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AngularJS autocomplete form input directive

Uses ng-filter to create an input with a dropdown list of autocomplete suggestions (similar to a select but more free-form - you don't have to choose a value that's listed; you can still create your own)




See bower.json and index.html in the gh-pages branch for a full list / more details


  1. download the files
    1. Bower
      1. add "angular-autocomplete": "latest" to your bower.json file then run bower install OR run bower install angular-autocomplete
  2. include the files in your app
    1. autocomplete.min.js
    2. autocomplete.less OR autocomplete.min.css OR autocomplete.css
  3. include the module in angular (i.e. in app.js) - jackrabbitsgroup.angular-autocomplete

See the gh-pages branch, files bower.json and index.html for a full example.


See the autocomplete.js file top comments for usage examples and documentation


  1. git checkout gh-pages
    1. run npm install && bower install
    2. write your code then run grunt
    3. git commit your changes
  2. copy over core files (.js and .css/.less for directives) to master branch
    1. git checkout master
    2. git checkout gh-pages <%= moduleNamePart%>.js <%= moduleNamePart%>.min.js <%= moduleNamePart%>.less <%= moduleNamePart%>.css <%= moduleNamePart%>.min.css
  3. update README, CHANGELOG, bower.json, and do any other final polishing to prepare for publishing
    1. git commit changes
    2. git tag with the version number, i.e. git tag v1.0.0
  4. create github repo and push
    1. [if remote does not already exist or is incorrect] git remote add origin [github url]
    2. git push origin master --tags (want to push master branch first so it is the default on github)
    3. git checkout gh-pages
    4. git push origin gh-pages
  5. (optional) register bower component