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A back-end capstone project from Landon Morgan for Nashville Software School Web Development Cohort 38

Click here to watch the video demonstration

SONGWRYTR Compositions Macbook Air


A user can create an account, log-in, and enter data for Writers, Publishing Companies, and Compositions. User-specific data can be created, read, updated, and deleted. Users are able to search compositions based on titles, lyrics, and notes entered.

SONGWRYTR Dashboard iPhone

The first time a user logs in, their dashboard is empty, but for users with data entered, the dashboard will display the most recent 5 recordings recorded and most recent 5 compositions written. The dashboard can be accessed by clicking the SONGWRYTR logo in the top left corner, if navigating other parts of the app.

Inside a composition, a user can attach or remove Writers and Publishing Companies, designating a percentage split based on their writing arrangement, as well as CRUD functionality for information tied to a recording of that composition, including link to recording audio, artwork. Info can be entered for all recordings on a specific composition, as a way to track recorded versions of a song.

I built SONGWRYTR in a way that limits writer splits to 100%, and publishing splits to 100%, for a total of 200%. Performance Rights Organizations, like BMI and ASCAP will manage split information differently, but the logic is effectively the same and I followed something closer resembling BMI’s method in creating my app.

To create ‘SONGWRYTR’ I used the front end languages: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Those power a lot of what you’re seeing, along with Bootstrap for styling. Behind the scenes, I used Python with Django framework as my backend languages. Additional technologies I used were git, GitHub, TablePlus and SQLite3 to manage my SQL database, and VSCode as my code editor.

Brief Proposal

Songwriters create intellectual property in the form of songs. This app will solve the problem of tracking information associated with creating this IP, including co-writer(s), percentage split(s), publisher(s), performance rights organization(s), and licensing contact information, specific to each user (songwriter).

Project Definition

  • FULL STACK application written in PYTHON using DJANGO framework
  • Ability to create, read, update, and delete user-specific data


Steps to get started:

  1. git clone
  2. cd into directory created and cd into songwrytrapp directory where the file is; set up your virtual environment:

Mac users, run the following:

python -m venv songwrytrenv
source ./songwrytrenv/bin/activate
pip install django
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Windows users, run the following:

python -m venv songwrytrenv
source ./songwrytrenv/Scripts/activate
pip install django
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Note the separate formats for the source command between Windows and Mac users. You will use this command each time you activate your virtual environment for this project.

  1. Run a database migration using the migrate command, below, to create a set of tables that Django maintains for user management.
python makemigrations songwrytrapp
python migrate
  1. Load Performance Rights Organization fixtures by using command, python loaddata PROs
  2. Start application using command, python runserver
  3. Navigate browser to http://localhost:8000

Entity Relationship Diagram



Back-end capstone project for Nashville Software School Web Development Cohort 38






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