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Content File: content.rst

Hasan Karahan edited this page Jun 19, 2013 · 1 revision

content.rst is the main file for your content. It may contain directly the main text or include other texts.

Single file

If a text should be short or of medium length, then having just one simple content.rst may be enough. E.g. the start of it could look like:

|NoTex| Quickstart

|NoTex| is about separating **content** from **presentation**: It is an *editor* that allows you to
concentrate on writing your manuscript first and to care about presentation later. During the process of
formulating your thoughts, you do not want to get distracted about how things will end up looking on paper
or screen. That's something you want to deal later with, *after* you have written your manuscript!

Once you've entered some significant amount of text, you can transform your input into a nice looking PDF
or HTML. ...

Multiple files

If the text is long or it has a complex structure for various reasons, then content.rst can serve as a collector bundling all the other files of a report together in one place, e.g.:

Mass–energy equivalence

.. include:: math.txt

.. include:: chapter-00.txt
.. include:: chapter-01.txt
.. include:: chapter-02.txt
.. include:: chapter-03.txt
.. include:: chapter-04.txt
.. include:: chapter-05.txt
.. include:: chapter-06.txt
.. include:: chapter-07.txt
.. include:: chapter-08.txt

.. include:: footnotes.txt