dx, boundary_eps = [1.0, 5.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.005, 0.05]
expan_coef = 1
true_friction = [0.075]

# build the pipe
pipe_true = SemiLinSystem(c_sound, t_final, x_l, x_r, dx, expan_coef, boundary_eps)
# get the info of the pipe
# compute the solution of the semilinear system with the prescribed friction coefficients 
# get the pressure drop
y_obs = pipe_true.get_presure_drop(time_instance=time_ins, inplace=False)


If everything goes well you should be able to test the package. First go to the root directory of the package, e.g., UQ and then execute the following command

python examples/

The output in the console looks like

Address of the pipe in the memory from cpp: 0x1328660
Address of the pipe in the memory from python:  0x1328660
========================================== info ==
Omega _____________________________(0,1)
Length of the domain ______________1
Dt ________________________________0.005
Dx ________________________________0.005
Number of cells ___________________200
Current time ______________________0
Final time ________________________5
Epsilon for the boundary __________0.05
N_epsilon _________________________10
Size of friction coef. vec. _______7
>> Computation Done

and also you should be able to see the following figure which shows continuous dependence of the pressure drop at both ends of the pipe with respect to the friction coefficient.

Pressure drop

In the second test we will run the Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for the case where the friction coefficient is a scalar number:

python examples/

The output is saved in results/friction_scalar.png:

Histogram of the friction coefficient

In this example, the true friction coefficient is 0.075 and we provide a prior density function with uniform distribution in the interval [0.0, 0.5]. The initial sample is located at 0.45 (far from the true value). Observe that the posterior distribution captures the truth and samples are clustered around 0.075.

We can also perform an experiment when the friction coefficient is a function. The script is called and is located in examples folder. In order to test, execute

python examples/

In the following figure we can see the true friction coefficient as a function of spatial coordinates and the sequence of samples obtained from MCMC.

Samples from MCMC

Preconditioned Crank Nicolson (pCN)

In addition to MCMC, a dimension robust algorithm called pCN is also implemented. For a test case please see examples/ or the jupyter notebook notebooks/pcn.ipynb.


The UQ package is developed by S. Hajian, N. Strogies and M. Hintermüller. The UQ package is supported financially by the German Research Foundation DFG through the SFB-TRR 154 and funds from the Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin through C-SE5 and D-OT1. The aforementioned package (including code modifications) may only be used for NON-COMMERCIAL RESEARCH purposes. For inquiries concerning a different use, please contact the authors. See the license.


  1. S. Hajian, M. Hintermüller, C. Schillings and N. Strogies, A Bayesian approach for parameter identification in gas networks, PDF.


UQ is an uncertainty quantification package written in C++ and Python for identifying friction coefficient in gas pipes.








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